So, there are none anywhere in the world according to repairers and mh dealers in the uK.
Adams Morey have a back order for 5 (I'm number 5), Travelworld where I bought the MH have a back order of 30 or 40 dating back to end of last year, Lowdhams havent any either and no-one seems to be able to get one.
Fiat Italy are forwarding my enquiry to their international parts expeditor (not holding my breath).
My problem is that while "it is safe to drive" even though the engine light is on and the start/stop isnt working, what happens if:
1. The particulate matters become a problem but because the sensor isnt working, I won;t know about it
2. There's another different engine fault and because the EMS light is already on, I think it s still the PMS problem and won't know until the engine blows up/siezes creating an expensive repair that I might be liable for because I may have breached the warranty in some way
Adams Morey have a back order for 5 (I'm number 5), Travelworld where I bought the MH have a back order of 30 or 40 dating back to end of last year, Lowdhams havent any either and no-one seems to be able to get one.
Fiat Italy are forwarding my enquiry to their international parts expeditor (not holding my breath).
My problem is that while "it is safe to drive" even though the engine light is on and the start/stop isnt working, what happens if:
1. The particulate matters become a problem but because the sensor isnt working, I won;t know about it
2. There's another different engine fault and because the EMS light is already on, I think it s still the PMS problem and won't know until the engine blows up/siezes creating an expensive repair that I might be liable for because I may have breached the warranty in some way