Even more extra charges by Campsite

Park on their drive and it's free!

Just out of interest how do you know that they won't need to use the loo? I'm not sure about the next 15 minutes let alone the next week!
Their drive won't take our van.
I know they're not incontinent :LOL: but we're not too precious not to allow them to use ours in the van if necessary.

Having said that, I understand all your points Eddie - I've worked in the tourist industry so I know what it's like and I think a campsite wardens job is not an easy one.
There are many pricing models of course and we know what that is as we book so no problem. Pretty much you get what you pay for. We’ve been to Eddies (with our ratty little dog too) and both site and wardens were very good. As to visitor fees, there is no way of estimating their impact on the facilities and therefore costs, other than to say that, on average, visitors will have some impact on costs. That could be warden time, security and fire arrangements, use of bins and bottles removal, dog poop etc. Even the lifetime costs of car park and barrier maintenance are impacted by numbers over time. So reasonable charges are appropriate in my view. (Speaking as someone who will have to let them in, ensure their safety, clean up their rubbish and do extra toilet cleaning and collect dog poo etc etc)
I shall be popping into Taunton later, and will park my car, which will cost me £2 for the first hour, up to a maximum of £5 for five hours.

Whilst I am in town I may need the loo, smelly nasty dirty things they are, 50p a pop

3 miles away I own a campsite, nice rural setting, we charge £22 for 24 hours for two people, a Motorhome, an ‘A’ framed car if brought, electric, free WiFi, gravelled hard standing, numerous grey and black disposal points and beautifully clean, heated toilet and shower facilities which are regularly checked by the site wardens.

In the event of an emergency, a fire for example we are expected under our site licence to know exactly who is staying on site including day visitors, which is why we insist we are notified, shouting out to Stevie Boy the Warden, as he rumbles by with his headphones on driving his tractor won’t work. So he’ll stop and walk over with you to the office to make a note

”We have friends who live near here“
”Oooo there’s lovely (Stevie Boy is Welsh you see) “Picking you up and taking you to ‘theirs’ for dinner are they” “You’ll be able to have a natter and a cwytch“

”No, there coming here”
“Fair Doo’s there is a charge”
”charge? A CHARGE? How dare you, rip off Britain, this is why we go to France, your robbing bastards, I’ll leave, I’ll ruin you on Social Media, why should I pay you more than the £22 I already paid for a Four Gold Pennant, Award winning site?

”Where are they going to park?”
“In your car park for a few hours”

”Where are they going to pee and poo “
“In your fully tiled, centrally heated toilet block that you or your wife check constantly“

”If they get pissed and taxi it home, where will they leave their car overnight? ( I know, I know NO one’s friends would ever do that, but I live in the real world, not the fluffy imaginary one that resides in lots of peoples heads. Mates you’ve not seen for ages, added to a Sunny afternoon BBQ, Beer & Wine, are a recipe for a taxi booking)
”In your car park”

“If your mates piss off my guests, walking through pitches (as they know no different) or make a mess in the loo’s, Who will deal with it?
”Well you will, your the Warden”

“Yes, your right, I am so here is what we will do:-

I’ll put their names in the visitor book (legal)
I’ll add their vehicle into our system so they can get into the site (Essential) (We have an ANPR Barrier in place for security)
When they arrive, I’ll show them where to park, and I‘ll wander over with them.

You’ll explain about not crossing other peoples pitches and you’ll pay me £2 a head for the inconvenience the parking and the use of the facilities, on the basis I don’t hear any more moaning or bleating, cos if I do, you’ll be parking on your friends drive tonight!

But why wouldn‘t you do that anyway🤷
I was robbed.... we paid £25 a night , not £22............

Just joking, the site was great, as was the service having our alarm fitted. I wouldn't hesitate to use the site again.....
Well after all that, had a quiet word with the lovely lady at campsite reception and ....... . No charge. I think she could see we were not party animals - should I feel insulted 😁

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I will not stay at a site that charges for DAY visitors...

Don`t mind reluctantly to paying for the dog, and WONT pay extra for awning or the like..

Unless any extra does not fit on the pitch I have rented..
having to pay extra for two dogs is worse imho. They dont use any facilities or get anything provided. I'm already paying for 2 adults as its included, but theres only me in the van. Unfair charging for dogs (unless they want to come and pick their poo up for me for the fee?)

Sometimes I'll just state I have one dog on the booking to save money now, complete rip off. I tend to avoid any site that charges for dogs (and let them know why I'm booking elsewhere), but some times theres not much option.
Park on their drive and it's free!

Just out of interest how do you know that they won't need to use the loo? I'm not sure about the next 15 minutes let alone the next week!

If your paying £70 for two nights it's too expensive any way unless the site has amazing facilities

Lots of sites, have a "basic" pitch fee, and its laid out clearly what is included and then "tweak" that price to suit, but as a site owner I promise you I have heard every argument for and against! I'll give you an example

I am a dog lover, all dogs (so long as it stands above my knee when its on four legs;) ) So when we opened the site we didn't charge for dogs which I knew is a bone (See what I did there?) of contention with many dog owners. That made us a target for the nutters that have six dogs (often in a Romahome :eek:) noise, shit and shouting!

Either side of the tall, gangly, ethereal, otherworldly creature with Six dogs (think that there were Six the snappy little rat type things never kept still long enough to count them) the people who were paying the same, wanted to know why the cost was the same as "We don't have a dog, let along six bloody dogs" so expected their site fee adjusted accordingly, same with tents, same with trailers arguments for and against

So we charge currently £22 a night, if you bring a dog, we add a bit, if you bring extra people we add a bit, want to put a tent up we add a bit but by starting with a low, fair, flat rate the site is always the "right" level of busy, and everyone is happy.
the simple answer to the "we dont have a dog" (and therefore want a discount) was surely, well they dont use the toilets, showers and electric do they? Tell them to get a dog if it bothers them that much and think theyre missing out lol!

I dont bring kids, or a wife.. I dont get a discount either. Simples.
Heading through Germany we booked a hard standing with electricity on a site this cost more than a pltch without electricity so when I hooked up nothing then I was told I had to pay for the electricity as well.
Really?! Are you familiar with how Germany/Germans operate? having worked with many Germans they follow the book, they have rules for everything, a colleague once got a parking ticket because he had parked his car facing the wrong way on a road, yes really.
You have occupied a pitch with hookup, and thereby denied someone else the opportunity to use the pitch, if you weren’t going to use EHU ask to move to a pitch without it.
You can consider the whole of Germany as a large CCC site, if you don’t like rules and following them this isn’t somewhere you should stay!
Noticed that the Autobahns are quiet on a Sunday and Bank Holidays, well that’s because HGVs are banned.

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Really?! Are you familiar with how Germany/Germans operate? having worked with many Germans they follow the book, they have rules for everything, a colleague once got a parking ticket because he had parked his car facing the wrong way on a road, yes really.
You have occupied a pitch with hookup, and thereby denied someone else the opportunity to use the pitch, if you weren’t going to use EHU ask to move to a pitch without it.
You can consider the whole of Germany as a large CCC site, if you don’t like rules and following them this isn’t somewhere you should stay!
Noticed that the Autobahns are quiet on a Sunday and Bank Holidays, well that’s because HGVs are banned.
If our visit to the Moselle is anything to go by there is no need to use campsites in Germany. Plenty of good Stellplatz (their equivalent of Aires), many with EHUs usually based on a coin meter to pay for what you use or a fixed sum for the use. Very few rules as far as we could see, other than just enjoy yourselves.
My brother now lives in Germany with his German wife, I have heard the Stellplatz are very good and Germany is on our list when we get our MH.
Top tip Do Not sit in the outside lane of an Autobahn, it is considered the overtaking lane, if you do you will find someon flashing their lights and waving their arms, even if you are doing 100mph, someone doing 155mph appears very quickly, oh and Germans Do Not understand queuing of bar etiquette, probably because you normally sit at a table and they bring you drinks to you and you pay at the end. Amazing
Anyone come across this one before? ........................... We're booked into a campsite near our friends for 2 nights so that they can come to visit us at the campsite for a couple of hours on Friday night. Current cost for 2 nights is £55, so not cheap. Just read the Ts & Cs about visitors and they specify that for day visitors, who must leave by 17:00, it's £3.50 person, and if they stay after this time we will be charged as if they're staying overnight and it will be £3.75 per person. What's the general consensus on this - do you think it's fair/reasonable?
Anyone come across this one before? ........................... We're booked into a campsite near our friends for 2 nights so that they can come to visit us at the campsite for a couple of hours on Friday night. Current cost for 2 nights is £55, so not cheap. Just read the Ts & Cs about visitors and they specify that for day visitors, who must leave by 17:00, it's £3.50 person, and if they stay after this time we will be charged as if they're staying overnight and it will be £3.75 per person. What's the general consensus on this - do you think it's fair/reasonable?
I think it is totally unreasonable, just have visitors sign in and out. One site even charged for our Grandchildren for 4hrs such a shame.

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Most campsites just say awning so how do you define an awning?
I have a wind out and a Rally air pro that attaches to the wind out.
In my experience the kind of awning you pay extra for is an enclosed awning, rather than a roll out canopy like a Fiamma F45. (Though I guess you can turn the latter into the former if you have a privacy room setup!)
I think it is totally unreasonable, just have visitors sign in and out. One site even charged for our Grandchildren for 4hrs such a shame.

The lucky thing for you is that the site will say what it does in its Ts and Cs. What you can then do is, choose to not use that site.

I am with Eddie VanBitz and Jim on this. Running a campsite is not a charity. It's a business. When we go to a UK site, we pay about 25-35 quid for a night, which covers the four of us and our mh. If there were five of us or six, I'd expect to pay a bit more. What's the difference between that and visitors? I wouldn't go to a naturist site as I would feel awks showing my naked cubic acreage off to all and sundry. So I would choose to go somewhere else. I can't go to Jim's site because he reserves it for adults only, and we never go anywhere without our boys. It is his site, his rules, so my choice would be to take my boys to a different site ... if only there was a club site nearby ... ;) ;)

It is in their rules. And everyone's rules should be available for a prospective customer to read.

Having said all that, I do a helluva lot of research when planning a trip and I can't remember checking out any campsite that didn't charge for visitors. So maybe there is no choice, and you can ignore the above ::bigsmile:
I wouldn't go to a naturist site as I would feel awks showing my naked cubic acreage off to all and sundry. ::bigsmile:
and, probably, like me you'd get turfed off the site for putting everybody else in the shade.:RollEyes:

Physically not figuratively!:rofl:
Anyone come across this one before? ........................... We're booked into a campsite near our friends for 2 nights so that they can come to visit us at the campsite for a couple of hours on Friday night. Current cost for 2 nights is £55, so not cheap. Just read the Ts & Cs about visitors and they specify that for day visitors, who must leave by 17:00, it's £3.50 person, and if they stay after this time we will be charged as if they're staying overnight and it will be £3.75 per person. What's the general consensus on this - do you think it's fair/reasonable?
I have come across this at Morris leisure sites.I find if you speak to them at reception & explain it’s for a cupa they don’t mind.Or get them to park up somewhere near & walk to your van.They wouldn’t know then.If they approach you say sorry I didn’t realise 😆

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I truly believe it’s down to manners.

Act as your a guest, a welcome guest, treating everything and everyone with respect works every time.

“Hello Allison (Stevie Boy’s wife 😉) Our friends want to pop in and see us for a couple of hours for a cup of tea and a catch up, is that OK?” Is the best way to get it sorted, know where Allison wants them to park, and for Allison to drop the line in “There should be a charge, but we’re not manically busy and if it’s just a couple of hours for a cup of tea, that will be OK”

Everyone is happy knowing what’s what

It’s when people act like they own the place that trouble starts “why should I do this?” “why should I do that” not realising that our wardens rarely speak to people about issues, unless there have been complaints from other guests

The problem when you act like you “own” the place because you’ve paid £22 Is the people that do ‘own the place’ aren’t that short of £22 to argue about “your interpretation of the rules”

I did it, Jim did it, buy your own campsite and set out the rules and charges that you think fair👍🏻
I think if they could charge you for the air you breathe they would
We'd only charge you a tenner Tam, and sort you out with a fresh egg brekky :D
Ill bare that in mind £10 a night woth breakfast ill be there 👍

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I shall be popping into Taunton later, and will park my car, which will cost me £2 for the first hour, up to a maximum of £5 for five hours.

Whilst I am in town I may need the loo, smelly nasty dirty things they are, 50p a pop

3 miles away I own a campsite, nice rural setting, we charge £22 for 24 hours for two people, a Motorhome, an ‘A’ framed car if brought, electric, free WiFi, gravelled hard standing, numerous grey and black disposal points and beautifully clean, heated toilet and shower facilities which are regularly checked by the site wardens.

In the event of an emergency, a fire for example we are expected under our site licence to know exactly who is staying on site including day visitors, which is why we insist we are notified, shouting out to Stevie Boy the Warden, as he rumbles by with his headphones on driving his tractor won’t work. So he’ll stop and walk over with you to the office to make a note

”We have friends who live near here“
”Oooo there’s lovely (Stevie Boy is Welsh you see) “Picking you up and taking you to ‘theirs’ for dinner are they” “You’ll be able to have a natter and a cwytch“

”No, there coming here”
“Fair Doo’s there is a charge”
”charge? A CHARGE? How dare you, rip off Britain, this is why we go to France, your robbing bastards, I’ll leave, I’ll ruin you on Social Media, why should I pay you more than the £22 I already paid for a Four Gold Pennant, Award winning site?

”Where are they going to park?”
“In your car park for a few hours”

”Where are they going to pee and poo “
“In your fully tiled, centrally heated toilet block that you or your wife check constantly“

”If they get pissed and taxi it home, where will they leave their car overnight? ( I know, I know NO one’s friends would ever do that, but I live in the real world, not the fluffy imaginary one that resides in lots of peoples heads. Mates you’ve not seen for ages, added to a Sunny afternoon BBQ, Beer & Wine, are a recipe for a taxi booking)
”In your car park”

“If your mates piss off my guests, walking through pitches (as they know no different) or make a mess in the loo’s, Who will deal with it?
”Well you will, your the Warden”

“Yes, your right, I am so here is what we will do:-

I’ll put their names in the visitor book (legal)
I’ll add their vehicle into our system so they can get into the site (Essential) (We have an ANPR Barrier in place for security)
When they arrive, I’ll show them where to park, and I‘ll wander over with them.

You’ll explain about not crossing other peoples pitches and you’ll pay me £2 a head for the inconvenience the parking and the use of the facilities, on the basis I don’t hear any more moaning or bleating, cos if I do, you’ll be parking on your friends drive tonight!

But why wouldn‘t you do that anyway🤷
Beautiful site and worth every penny

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