EU Pet passport.. latest information??

Agree, but did not argue that point, as the jab was only 35 euro and the vet had only transferred from the AHC before we thought it worth it just have the new jab and everything new in the passport.
We keep the original rabies paperwork with the pet passport so hope an Irish vet will accept that.
We keep the original rabies paperwork with the pet passport so hope an Irish vet will accept that.
Sophie here, my parent’s are French residents. So sorry for all you people on here who voted to leave the Eu well i am ok today i became a French puppy. I hope i don’t get sent to coventry Jim for this post?


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We got an Irish passport October last year , already had a french one for other dog.
Absolutely no problem leaving and returning to uk.
Everything checked at Eurotunnel in and out. As long as wormers filled in correctly prior to return and ranked up to date it’s fine.

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I assume that if you have a pet passport issued in an EU country, you can get the rabies booster in any country irrespective of country of issue?
Acquired new EU pet passports last October in France (Laon). Both dogs had Rabisin boosters with 3 year validity at our request (even though both still had Nobivac in date). Our own UK address used.

Returned by Eurotunnel in November with no problems (with AHC also completed as a back up but not needed).

Just got home on Monday from our recent trip. Eurotunnel out and back - no problems.
Just to add - 2 x passports including rabies boosters cost just over 80 euros. Vets for wormers for return cost 22 euros for 2 dogs supplying own tablets 😁

AHC £225 for 2 dogs 😡
Just to add - 2 x passports including rabies boosters cost just over 80 euros. Vets for wormers for return cost 22 euros for 2 dogs supplying own tablets 😁

AHC £225 for 2 dogs 😡
Says it all really

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We travelled to France late January on Eurotunnel with our dogs Belgian passports. ( Actually born in Belgium)
Lady in Eurotunnel was very friendly but just reminded us all future Rabies jabs to be done by an EU vet. Obvious really but we hadn’t given it a thought 🤔
Trouble I see on this thread is most on here had their PP Issued Sept/Oct 2021,then there was No Issues, we were refused 2 x PP in Portugal in Jan this Year, apparently going the same route as France, must be registered on Gov Site and Animal must be registered when the Microchip is read, or the likes...

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I assume that if you have a pet passport issued in an EU country, you can get the rabies booster in any country irrespective of country of issue?
Any country except the uk. Any entry in an EU passport by a uk vet will invalidate it.
The problem with your address is that E.U vets could take it from higher regulations that they cannot issue a passport to UK residents.
But as we found out years ago in Spain and needing to use the library for Wi-Fi, that wanted a local address, which was easy as looking up at a street name and number, Instant address.
Isn't that fraud?. I know it wasn't done with any criminal intent but if the library sent out some sort of new member welcome pack to me and I hadn't joined I'd be worried about identity theft.

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If you take proof of the pets UK rabies jab, make sure that you take original documents for the pets microchip & that they put the date it was implanted, not the date they checked it in the passport.

We happily travelled with Eurotunnel & P&O with no problem, but then were nearly denied to travel by Brittany Ferries because the vet wrote the date she checked the microchip which was after the date she'd had her rabies jab. The rabies date MUST be a date after the chip. It was Brittany Ferries being pedantic but they were correct. Our French vet is currently having to write us new passports & post them to us!

I'd urge everyone with a passport to check this, especially is going to travel with Brittany Ferries!
Watching this with interest... I have an untested PP that I will be using in May to santander. Low risk, but high consequences - I was musing on getting AHC as back-up. Hopefully anyone who uses one and is refused will report it here, together with why....
Watching this with interest... I have an untested PP that I will be using in May to santander. Low risk, but high consequences - I was musing on getting AHC as back-up. Hopefully anyone who uses one and is refused will report it here, together with why....
The only reason you could be refused is if there are errors on the passport. As long as you check everything is in order no need to worry or waste your money.
Watching this with interest... I have an untested PP that I will be using in May to santander. Low risk, but high consequences - I was musing on getting AHC as back-up. Hopefully anyone who uses one and is refused will report it here, together with why....
So your untested PP wasn't Issued in mainland EU ? Assume it was Issued in Eire...If so, didn't you test it on your return to Mainland UK ?
Any EU Country,not Turkey ect
Oops, should’ve made that clear!
So your untested PP wasn't Issued in mainland EU ? Assume it was Issued in Eire...If so, didn't you test it on your return to Mainland UK ?
No opportunity is available to ‘test’ an EU passport issued in Eire

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I too have come across this problem of needing a E.U. address plus French transponder registration details from a couple of French vets. We are off to France in April for a break with the kids and wanted to get the rabies booster administered and documented onto an existing pre brexit French issued E.U. pet passport. One vet said she could do it but border control may not let the dog into the E.U. and other said she couldn't do it all without the above criteria, so I started doing a bit more digging (again).

What first caught my eye was on this website there is a warning triangle giving this information : From 1 January 2021, EU pet passports issued to a pet owner resident in Great Britain are no longer valid for travel with pets from Great Britain to an EU country or Northern Ireland. This was the first time I'd seen anything official relating to the country of residence of the pet owner.

I emailed them for further clarification and this was their first reply:-

Thank you for contacting the Europe Direct Contact Centre.

The guiding principle for pet movement is that the owner’s address determines the "nationality" of animals. The following applies to the UK:

1. UK(GB) cannot issue EU passports after 1.1.2021.

2. Concerning the EU passports issued by UK (GB) before 1.1.2021, the most important parameter is the address of the owner entered in the passport. If this address is in GB, it is no longer valid. If it is in the EU or Northern Ireland (NI), the passport remains valid. (This address can be changed in the passport at any moment).

3. Concerning the EU passports issued in NI, pending the edition of new models, they can be used with a sticker on the EU logo (provided that the address of owner is not in GB, as this will make the passport not valid).

We recommend you contact your vet or local authority. More information on pet travel to and in the EU can be found here:

This didn't answer my question about an existing pre Brexit French issued passport (clutching at straws as it becoming evident what they are getting at here regarding UK resident). So I asked again and yesterday received this reply:-

Thank you for contacting the Europe Direct Contact Centre.

From the details provided, we understand that you wish to travel from a non-EU country to an EU country with your dog.

Please note that the below lists the requirements for your dog to travel with you from a non-EU country to an EU country if it has:

  • been micro-chipped (in line with the technical requirements of Annex II of the EU Regulation on the movement of pets) or has a clearly readable tattoo if applied before 3 July 2011
  • been vaccinated against rabies (approved rabies serology laboratories in non-EU countries:
  • had treatment against the tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis, where your destination area is free from this tapeworm (Finland, Ireland, Malta, Norway and Northern Ireland)
  • a valid European pet passport, when travelling from an EU country or Northern Ireland to another EU country or Northern Ireland or an EU animal health certificate, when travelling from a non-EU country.

We also wish to inform you that dogs, cats and ferrets moved for non-commercial purposes into an EU country from a territory or a third country other than Andorra, Switzerland, Faroe Islands, Gibraltar, Greenland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, San Marino, and Vatican City State can enter through travellers' points designated by the EU countries where they are subjected to documentary and identity checks by the competent authorities. For any further information on those checks, we invite you to contact the responsible traveler's point of entry directly:

So to me this is confirming that a UK address of the owner determine the nationality of the dog and an E.U. passport is only valid if travelling from another E.U. country.

During my research I have not come across any owners being declined entry into the E.U. because they have a UK address on their E.U. pet passport so it seems if we can find a vet that is willing to administer and record the rabies booster on the passport then it's at our own risk as to whether we will get entry. I did wonder if I am getting this reply from the vets as I am emailing - it may be bad practice for them to confirm in writing that they are able to do something that is outside of the regulations they have received? Unfortunately whilst my French 'is getting there' and I would just about manage to ask the question on the phone my understanding of their reply plus any further queries about this 'grey area' I would struggle with.
We have got to get and have ordered an AHC anyway as the 'microchip read date' is after the current rabies jab so I think we'll just take all our documents with us and hopefully we may find a vet that will do it - then as I said previously there is always a chance that entry will be denied unless we get a French address put on the documents.......

Apologies for the long post but I wanted to show the full replies I received rather than summarising as then you can see I am unable to expand further on this information. Not the info we wanted though.
Thanks for the detailed info. However, my understanding is that the opening para talks about existing UK issued passports, which quite correctly, are not valid anymore. New ones issued in the EU are a different matter.
Secondly, this bit about the address in the passport is key: If it is in the EU or Northern Ireland (NI), the passport remains valid.
Campingt Raco rules, OK? :love:
Yes I knew a lot of the information was what we all already knew but didn't want to summarise. Sorry I don't see how the highlighted area you mention makes the passport valid as the line prior to this states
If this address is in GB, it is no longer valid. If it is in the EU or Northern Ireland (NI), the passport remains valid. (
I may have misread this but to me this is saying that a GB pet passport that was issued prior to Jan 2021 if it shows the owners address to be of either E.U. country or N.I. it is still valid. not the other way round? The whole reply I received in the first instance seemed to refer to GB issued passports but this hadn't been my question to them hence I queried again.
I too have come across this problem of needing a E.U. address plus French transponder registration details from a couple of French vets. We are off to France in April for a break with the kids and wanted to get the rabies booster administered and documented onto an existing pre brexit French issued E.U. pet passport. One vet said she could do it but border control may not let the dog into the E.U. and other said she couldn't do it all without the above criteria, so I started doing a bit more digging (again).

What first caught my eye was on this website there is a warning triangle giving this information : From 1 January 2021, EU pet passports issued to a pet owner resident in Great Britain are no longer valid for travel with pets from Great Britain to an EU country or Northern Ireland. This was the first time I'd seen anything official relating to the country of residence of the pet owner.

I emailed them for further clarification and this was their first reply:-

Thank you for contacting the Europe Direct Contact Centre.

The guiding principle for pet movement is that the owner’s address determines the "nationality" of animals. The following applies to the UK:

1. UK(GB) cannot issue EU passports after 1.1.2021.

2. Concerning the EU passports issued by UK (GB) before 1.1.2021, the most important parameter is the address of the owner entered in the passport. If this address is in GB, it is no longer valid. If it is in the EU or Northern Ireland (NI), the passport remains valid. (This address can be changed in the passport at any moment).

3. Concerning the EU passports issued in NI, pending the edition of new models, they can be used with a sticker on the EU logo (provided that the address of owner is not in GB, as this will make the passport not valid).

We recommend you contact your vet or local authority. More information on pet travel to and in the EU can be found here:

This didn't answer my question about an existing pre Brexit French issued passport (clutching at straws as it becoming evident what they are getting at here regarding UK resident). So I asked again and yesterday received this reply:-

Thank you for contacting the Europe Direct Contact Centre.

From the details provided, we understand that you wish to travel from a non-EU country to an EU country with your dog.

Please note that the below lists the requirements for your dog to travel with you from a non-EU country to an EU country if it has:

  • been micro-chipped (in line with the technical requirements of Annex II of the EU Regulation on the movement of pets) or has a clearly readable tattoo if applied before 3 July 2011
  • been vaccinated against rabies (approved rabies serology laboratories in non-EU countries:
  • had treatment against the tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis, where your destination area is free from this tapeworm (Finland, Ireland, Malta, Norway and Northern Ireland)
  • a valid European pet passport, when travelling from an EU country or Northern Ireland to another EU country or Northern Ireland or an EU animal health certificate, when travelling from a non-EU country.

We also wish to inform you that dogs, cats and ferrets moved for non-commercial purposes into an EU country from a territory or a third country other than Andorra, Switzerland, Faroe Islands, Gibraltar, Greenland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, San Marino, and Vatican City State can enter through travellers' points designated by the EU countries where they are subjected to documentary and identity checks by the competent authorities. For any further information on those checks, we invite you to contact the responsible traveler's point of entry directly:

So to me this is confirming that a UK address of the owner determine the nationality of the dog and an E.U. passport is only valid if travelling from another E.U. country.

During my research I have not come across any owners being declined entry into the E.U. because they have a UK address on their E.U. pet passport so it seems if we can find a vet that is willing to administer and record the rabies booster on the passport then it's at our own risk as to whether we will get entry. I did wonder if I am getting this reply from the vets as I am emailing - it may be bad practice for them to confirm in writing that they are able to do something that is outside of the regulations they have received? Unfortunately whilst my French 'is getting there' and I would just about manage to ask the question on the phone my understanding of their reply plus any further queries about this 'grey area' I would struggle with.
We have got to get and have ordered an AHC anyway as the 'microchip read date' is after the current rabies jab so I think we'll just take all our documents with us and hopefully we may find a vet that will do it - then as I said previously there is always a chance that entry will be denied unless we get a French address put on the documents.......

Apologies for the long post but I wanted to show the full replies I received rather than summarising as then you can see I am unable to expand further on this information. Not the info we wanted though.
Interesting. The first reply quoted is pretty much the same as one posted on the Animal Health Certificate Facebook group, by an Ian Credland on 16 February. This link to it may or may not work ….

The bit about ‘This address can be changed in the passport at any moment’ seems to make a nonsense of all the rest of the bits concerning address. Both of the replies seem to be cobbled together from standard paragraphs. I wonder just how great an understanding of EU law the ‘operatives’ who create these replies actually have …..

It would be interesting to ask them exactly where in EU legislation it states that you have to be an EU resident in order to obtain or use an EU Pet Passport.

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With reference to the below:
2. Concerning the EU passports issued by UK (GB) before 1.1.2021, the most important parameter is the address of the owner entered in the passport. If this address is in GB, it is no longer valid. If it is in the EU or Northern Ireland (NI), the passport remains valid. (This address can be changed in the passport at any moment).
I read it that if you have a UK issues passport with a EU owner's address it should still be valid but a UK issued passport with a UK owner's address would not. Extrapolating from this if we'd changed the address in the UK issued PP to an EU or NI address (pre B****t) it would seem to have remained valid ... whether that would be the case now I haven't a clue!

So to me this is confirming that a UK address of the owner determine the nationality of the dog and an E.U. passport is only valid if travelling from another E.U. country.
No it doesn't, they simply do not want to 'impinge' on the rights of the EU owner by deeming their UK issued passport is invalid - originally PPs were supposedly valid for the life of the dog once issued in order to prevent extra expense to the owners by having to keep changing them as the rules changed.

The question to ask is: is a UK issued passport with an EU address entered into it still valid?
It would be interesting to ask them exactly where in EU legislation it states that you have to be an EU resident in order to obtain or use an EU Pet Passport.
I've just spend ages reading the various rules/regs/articles etc and can find NO reference whatsoever to the owner of a pet having to be a resident of an EU country in order to obtain and EU passport.
On this page:

There is no mention whatsoever of any restriction on who can obtain an EU PP:

European pet passport​

A European pet passport is a document, which follows an EU standard model and is essential for travel between EU countries. It contains a description and details of your pet, including its microchip or tattoo code as well as its rabies vaccination record and contact details of the owner and the vet who issued the passport. You can get a European pet passport for your dog, cat or ferret from any authorised vet (permitted by the relevant authorities to issue pet passports). A pet passport is valid for life as long as your pets rabies vaccination is in date.
I've just spend ages reading the various rules/regs/articles etc and can find NO reference whatsoever to the owner of a pet having to be a resident of an EU country in order to obtain and EU passport.
Exactly! Which is why the slightly devilish side of me wants to ask the question of whoever wrote the replies to Peg Star :wink:
In relation to my comments earlier there is an 'alert' on the linked page which supports my supposition that the issue is the address being a GB one, if it is an EU address it should (in theory!) be okay to use it:

From 1 January 2021, EU pet passports issued to a pet owner resident in Great Britain are no longer valid for travel with pets from Great Britain to an EU country or Northern Ireland.

The bigger issue is, if I understand all of this correctly, that in order to get a EU passport you in effect have to tell a porkie and use an EU address, if you use your GB address it 'could' cause issues.

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