So just my pennies worth - the main difference between Lithium-Iron-Phosphate and led-acid is efficiency - how much of what you put in you get back.
So an led-acid battery is about 80% efficient when you only charge to 80% of its capacity and after that the efficiency drops to 50%. It’s getting the last 20% “in” that take too long and wastes energy.
A Lithium-Iron-Phosphate battery is very easy to use efficiently it’s about 90% efficient at all states of charge - so getting it full is really easy and quick. The last 20% goes in as quickly as the first.
So coupled with Lithium-Iron-Phosphate protected with a good battery management unit you basically get much more and easy to use power for much less charging time.
It’s ideal when one is off grid a lot. Not so important if always driving or hooked up.
If you let Lithium-Iron-Phosphate regularly drop below 50% charge you will halve its life, so best to keep topping it up with solar and leave on float charge over winter.
So an led-acid battery is about 80% efficient when you only charge to 80% of its capacity and after that the efficiency drops to 50%. It’s getting the last 20% “in” that take too long and wastes energy.
A Lithium-Iron-Phosphate battery is very easy to use efficiently it’s about 90% efficient at all states of charge - so getting it full is really easy and quick. The last 20% goes in as quickly as the first.
So coupled with Lithium-Iron-Phosphate protected with a good battery management unit you basically get much more and easy to use power for much less charging time.
It’s ideal when one is off grid a lot. Not so important if always driving or hooked up.
If you let Lithium-Iron-Phosphate regularly drop below 50% charge you will halve its life, so best to keep topping it up with solar and leave on float charge over winter.