Wow, you must have learnt to drive a very long time ago. I thought that driving in the gutter hasn't been recommended since Freddie Flintstone learnt to drive.No Brits around here just old,blind spaniards ,one who overtook me hit my elbow with the wing mirror.
That's where I was taught to drive ,Far left as possible if you can't hear the gdunk,gdunk of the rain water glleys you are too far out
You can be done for any road traffic law. Once you take the bike on the road you are sbect to the same rules as everyone else, be it car , motobike ,van ,lorry.
parked in traffic once for nigh on an hor I aske dthe motorbike in front why he didn't 'fliter' p to the front.
" because it is stupid, inherently dangerous for both me & the stopped vehicles , & should be made totally illegal. I have no more right to maeouvre through the traffic than any other vehicle."
Couldn't argue with that.
They used to allow it in France for motorbikes around Bordeaux as long as hazards on but stopped it & made it illegal last year(?)
I don't cycle anywhere I am likely to encounter traffic or pedestrians.