Claim on Credit Card section 75 (1 Viewer)

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Jan 15, 2014
Scottish Borders
Funster No
Without at present
On and off for many years.
Yes, the Government did pay out, and I'm VERY thankful, but it all took time (about 12 weeks if memory serves correctly) and although as I say I'm incredibly grateful it wasn't the full amount I was owed by the company. We were laid off the day before payday, and the following day were paid HALF of our monthly salaries. The remainder is still owed, with various other monies.
To be honest, I'm not so pi$$ed off about being made redundant as I am about the way it was handled, which in every possible way was terribly. On the up side, I then set up my own business, which I never would've have the courage to do if I wasn't in a 'well it can't get worse' scenario!

I've had to make a few people redundant and it is one of the worst jobs I have ever had to do. However as with most things there are correct and incorrect ways of doing things.

I ensured the law was fully complied with and all consultations took place and that I was available as much as possible in the lead up.

On "R" day the company had careers service / job centre people in an office with information about who was hiring locally and there were also people available to give practical (money) advice and a shoulder to cry on.

At the end of the day the liquidator told me it was the "best" redundancy he had ever been party to.

I have also been at the receiving end and that was not the way I would have handled things but all water under the bridge now.
Feb 22, 2016
Funster No
Bailey 620 Approach
Since 2015
I've had to make a few people redundant and it is one of the worst jobs I have ever had to do. However as with most things there are correct and incorrect ways of doing things.

I ensured the law was fully complied with and all consultations took place and that I was available as much as possible in the lead up.

On "R" day the company had careers service / job centre people in an office with information about who was hiring locally and there were also people available to give practical (money) advice and a shoulder to cry on.

At the end of the day the liquidator told me it was the "best" redundancy he had ever been party to.

I have also been at the receiving end and that was not the way I would have handled things but all water under the bridge now.
When in practice, my speciality was insolvency law. One of the saddest parts of my job was accompanying my insolvency practitioner clients when they had to close businesses and make the workforce redundant. I experienced it many times and never got over it. Especially in those cases where there were employees who’d given years of service.

I’m afraid we can expect a wave of such redundancies in the near future. I’m very glad I’m retired but still feel sad about it.
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Oct 1, 2019
Funster No
Still dropping clangers and making it up as I go along
Redundancy is never good however having been through it more times now than I care to count and only once got everything I was entitled to (one weeks holiday pay and the admin girl paid it as I was on holiday she bunged it on the end of the final wage - good girl) I have lost thousands over the years with the last one being last week with an organisation going under and the knock-on effect that has had on people they have not paid.
Many a time though the directors of these huge, limited companies walk away with no lose to themselves, often re-a merging a few weeks later same set up same work, no debts only to repeat the process a few years later.
Even heard of one family member being 'promoted' weeks before the announcement so that the government paid out the redundancy payment on their final over inflated salary
Always the little guy pays sadly

gerry mcg

Jul 28, 2016
Glasgow, Scotland
Funster No
Globecar 600L Revn
since 2016
That is correct. I've been to a few "pauper" cremations when I was working in the mental health sector. Always at unsocial hours, no service and there was often just myself and sometimes another staff member who were present apart from the crem staff. The box was taken into the back door of the crematorium and onto the conveyor belt. The staff did treat all with respect but it left something to be desired.

I also went to a "pauper" burial. The gentleman was so big the crematorium could not physically accommodate him. The box was lowered with the use of a fork lift truck and a JCB used to fill the grave. Pretty distressing.
I used to work in the Local authority sector with the Public Health team and the Council were responsible for burying / cremating the ‘destitute dead’. Pretty grim as you describe - no service - no flowers or music allowed (even donations) as any costs that would have been spent on ‘niceties” need to be recovered for the public purse.


Oct 1, 2019
Funster No
Still dropping clangers and making it up as I go along
I used to work in the Local authority sector with the Public Health team and the Council were responsible for burying / cremating the ‘destitute dead’. Pretty grim as you describe - no service - no flowers or music allowed (even donations) as any costs that would have been spent on ‘niceties” need to be recovered for the public purse.
Being honest that sounds like perfect to me. That is how I would like my body to be disposed of.

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Jan 15, 2014
Scottish Borders
Funster No
Without at present
On and off for many years.
I had no issues with the staff or the lack of service. The staff made things as dignified as possible.

It was always having to use the "service door" as I termed it rather than the chapel that used to get to me. As someone who had worked (often long term) with the deceased it was almost like putting the rubbish out at the back door.

I always tried to remain professional but I know many of the clients regarded the MH staff as friends or even family and we had a soft spot for many of them. So many stories.....
L' Hobo
Feb 19, 2018
Funster No
Murvi Morello
Since 1975
I had no issues with the staff or the lack of service. The staff made things as dignified as possible.

It was always having to use the "service door" as I termed it rather than the chapel that used to get to me. As someone who had worked (often long term) with the deceased it was almost like putting the rubbish out at the back door.

I always tried to remain professional but I know many of the clients regarded the MH staff as friends or even family and we had a soft spot for many of them. So many stories.....

To be honest, I want my remains to be dealt with as soon as possible. What I want to remain of me is already in the hearts and memories of the people I love.
I prefer that people will remember my wake, not my departure.

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