C1 renewal at 70

I think that is only in certain cases, i.e. when the D4 answers raise some doubts. It has never happened to me after 3 D4 Medicals.

I am not sure they know who my GP is - do they ask on the D4?

if you show up as having medical issues, they pursue every avenue. In my case, when I had a pacemaker fitted in 2004, the NHS informed the DVLA
I have been getting concerned that my BP has gone up to 150/82 when it was always below 128/80.
Alright for some, mine is averaging 160/105 at the moment. Since I found out I had high blood pressure about 10 years ago (190/130) been under control with pills at 140/95 but a few months ago went up been trying different pills without any luck. Doesn't held that I react and get side effects from a lot of the pills.
Alright for some, mine is averaging 160/105 at the moment. Since I found out I had high blood pressure about 10 years ago (190/130) been under control with pills at 140/95 but a few months ago went up been trying different pills without any luck. Doesn't held that I react and get side effects from a lot of the pills.

Its actually still legal to drive up to 180/100. That is the target to be below.

We got a B-P monitor some years ago when they thought that SWMBO might be at risk. I use it from time to time to check mine. My average over a 2 weeks period is 148/82 and coming down. The new pills are working, But I think they are giving issues with extremities and my ankles and feet feel cold, (one of the listed "rare" side effects).

P,s. Typing this just reminded me that It can vary as to which arm you use. EG; 3 min apart 145/86 (right) 154/78 (left).
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It worry’s me to think some hgv drivers could be buying there medicals I’ve been driving hgv for over 30 years and would not even dream of buying a medical I’ve seen the terrible carnage these vehicles can cause if your not fit please don’t falsely say you are think of the out come just remember the dust cart driver who killed innocent people he was not fit to hold a hgv licence
If it’s really about safety then the medical would be free. As they have driven wages down your going to get drivers trying to save a couple of quid by using these services. I would not call it buying a medical just adapting to the lower wages.

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If it’s really about safety then the medical would be free.

100% Correct. And that applies to ALL levels. Why should a pensioner be asked to pay to keep the entitlement either.? IF government think it is a SAFETY issue, then they should be prepared to pay, what is to them a tiny amount, but to a 75 year old pensioner is a BIG lump of money. Same with LGV drivers, It`s at least 10hours GROSS pay for most and the lost time in many cases.
Dunno.... I haven’t really thought it through....just know that present system has big flaws.

Biggest flaw is the cost that GPs charge. I know that some people on here say that if you have a motorhome you should be able to pay, but that’s not really the point. The price difference between Drs and our local HGV driving schools doctor is excessive. Our old doctor used to do 2 for 1 so we were quite willing to pay. Besides which our doctor has as much knowledge of our health as a travelling Dr does. They have no idea who we are or what is wrong with us, it seems to be a locum each time we go, their notes rarely match what we told the previous doctor.
If it’s really about safety then the medical would be free.
I totally agree. :(

Driven wages down??????
Oh absolutely, without a doubt. :(

Biggest flaw is the cost that GPs charge.
Precisely. I would much rather go to my own GP, but the surgery (not him) wanted £135. I got it my HGV & PSV medical from another surgery in P/boro which only charged £48. They have ceased to provide that service so now it's D4Drivers.

The cost of a medical (along with the digital tachograph card, and Driver CPC for vocational drivers), should be borne by the Government. It's costly enough getting the qualifications in the first place, without having more expense thrust upon you through legislation. :(


Jock. :)

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well, all relevant paper work with DVLA (acknowledged), they said they would pass it all on to their own medical team to assess, that was feb 12th, still nothing.......
The cost of a medical (along with the digital tachograph card, and Driver CPC for vocational drivers), should be borne by the Government. It's costly enough getting the qualifications in the first place, without having more expense thrust upon you through legislation. :(

Nurses have to pay a yearly fee to stay on the register and have to provide evidence of updating practice too when I first qualified it was a 'lifetime fee' a number of years later they changed it to every 3 years then yearly. decided not ot bother keeping up with it so i could bank when I retired.
will be using d4 drivers or similar for mine, you can't get to see a GP if you are ill, so no chance for something like this, might be different as there would be a fee though :whistle:
urses have to pay a yearly fee to stay on the register and have to provide evidence of updating practice too when I first qualified it was a 'lifetime fee' a number of years later they changed it to every 3 years then yearly.
I didn't know that Sue. I think that is disgraceful. A one off fee perhaps, but not an annual fee. :(
You would think that if in employment within the NHS, (or private sector health) then that would be suffice to remain on the register. :eek:


Jock. :)
"CPC". And all the other "Continued Professional Development". Where (really) just coming in when I was on the point of retiring. As a member of the I-Mar: EST. I was involved on the periphery with the setting up of a scheme, for Marine Engineers. We argued long, (some of us) that it should not be a "draining" cost to those coming up through the ranks.

I note since that costs have gradually risen to levels we (then) did not think had merit. It is also significant, that in the meantime, "organisations" have arisen who manage these training modules, and the fee`s charged give concern that an element of "profiteering" is now factored in. In effect it has become a business in itself, and my concern too is that it is largely unregulated. A sort of "who polices the police"?, situation is arising.

This always happens in my experience, once the element of "commerce" is injected into any organisation, from the smallest of Charities to The NHS.
I didn't know that Sue. I think that is disgraceful. A one off fee perhaps, but not an annual fee. :(
You would think that if in employment within the NHS, (or private sector health) then that would be suffice to remain on the register. :eek:


Jock. :)
Its the same with a lot of professions to remain on the register as an optometrist iys £350 for the registration body £400 for the compulsary indemnity insurance plus having to do compulsary continuing education. The option is one off registration with no requirement to keep up with changing diagnoses/treatments as a member of the public I would hope its the same for other professions

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I totally agree. :(

Oh absolutely, without a doubt. :(

Precisely. I would much rather go to my own GP, but the surgery (not him) wanted £135. I got it my HGV & PSV medical from another surgery in P/boro which only charged £48. They have ceased to provide that service so now it's D4Drivers.

The cost of a medical (along with the digital tachograph card, and Driver CPC for vocational drivers), should be borne by the Government. It's costly enough getting the qualifications in the first place, without having more expense thrust upon you through legislation. :(


Jock. :)
But if the Gov fund medicals for driving and flying and other exams for continued registration etc it will come from us all through taxation it will be just not apparent we are all paying!!!! I think its fair enough as it is now when people go into a job with those requirements (or buy a m/h over 3.5t) hey know its going to be an ongoing cost.
AGE discrimination, is almost a licence to print money. Not everyone who buys a Motorhome at 65, does so with the idea they WANT to change it or downrate it at 70!.

The removal of C-1 at 70 is nothing more than AGE DISCRIMINATION. Any other "discrimination" would have the Liberal, P-C "Lovies". screaming!. But us "old gits" are expected keep quiet, and to be happy to stare at 4 walls until the grim reaper arrives!.

To Repeat from a previous post:- The vast majority of chassis/cab units which most motorhomes are based on (PVC`s Excepted) Are actually DOWNRATED, and without modification can be used up to much higher running mass`. Making this adjustment in the licencing regulation would make no significant difference, and note that the change only removes the "Blanket" restriction due to age, the other Medical reasons would remain, but would remove an extra cost (My last medical was £96) to those who have made their contribution to the country and now wish to enjoy their remaining days.
I used D4 drivers £50 my doctor £150. Bargin so I thought. Had the medical High blood pressure, mentioned that I had a stent fitted six years earlier.
Received a letter from the DVLA saying their medical team have contacted my Doctor. Phoned DVLA yesterday to find out progress. Was told a letter has been sent to me, not yet received yet. My doctors letter as been sent to their medical team. This as been going on since January.
If I had used my Doctors they had a record of my blood pressure over time. Not the one that was read by D4 Drivers.
Still now waiting to see what they say.
In future I will use my Doctors. So if I don't see you again.:):):):):)
AGE discrimination, is almost a licence to print money. Not everyone who buys a Motorhome at 65, does so with the idea they WANT to change it or downrate it at 70!.

The removal of C-1 at 70 is nothing more than AGE DISCRIMINATION. Any other "discrimination" would have the Liberal, P-C "Lovies". screaming!. But us "old gits" are expected keep quiet, and to be happy to stare at 4 walls until the grim reaper arrives!.

To Repeat from a previous post:- The vast majority of chassis/cab units which most motorhomes are based on (PVC`s Excepted) Are actually DOWNRATED, and without modification can be used up to much higher running mass`. Making this adjustment in the licencing regulation would make no significant difference, and note that the change only removes the "Blanket" restriction due to age, the other Medical reasons would remain, but would remove an extra cost (My last medical was £96) to those who have made their contribution to the country and now wish to enjoy their remaining days.
but all know the licence can end at 70 yrs old. it could end earlier if medical grounds say so.
its not really age discrimination truck and bus drivers have been having medicals every 5yrs after 45yr old . after 65 its every year.
i say every driver should have a medical at 60 yrs old then every 5 years after that. even just for a car etc , many have never had any training in larger vehicles and it shows when you meet them on narrow roads etc .
mind i think eye sight could be the main cause .
When I did my C1 I used my own doctor as I had some historic medical issues, I had to chase dvla and they advised a letter had been sent, it transpired they sent it the following day after I phoned. Had to have the optician redo the forms as they filled it in incorrectly. After that I then received a further dvla letter advising a treadmill test was required I did the test but in retrospect it wasn't that easy especially the last 3 mins at a faster pace and steeper gradient. It was faster and tougher than my normal walking speed and was more like a trot. I passed but not something I would want to repeat every 3 years. At best I would need to carry out some pre treadmill exercises next time a few months before my 73rd birthday retest.:confused:

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I used D4 drivers £50 my doctor £150. Bargin so I thought. Had the medical High blood pressure, mentioned that I had a stent fitted six years earlier.
Received a letter from the DVLA saying their medical team have contacted my Doctor. Phoned DVLA yesterday to find out progress. Was told a letter has been sent to me, not yet received yet. My doctors letter as been sent to their medical team. This as been going on since January.
If I had used my Doctors they had a record of my blood pressure over time. Not the one that was read by D4 Drivers.
Still now waiting to see what they say.
In future I will use my Doctors. So if I don't see you again.:):):):):)

Ps will swap my 3.5 tonne van for yours.
I used D4 drivers £50 my doctor £150. Bargin so I thought. Had the medical High blood pressure, mentioned that I had a stent fitted six years earlier.
Received a letter from the DVLA saying their medical team have contacted my Doctor. Phoned DVLA yesterday to find out progress. Was told a letter has been sent to me, not yet received yet. My doctors letter as been sent to their medical team. This as been going on since January.
If I had used my Doctors they had a record of my blood pressure over time. Not the one that was read by D4 Drivers.
Still now waiting to see what they say.
In future I will use my Doctors. So if I don't see you again.:):):):):)

Since January!!? I started on Nov 4th, another lady on this thread has been waiting since June!
Its the same with a lot of professions to remain on the register as an optometrist iys £350 for the registration body £400 for the compulsary indemnity insurance plus having to do compulsary continuing education. The option is one off registration with no requirement to keep up with changing diagnoses/treatments as a member of the public I would hope its the same for other professions
I bet there is a bit of difference in the hourly rate of pay when compared to hgv drivers when looked at as a % of their take home hourly rate.
That’s me ! Had to fly/ use hotel for our trip to Spain.
Currently watching Gloucestershire v Glamorgan County Cricket match in the sun at La Manga

Is your pvc van heavier than 3.5 t?

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Whilst I was awaiting my c1 renewal, we wanted to travel abroad so advised dvla that my licence was about to expire. My current van is under 3.5 t so a c1 was not necessary. Dvla supplied me with an ordinary licence which allowed me to travel abroad. The c1 was sent to my home address a month later after the treadmill test. (y)
Whilst I was awaiting my c1 renewal, we wanted to travel abroad so advised dvla that my licence was about to expire. My current van is under 3.5 t so a c1 was not necessary. Dvla supplied me with an ordinary licence which allowed me to travel abroad. The c1 was sent to my home address a month later after the treadmill test. (y)
Yes, they did that for my husband too. I did ask but they said no. I didn’t explain that going abroad as we were not planning to last year and thought I would have it by now, shouldn’t be surprised though as it took 11 months for husband.
Just had my licence renewed for C1 and D1. Sent off 6 March and arrived back today 21 March, all correct. Expiry date is 3 years after my old one was due to expire.
I bet there is a bit of difference in the hourly rate of pay when compared to hgv drivers when looked at as a % of their take home hourly rate.
I would hope there is a difference!!!!

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