- Nov 22, 2018
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- Rimor Europeo 87
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- Seven years plus three tugging
Matty, Fluke's a great book but i dont think it can be used as a reference book for dog bevaviour! Sorry to say, but it is only a story!James Herbert wrote a book called Fluke.... Unlike many of his other books, it isn't horror based. It has some great perspectives from a dog's point of view. In the book or another one I read at the same time, there were explanations why dogs bark so much.... One of which explained that dogs bark to warn of intrusions and threats... When folk walk towards them, they are warning their pack about the intrusion. When the person continues walking and goes past them, the dog thinks that it has done a good job of scaring off the intruder. They bark more and more if they are rewarded in any way for their warnings - such as the attention they get by the wishy washy "commands" given by some owners.
Amazon product ASIN 0330522590
There are books that adviser how to minimise dog yapping such as this one: https://pethelpful.com/dogs/little-dogs-bark-too-much#:~:text=Small dogs have to vocalize more to be noticed.&text=Small dogs are often rewarded,or bed, etc.).&text=Some small dogs are bred,schnauzers are a few examples.)