ALCOHOL ... how much do you imbibe?

Last night we had a gin each.
The previous weekend we shared a bottle of wine between 4 adults.
Prior to this we hadn’t had alcohol since we were in Germany in August ... we had a bottle of beer each a night.
Can’t remember the last time I drank before that ... was probably another 1 bottle between 4 night early summer.
Through my 20s i was a very heavy social drinker. 20 plus pints before moving onto bacardi every friday and saturday with just 6 or 7 pints each other night of the week.

I suddenly took stock of my lifestyle and just what it was costing me, both financially and health. So i pretty much stopped overnight. A real shock to the system, but i recovered

Then some years later drink ruined my life again when a drunk driver broke my back in 3 places. Years on and the medication i am on restricts me from drinking. 1 case of cider will last me a year or more. I might have one can with a bbq or occassionaly a pint with a meal out

I have an open bottle of southern comfort in the kitchen, been there 5 years. Might have one at new year or birthday

So no i am no longer what people would call a drinker these days
I like a cold beer when it's warm and sunny, I like a red wine with a meal or curry, and I like a nice single malt.
I can go for days without, and sometimes I yearn for a drink. I don't get Oliver Twist, and certainly don't drink and drive.
Enjoy life whatever you do, it doesn't last.

I had a routine stop check a few months back (was about 2am and on a long drive back from Frankfurt) Mr Plod asked the usual "when was the last time you had a drink" (in a weird Swiss French accent...) he was surprised when i said 1996:LOL: he thought i'd mixed up the years and asked again...

Neither of us drink at all although we do collect wine for others to enjoy when we have visitors, seems most people prefer our company after a couple of glasses in wine:D

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I used to enjoy a night in the pub but, stopped bothering years ago as the atmosphere changed when the pubs got quieter after the smoking ban.
I'm a lifelong non smoker, so this was the last thing I expected.
I miss the company that I used to keep but, that's it, the hangovers I can do without.
I only went out once a fortnight but, according to my GP I'd have been classed as a binge drinker.

I wasn't a hard drinker, twas the easiest thing I did!!!
I haven’t drunk alcohol for nearly 35 years and don’t miss it, never think about it really. The only reason I stopped was we got married and bought a house in the country so had to drive to get anything, plus I was up at 4:15am to catch the red eye from Edinburgh to London 4 days a week, then the kids came along and I was dad-taxi for ballet lessons, Brownies, school shows etc. so it just didn’t matter. My drink of choice is soda water with lime cordial. If I fancy a shandy, I’ll have Bavaria (which is VERY nice considering it’s fake beer) or my recent find in Southern Ireland which I now order online for home delivery - Cidona ( alcohol free cider).
The boss drinks the very occasional G&T or a glass of Pinot or Chardonnay with dinner maybe once a week or fortnight when the notion takes her.
Ive often wondered if the amount of so called happiness alcohol brings gets any where near balancing the sorrow and harm it brings . I might imbibe to be sociable , to a small degree otherwise never seen the attraction , if you cant enjoy life with all your senses at full capability how does it work when impaired ?
The only role I see for it is as a self medicament , that is relatively easy and cheap to obtain. JMHO

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How fortuitous this thread is. I am just reviewing my recent behaviour which seems to have descended into a constant stream of irritated and angry cynicism. I'm not very happy with myself at all at the moment. I know one of the causes is because I drink too much and that if I don't cut it down, or better still cut it out all together, I will become a sad lonely old man!

It used to be a joy or a prop for when I got uptight and did work okay most of the time but, I feel its effect on me has changed. I can’t use the old excuses anymore, it has no good effect on my well being and certainly does not relax me anymore, if anything it stresses me out. The physical harm of alcohol is bad enough and I have played russian roulette with that all my life. The effect on personality and frame of mind has been dawning on me for some time now and crystallised last night when I 'really' had to leave a party because the DJ had the volume up too high and the family was ready to start our goodbyes. Panic attack, arshole, miserable old git,
whatever... I just do not want to be that 'suddenly out of control' ever again. I felt ill with it, but I know leaving was the right thing to do in the moment, but thats not making me less fed up about it today.

I have been a heavy drinker all my life and have had a good innings and great times but I think last orders needs to be called now. It has crept up on me and last night it said BOO! and I really think/hope I am done with booze now, it has begun to change my personality and I don't like that bloke.

Glad thats off me chest(y)

Sitting around all day with little to do but get together in the sun and have a wet lunch/afternoon /evening is bliss, but oh so easy to overdo, and think of the midnight thetford...
Hic!, click, stagger, slip, "shit"! ..."bugger"! ..."Whats up"?..... "You alright"??... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ...... "Wake up, I'm busting".... ZZZZZZZ.....

Been there too:)
How fortuitous this thread is. I am just reviewing my recent behaviour which seems to have descended into a constant stream of irritated and angry cynicism. I'm not very happy with myself at all at the moment. I know one of the causes is because I drink too much and that if I don't cut it down, or better still cut it out all together, I will become a sad lonely old man!

It used to be a joy or a prop for when I got uptight and did work okay most of the time but, I feel its effect on me has changed. I can’t use the old excuses anymore, it has no good effect on my well being and certainly does not relax me anymore, if anything it stresses me out. The physical harm of alcohol is bad enough and I have played russian roulette with that all my life. The effect on personality and frame of mind has been dawning on me for some time now and crystallised last night when I 'really' had to leave a party because the DJ had the volume up too high and the family was ready to start our goodbyes. Panic attack, arshole, miserable old git,
whatever... I just do not want to be that 'suddenly out of control' ever again. I felt ill with it, but I know leaving was the right thing to do in the moment, but thats not making me less fed up about it today.

I have been a heavy drinker all my life and have had a good innings and great times but I think last orders needs to be called now. It has crept up on me and last night it said BOO! and I really think/hope I am done with booze now, it has begun to change my personality and I don't like that bloke.

Glad thats off me chest(y)

Sitting around all day with little to do but get together in the sun and have a wet lunch/afternoon /evening is bliss, but oh so easy to overdo, and think of the midnight thetford...
Hic!, click, stagger, slip, "shit"! ..."bugger"! ..."Whats up"?..... "You alright"??... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ...... "Wake up, I'm busting".... ZZZZZZZ.....

Been there too:)

That’s a brave post.

I like brave posts so good on you.

Will you look after my cat now when I go away?
I drink very little just the odd beer every couple of weeks or so, however as a Fun Marshall at Lincoln I will have to force myself to accept any nice cans of Guinness or good quality beer that are offered when I park you into a prime position on the field. :D
Like all drugs your body tries to compensate over time , so more is needed to get the same effect . I remember finding out many decades ago when dealing with a meths drinker , they don't start there , as it would kill you to do so !

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How fortuitous this thread is. I am just reviewing my recent behaviour which seems to have descended into a constant stream of irritated and angry cynicism. I'm not very happy with myself at all at the moment. I know one of the causes is because I drink too much and that if I don't cut it down, or better still cut it out all together, I will become a sad lonely old man!

It used to be a joy or a prop for when I got uptight and did work okay most of the time but, I feel its effect on me has changed. I can’t use the old excuses anymore, it has no good effect on my well being and certainly does not relax me anymore, if anything it stresses me out. The physical harm of alcohol is bad enough and I have played russian roulette with that all my life. The effect on personality and frame of mind has been dawning on me for some time now and crystallised last night when I 'really' had to leave a party because the DJ had the volume up too high and the family was ready to start our goodbyes. Panic attack, arshole, miserable old git,
whatever... I just do not want to be that 'suddenly out of control' ever again. I felt ill with it, but I know leaving was the right thing to do in the moment, but thats not making me less fed up about it today.

I have been a heavy drinker all my life and have had a good innings and great times but I think last orders needs to be called now. It has crept up on me and last night it said BOO! and I really think/hope I am done with booze now, it has begun to change my personality and I don't like that bloke.

Glad thats off me chest(y)

Sitting around all day with little to do but get together in the sun and have a wet lunch/afternoon /evening is bliss, but oh so easy to overdo, and think of the midnight thetford...
Hic!, click, stagger, slip, "shit"! ..."bugger"! ..."Whats up"?..... "You alright"??... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ...... "Wake up, I'm busting".... ZZZZZZZ.....

Been there too:)
Can I ask how old you are? Don’t reply if you don’t want to.
I'm being serious in this thread:

I know we all talk silly at times but it does concern me the amount of alcohol that some people say they get through, whether at home or away. I don't drink but I notice that people get through quite a bit of wine/beer/spirits etc without thinking about it when they're sitting around all day which can't be good for them.

As the amount of alcohol that can 'safely' be consumed has been reduced by health bods in recent years do you keep a check on your consumption or just ignore it, eg are you oblivious to the risks and/or don't think they apply to you?

Why does it concern you what other people drink? Just asking like.
Does it matter what you drink? We are in our 70s and probably drink far too much according to standards that have no evidence. Our best mate has just been knighted, doesn’t drink or smoke and plays tennis 3 times a week. He has just been diagnosed with terminal cancer and has 4 months to live he is only 63. So if the bullet has your name on it then it’s going to get you. Just go and enjoy yourself !

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Does it matter what you drink? We are in our 70s and probably drink far too much according to standards that have no evidence. Our best mate has just been knighted, doesn’t drink or smoke and plays tennis 3 times a week. He has just been diagnosed with terminal cancer and has 4 months to live he is only 63. So if the bullet has your name on it then it’s going to get you. Just go and enjoy yourself !

So true, but you can't self inflict that with booze, unlike dementure and psychosis.
I do volunteer work at the village church, mowing grass around the gravestones, last week we buried a bloke 57 never drank in his life, me at 72 am starting to know more dead people in there than live ones out.
We have a bottle of wine between the two of us most nights and told the doctor and he wasn't concerned one jot.
But have to admit that is why when o er here we always buy bottles not boxes for the very good reason we would tend to drink more , when we have finished a bottle we don't open another till the next night.
Strange thing is when we are out at home I useually stick to j2o.
Many years ago we were in a restaurant in France, there was a family of eight at one table with a bottle of wine between them, a family of six at another also with one bottle of wine and a family of five with the one bottle, we sat down to order, myself, wife, son aged 21 (now 48) with his girlfriend, daughter 19 (now 47) with a friend.
Waiter asked would we like a drink and I answered yes I'd like a bottle of dry white wine, my wife ordered a tia Maria with coke, drowned in coke as she doesn't really drink.
As the waiter turned away my sone said hang on what about the rest of us, I'll have a bottle of wine, his girlfriend ordered a bottle, my daughter and her friend both ordered a bottle, so five bottles between five of us,
The waiter smiled, said English, nodded and went for the drinks!!!
Don't know what he was implying :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Mena and I both exceed the recommended allowance. My limit now is around one bottle of wine, occasionally a bit more. When at home I tend not to drink for 3 to 4 days a week. When in the motorhome we both drink most days, even if just a glass or two. We make up for the loss with other Funsters though . I tend to ignore people who tell me how much I should drink as the goal posts are forever moving and none of us are here for ever. Live your life.
I apologised earlier because I posted a flippant remark before I read Cazpauls post (as is my nature) I deleted it but was concerned it may have offended Cazpaul.

As for Steve that took a brave decision to make an announcement like that
As for drink itself people would be better without using most drugs alcohol, nicotine, e cigs, .
illegal drugs etc. I also include over eating in the list but overall most of us make excuses as to why we use them. My excuse is I drink possibly a tad more wine than I should nowadays. I have never smoked never used nicotine never used illegal drugs worked in a job that for 40 years meant I never got to go socialise in an evening eat sensibly the only drugs I use are two the hospital prescribe to keep me alive. I enjoy a drink in an evening however if i ever feel it becomes a problem for others I hope I have the sense and bravery of Steve to acknowledge it and then do something about it.

At the moment I am just enjoying my new found freedom

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Not a big drinker, a glass of red with evening meal, then maybe a beer or malt before bed.
Also like a G&T or port or sherry in fact not much I don’t like but what I drink depends on mood, nothing habitual.
I apologised earlier because I posted a flippant remark before I read Cazpauls post (as is my nature) I deleted it but was concerned it may have offended Cazpaul.

As for Steve that took a brave decision to make an announcement like that
As for drink itself people would be better without using most drugs alcohol, nicotine, e cigs, .
illegal drugs etc. I also include over eating in the list but overall most of us make excuses as to why we use them. My excuse is I drink possibly a tad more wine than I should nowadays. I have never smoked never used nicotine never used illegal drugs worked in a job that for 40 years meant I never got to go socialise in an evening eat sensibly the only drugs I use are two the hospital prescribe to keep me alive. I enjoy a drink in an evening however if i ever feel it becomes a problem for others I hope I have the sense and bravery of Steve to acknowledge it and then do something about it.

At the moment I am just enjoying my new found freedom
Pretty much weighs me up as well (y)
Re not drinking/smoking and longevity, whilst i agree to all what is written above my view is why increase the odds of a early death. Any way i'm a maniac without alcohol, with it i'd need locking up :LOL:
There is no way on this planet I want to be trapped the way my Mum is and if MS did it's worst I don't want it.
I found out I have it...….so no thanks, I have no fear of death, I would only be moving on anyway.

The "god let me die" quote is what my 90 year old aunt said for months and months lieing in her cot waited on by, I think, Philipinos who were good people with only a smattering of English. I'd rather jump in the Thames than end up in a place like that, I aged more than she did just by visiting her.

My daughter, late 40s, has it but so far the worst thing to happen is a hand sometimes freezes for a while. Worrying though.

Good luck with yours, clearly nothing wrong with your hands.

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