By my reckoning even after 10 weeks you have 20 days left, which you can add to your spring trip or use to bring your autumn trip forward.You're missing the catch. The 90/180 rule doesn't just catch out just those who want a single visit of over 90 days. We used to go for 9 or 10 weeks in the late spring and return for a similar period starting late August or early September. Now if we want to return in September we have to ensure we are back in the UK by the end of May so we are back for 90 days in order to reset the clock for the next trip. We used to stay into June but can't do that any more.
It isn't the end of the world, we will adapt as we will to all the other restrictions and additional costs. It's just irritating and why I will never be happy with my loss of freedom to travel.
We're also struggling with the logistics but it was surely more important to vote for what one believed ( and I still do) what was best for UK not to make holiday planning easier.