3 Days or be sprayed!

What good will that do me..???:Eeek:

I`m 76 years old for gords sake....:madder:

"Woops".... Just read the thread title again..............

I thought it said "Spayed"............. :doh:
I suppose they think if they leave it three days it will be clear, which it probably would.
But then do you have to leave it another three days for it to be clear for you.

Take your own sanitizer , do the necessary and drive it home, no need to wait three days if you only touch the controls.
A Traveller type person dropped off a nearly new Autotrail Tribute at a dealership that I used to work at. Everything was soaked through with urine and We still had to work on it.
For many, the ability to leave the MH with a dealer \ workshop for a few days before they can work on it, won't be practical. Very few are in easy travel distance of getting back home whilst you wait. It's enough of a challenge to entertain yourself for the day whilst your MH is being done.

I recognise the need to protect everybody. If we should wait 3 days before the van can be worked on, should we then wait another 3 afterwards before we take it away?

If spray treatments are to be used, are these suitable for all materials / fabrics, without risk of them getting marked or damaged? So many cleaning things are suited to only one type of surface.

Yes we pressure wash them inside and out 😉
Wohoo, I look forward to my van being all nice and sparkly next month :D

No we would have got Tom to do it as he tested positive and has already got it!
er um on second thoughts .....

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They didn't mention that.
Yeah thats the crazy thing its the same in the supermarket
Staff don't have to wear masks

Now tell me who is More of a risk ?
The member of staff who is probably in contact with dozens of people a day .....or the wee auld wife who goes out once a week for her shopping ?

Or in this case the dealership staff ? Or the customer who may well have been isolating the last 3 months

Also had a call from them today with the same information. Happy to leave it with them a few days early (we only live a few miles away). But we are booked for the tunnel four days after they do the work (MOT and damp check). We'll probably ask them to spray after they do the work so we can get van back sooner (they also offered to have van for three days after the work is done before we picked it up). Don't mind paying the £10 extra. At least they are being transparent!
I mentioned in another thread, that I called Highbridge Caravans - our supplying dealer - on Monday to ask if they could fit a replacement habitation battery for me. The reply was, well not until the end of September, oh and we'll need the van for 3 days because our technicians aren't allowed to go inside before then.

I bought a new leisure battery yesterday - the exact one I wanted - from a nearby motor factor on the high street of our local town a couple of miles away. They removed the old battery and fitted the new one in under 10 minutes, and without any charge. Job done!
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Yeah thats the crazy thing its the same in the supermarket
Staff don't have to wear masks

Now tell me who is More of a risk ?
The member of staff who is probably in contact with dozens of people a day .....or the wee auld wife who goes out once a week for her shopping ?

Or in this case the dealership staff ? Or the customer who may well have been isolating the last 3 months

As I said earlier

Any business's most important asset is its staff. We have a Covid policy, we send it in advance of a booking, we insist that a customer reads it or adheres to it. We are so happy when a potential customer decides to vote with their feet if they disagree with the steps we have taken to allow us to re-open safely. You may not know it but we think that it says more about them then us, and we simply don't want customers so selfish that they are prepared to risk others.

At work we all know and trust each other, we know that if one of us feel dicky, we will take the correct steps, we would not risk our colleagues and our colleagues families were are a small family run business that favours staff with families and values.

We don't know that a customer who has waited weeks, even months for an appointment may be feeling decidedly "strange" but having travelled hundreds of miles and waited months he or she may keep quiet, erroneously thinking its nothing and I will feel better once the works done and I can get home!

So by risking our staff, we risk ourselves and our customers

So we have a range of Covid measures, and if a customer decides that don't want to stick to our rules, we are delighted to hand the keys back in our key "bucket" and say goodbye, we will all give a little "wave" as they drive down the drive!

Why should we work on a hourly basis, yet not charge for preparation to make the vehicle safe for our staff to work on, and ensure that anywhere we have worked is cleaned down with the appropriate anti viral cleaner after we have finished so that it is safe for our customers?

If people don't want to pay if we feel necessary to make a charge, again they are more than welcome to postpone their visit to us until the virus is irradiated

The customer is always right, the Employment Act(s) are more powerful and the Covid Virus will kill anyone regardless of them being right or not.
As I said earlier

Any business's most important asset is its staff. We have a Covid policy, we send it in advance of a booking, we insist that a customer reads it or adheres to it. We are so happy when a potential customer decides to vote with their feet if they disagree with the steps we have taken to allow us to re-open safely. You may not know it but we think that it says more about them then us, and we simply don't want customers so selfish that they are prepared to risk others.

At work we all know and trust each other, we know that if one of us feel dicky, we will take the correct steps, we would not risk our colleagues and our colleagues families were are a small family run business that favours staff with families and values.

We don't know that a customer who has waited weeks, even months for an appointment may be feeling decidedly "strange" but having travelled hundreds of miles and waited months he or she may keep quiet, erroneously thinking its nothing and I will feel better once the works done and I can get home!

So by risking our staff, we risk ourselves and our customers

So we have a range of Covid measures, and if a customer decides that don't want to stick to our rules, we are delighted to hand the keys back in our key "bucket" and say goodbye, we will all give a little "wave" as they drive down the drive!

Why should we work on a hourly basis, yet not charge for preparation to make the vehicle safe for our staff to work on, and ensure that anywhere we have worked is cleaned down with the appropriate anti viral cleaner after we have finished so that it is safe for our customers?

If people don't want to pay if we feel necessary to make a charge, again they are more than welcome to postpone their visit to us until the virus is irradiated

The customer is always right, the Employment Act(s) are more powerful and the Covid Virus will kill anyone regardless of them being right or not.
The point im making is that its a two way thing ....none of your staff are any less likely to be a no symptom carrier or indeed have picked up the virus and not know about it than the customer is.

So the policy many places have of the staff not having to wear masks etc is complete and utter nonsense.

As for opening safely that again is a matter of opinion

I know that the pub next door to my work is doing little to enforce social distancing, there's certainly no masks being worn and its been packed since it opened....then come 11pm the drunks come in to us for food and the shop owner is also no longer enforcing any of the guidlines as they are more interested in the money.

So its with little wonder that a second wave is imminent.

Too many loopholes and one sided practices

As for staff being the most important assett ......i can't speak for you personally but I think most would agree that mindset died years ago ....these days staff are dispensable and first to be thrown on the scrapheap when times get hard.
To pay for a anti viral spray to be used in the motorhome to protect their staff Who are a business’s most important asset
I would pay £10 but actually if its done 'free' than that goes a long way for customer care probably the best advertising they could do but if they 'have' to charge then so be it.
As for staff being the most important assett ......i can't speak for you personally but I think most would agree that mindset died years ago ....these days staff are dispensable and first to be thrown on the scrapheap when times get hard.
I am glad that you don't speak for me, our reputation is excellent, we don't advertise, we don't do shows except the NEC and we always have a waiting list and a full order book

Because of our staff

Well paid, well looked after, well thought of and well treated and MUCH more important than a customer that doesn't understand or knows better than the guidance given by the Government and liberally mixed with common sense.
As for staff being the most important assett ......i can't speak for you personally but I think most would agree that mindset died years ago ....these days staff are dispensable and first to be thrown on the scrapheap when times get hard.
I spent my entire working life with that philosophy and have passed it down through the family. People want to employ businesses they trust with reliable employees. By being a family focused business with long term trusted employees is a very valuable selling point. Our employees were considered part of the family and our most important asset alongside their skills.

If you treat staff as dispensable assets that are only of value when they are earning, you miss the opportunity to build an empire of people you trust to represent you. Times get hard from time to time, fact, you need to factor in the risk and be ready to adapt. Throwing staff on the scrapheap as you put it would lose you all the loyalty you may have had
I am glad that you don't speak for me, our reputation is excellent, we don't advertise, we don't do shows except the NEC and we always have a waiting list and a full order book

Because of our staff

Well paid, well looked after, well thought of and well treated and MUCH more important than a customer that doesn't understand or knows better than the guidance given by the Government and liberally mixed with common sense.
I am glad that you don't speak for me, our reputation is excellent, we don't advertise, we don't do shows except the NEC and we always have a waiting list and a full order book

Because of our staff

Well paid, well looked after, well thought of and well treated and MUCH more important than a customer that doesn't understand or knows better than the guidance given by the Government and liberally mixed with common sense.
But you used to do shows back in the day when flogging crap for vw's 😉
Quite depressing reading this thread - at the level of concern shown at leaving a vehicle with a dealer/mechanic.
Apart from the actual virus the amount of plastic and chemicals used alone to 'combat' it will create problems for us for years to come.
The anxiety shown will no doubt shorten lives.
The economy damaged for decades - for us and our childrens and grand childrens.
Taking reasonable steps will help - the rest wont
But you used to do shows back in the day when flogging crap for vw's 😉
Oi the crap I used to sell at shows wasn't just for VW's it was universal crap lol

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we insist that a customer reads it or adheres to it.

OR???? Didn't you mean AND? :p

until the virus is irradiated
Bang it in the microwave if you want to irradiate it :D

I totally agree with all your posts on this thread Eddie. What people may not realise is that the spray may only be £1 or so. But the hour or so taken to spray and clean all surfaces down is NOT free, you still have to pay for that staff member to do that.
What is this spray anyway? I am sure I read somewhere that cabbies had some kind of canister that they 'let off' in the cab then left it to do its stuff. Is it a similar process for motorhomes?
Touch wood, our van is booked in for hab and 1st MOT end of Sept, haven't heard anything about leaving if for 3 days before, or after as yet, but that may change as we learn more every week.
I would hazard a guess that this 1st option may become normal practice, or 2nd Option, pay extra for sterilisation.
IF I were them though I would probably mention the required sterilisation, and just build any costs into the service price, as this would free up storage space (if they have any), and keep the workshop diary full.
As for staff being the most important assett ......i can't speak for you personally but I think most would agree that mindset died years ago ....these days staff are dispensable and first to be thrown on the scrapheap when times get hard.

It’s not a mindset across the board I can assure you.

My firm treasures it’s staff and would be stuffed without them.

So far ( touch wood) we haven’t had to lay any off and despite a radical fall in revenue haven’t introduced pay cuts either.

It‘s tough and it’s tight but the last thing our staff are is dispensable. On the contrary.
OR???? Didn't you mean AND? :p

Bang it in the microwave if you want to irradiate it :D
I meant eradicated but I did mean read or, as in if it appears that they haven't they are educated by "Da Management"

You don't want that !

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What is this spray anyway? I am sure I read somewhere that cabbies had some kind of canister that they 'let off' in the cab then left it to do its stuff. Is it a similar process for motorhomes?
indeed they have been known to use cans of steriliser deodouriser that is designed to clean vehicle air conditioning. Set fans to recirculate and fans on full. wind up all windows then set of the can and leave vehicle. The fog of chemicals leaves the aircon and the rest of the car smelling much nicer and kills the majority of bugs and viruses
Our moho service & damp treatment was booked into Becks in a couple of weeks, this was after being cancelled back in May due to C-19.

Just had a call telling me we had to take the van in 3 days early and leave it ... there was an alternative that we could take it in on the day but they would have to spray the vehicle at an additional charge of £10.

As nothing is particularly urgent I have postponed the work until end of October hoping things may be different by then.

Have any other Funsters had this system from suggested by a dealer and if so what would you do?
Brian, don't be so tight, just get it done ........ :ROFLMAO:

Johns Cross down our way also require a 3 day in advance period, or did when I checked them a few weeks ago. No mention of a spray alternative.

We have MOT and damp check booked into Becks in November. Can't have the 3 days so will have to pay if it is still ongoing. The day before we are booked into Alde to get the heating serviced and the day after we are booked in to SAP to have the levelling system serviced. We are getting our services oooop norf all done in one visit.
TBH, at a tenner (what's a tenner these days?) I'd be pleased that they are acting responsibly and conscientiously rather than potentially spreading the virus from vehicle to vehicle and person to person.
If it was my business and I was quoting today I'd just add a tenner to the quote without ref to spraying.
I recall when 45 years ago I bought a washing machine when first married for around £150 and felt very indignant that the Curry's salesman charged 2/6d extra for a plug to be fitted to the mains lead. If he'd added it to the washer price in the first place I'd never have known.
early 80s i left a top of the range bang and olafson stereo system i had ordered on the counter in john lewis when the refused to throw in 3 plugs
TBH, at a tenner (what's a tenner these days?) I'd be pleased that they are acting responsibly and conscientiously rather than potentially spreading the virus from vehicle to vehicle and person to person.
If it was my business and I was quoting today I'd just add a tenner to the quote without ref to spraying.
I recall when 45 years ago I bought a washing machine when first married for around £150 and felt very indignant that the Curry's salesman charged 2/6d extra for a plug to be fitted to the mains lead. If he'd added it to the washer price in the first place I'd never have known.
Bought a bed from B#nsons a couple of years ago. £400,ok. But there is a £40 delivery charge; can I talk to the manger; I’m the deputy manager; I’ll go and pick it up; it’s in Essex; won’t buy it if that’s the case. Settled on £20!
But I won’t be back because Covid did for them!
indeed they have been known to use cans of steriliser deodouriser that is designed to clean vehicle air conditioning. Set fans to recirculate and fans on full. wind up all windows then set of the can and leave vehicle. The fog of chemicals leaves the aircon and the rest of the car smelling much nicer and kills the majority of bugs and viruses

My sister went to buy a newish BMW from the main agent that had been used by a smoker - they tried fogging it twice - failed

So what guarantees against Covid?

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