Month 9 of Late Gap Year USA road trip

About to start month 9 and this is what 8 months and 42,000 miles looks like.

Average diesel price is now around $3.75 = £0.78 litre drop in US fuel prices after Christmas and £ = $ creeping up.

50,000 miles driven by end of January.
26.8 MPG
Last 9 litres of AdBlu lasted 1,500 miles, a new high. Usage is very sensitive to temperature it would seem.

A new one on me while staying in Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument.
We noticed the vast majority of vehicles had the bonnet/hood open?
Enquiring relieved the local Pack Rats like to explorer and engine bays are a popular playground so not only
bonnet/hood open many had encircled their vehicles with lights ot had lights in the engine bay.
This is an issue throughout the senora desert area, so should you happen to be in the area, when in Rome.
Sadly no flashing lights
20240105_082347 (1).jpg

I did post this image on Outside from Inside but in case you missed it.
Image while driving Interstate 19 in Arizona.
What is "wrong" in this image.

When the toilet door handle came loose for the 3rd time I decided to also reduce its intrusion into the limited space and apply a small amount of expanding Gorilla glue to the screw thread and a dab to screw head once refitted.

After a few days and nights of sub zero (-10C overnight) travelling back across Texas we burnt through 1 x 11kgs of propane.
And upon arriving in warmer climate discovered the fresh water drain pipe had frozen and pushed a joint apart.
The amount of dead water held in fresh and waste pipes between the tank and electric release valve has always been an issue
for me. When Swift replaced the manual taps (we have a manual fresh tap as the electric one was removed by a packing strap on the
motorway a few months after buying the van) with electric valves, guessing no one thought they could actually relocate the valve and
eliminate the dead water and a less vulnerable location.

Waste valve has started to drip, guessing it been hit by road debris 1 too many times.
By end of Jan water was dripping from multiple locations around valve, going to have to take a closer look.
Waste Valve 2.jpg

Lost the manual fresh water tap last week, guessing it vibrated loose, luckily being a prepper I had our daughter bring 2 out when she visited in
September. Fitted replacement and some Gorilla tap to hold it is place, we also have the original damaged one, just drips.
Tap Taped.jpg

Still getting some garage water ingress
Water Rear 2.jpg
Water Door.jpg

Replaced the cleat plastic boxes with some new "Hefty" ones from Walmart. 8 litres larger than originals but having a locking lid the middle one
can be placed in upside down reducing the total depth of the 3.
Also with usage of things we've now packed all tools & equipment into 1 box and the other 2 are packed with souvenire T-Shirts and stuff.
Boxes 2.jpg
Boxes 1.jpg

Not seen this in a Walmart or any store before caveat emptor, very strange aisle combination

Rear video camera been out for nearly 2 weeks now very, very heavy rain in Natchez Mississippi.
AV1 "No Signal" message AV2 appears for a few seconds then screen goes blank.
Submitted warranty claim.

We had to abandon our planned 3 nights on Rutherford Beach, Cameron, Louisiana.
Following the heavy rain the Mosquitoes were swarming, they were large and after killed dozens in the van we have to presume they
"found a way in" as were fully closed up.


Hi There Jez1966,

You asked about shipping a motorhome to NZ.

I've always shipped out of Southampton using Wallenius Wilhelmsen but I was shipping vans to be permanently imported into NZ which is different (and more difficult) than temporary imports as yours would be. My knowledge of temporary imports is limited but I believe the maximum time period here in NZ is 12mths and the vehicle must have current and valid registration in its home country and (if applicable) a current MoT or equivalent. On arrival, ance released by customs, biosecurity and the Port it needs to go straight to a compliance centre. They'll check all the required paperwork and that its roadworthy then issue the appropriate temporary permit. Your biggest challenge will be biosecurity. NZ (and Australia) are paranoid about exotic flora and fauna getting in on imported goods and go to great lengths (at the importers expense!) to prevent this. Vehicle imports, especially used vehicles, are seen as very high risk and you'll need to have it fumigated inside and out by an approved applicator like Rentokil who can issue a certificate for the work before the shippers will even accept it on the ship. The Ministry of Primary Industires here (MPI) will still inspect it in detail on arrival and reserve the right to require further treatment before they'll release it. As you've discovered space on a ship has been at a premium this last couple of years and regular shippers get priority.

I'm a little out of touch now as I sold my importing business five years ago and retired but you might have more success if you approach someone who is regularly importing vehicles. They'll obviously charge for their services but it's such a minefield that it might be worth paying. Both NZ and Australia can match anywhere in the world when it comes to rules and regulations!

Sarah at Castle European in NZ might be able to help. She generally does permanent imports but has agents at Wilhelmsen, Customs agents, understands all the biosecurity requirements and she has a relationship with VTNZ and will be up to date with the current requirements. Her email is:

Tell her Paul gave you her details. If I may offer some advice here: You need to either completely do this yourself in its entirety, or employ someone like Sarah to look after it all for you and let her do everything from shipping out of Southampton to handing it over to you all ready to drive away in NZ Don't try to do some yourself and ask them to do other parts because I know from experience that it confuses the paper-trail and you'll then have endless trouble with various government bodies here and the whole process will take a lot longer. The various government departments involved couldn't care less if your van sits on the docks for six months incurring demurrage charges at around NZ$500 a night from the port because customs or MPI won't release it.

Hope that helps.

Safe travels on your USA/Canada trip!


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