Month 12 of Late Gap Year USA road trip

  • Author Author Jez1966
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  • Blog entry read time Blog entry read time 1 min read
Updated April 2024: No new information to add.

A 3,000 mile drive from Boca Chica, TX to Halifax NS to drop van off at docks 11th April.
Trying to not go too far north to quickly as central Maine was -7c and 24" of snow, but stopping to viewed the Total Solar Eclipse
from Littleton Maine, cloudless sky, unlike Cornwall 1999.
Totally 56,000 in the near 12 months.

Drop off simple enough, visited IH Mathers office for 10 minutes to pick up booking confirmation document.
Drove to docks, 1.25 CDN$ for toll bridge the shorted route.
Signed in at docks as visitors, and guided to drop off area.
PAS Agent completed some more paperwork, and complained that I.H. Mathers should have given us 2 copies of booking confirmation
when I asked for the documents back and they had to copy it.
ACL Agent came down to inspect the van, check there was nothing visible inside and noted any marks or damage on the outside.
He asked about any propane onboard and we showed him the bottles indicated empty.
We had used virtually all the gas, but to be sure I left the BBQ feed tape open overnight before we took van to the docks.

Now Flying from Halifax to Hawaii to tick off 50 State/State Capitol and a 5 day break, NO DRIVING and home 20th April.

GoogleMyMaps: Disappeared



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