Caldonazzo lake

By now it was pouring with rain and very misty. I had originally planned to go to Innsbruck. I'd never been but Angela had been before we met. There is a campsite in the hills outside that has a free bus into Innsbruck which is where we intended staying.
We all agreed there was no point.
We were going to Venice and halfway was Trento. Just outside there is a lake with lots of campsites some of which were ACSI. After Ulm stelplatz getting full we had emailed the one in Fussen and reserved a few places. At Fussen we would not have got in if we had arrived after 4pm and this was in April. I wondered if there was some German holiday that I was not aware of as we never expected the number of vans we saw. So I emailed this campsite and they replied straight away saying there was no need to book.
Just outside Fussen on the way to Austria there is a little garage where an old woman (and I mean old) can sell you a vignette if you need (or want) one. As we were going straight through we bought one. (€9). It probably saved us money as we would have used far more diesel going round. If you know when you are arriving you can order an electronic vignette from . BUT you have to book it 18 days before you arrive due to "consumer rights regulations".
The route to the Brenner pass was awful and the rain lashed down. Once in Italy, Google says the motorway is shut, so we turn off onto side roads that went on forever. Never far from motorway but never saw it slowdown. Ah well saved a few euro on the peage. Arrived late afternoon at Camping Spiaggia.
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The next day we got the bikes off for the first time and went around the lake. Cycle lane all the way up the west side. The weather was better now and I finally got my shorts on.
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Day 3 it was supposed to rain today but not much sign of it. Short walk for some people to get ice cream and crepes. A bit later it brightened up and as there was some free canoes on the site and we made full use of them. The campsite has a private area with loungers. Site was €21 + taxes (about €1.50).
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Angela was dogbound.
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We stayed at
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