Marquis Berkshire motorhome update (2 Viewers)

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Aug 28, 2021
Oxford, UK
Funster No
Auto-Sleeper Kingham
I'm a newbie
Here is the latest in my saga about a motorhome purchased from Marquis Berkshire that I still don't have after seven weeks.

Firstly, am I doing this right by starting a new post each time there's a substantial update to the story? If feel that things could be missed by forum browsers if I just kept adding to the original post - and the thread would be multiple pages long by now and a tad confusing with all the replies, quotes and off-on-a-tangent comments.

First thing this morning I rocked up at the dealership with the documentation and proof I apparently needed to satisfy their anti-laundering 'policy', even though I just want the money paid back into the account it was paid from. There's surely not much of an opportunity to launder money by doing that! Still, I had the necessary and wanted to do it in person to avoid any further excuses. At this point I have lost all confidence in Marquis because of the delays and less than transparent information I had (not) received about the fact I would have to wait an indefinitely number of weeks to take collection, even once I'd paid for my van.

I met with the new Sales Manager since the original guy who sold me the van had left.

I said that as well as the remainder £75.5k refund, I also wanted a return of the £3000 deposit and to cancel the sale altogether. I told him that had I been told on my initial enquiries about the vehicle that I would still be waiting for it with no idea of an actual date of collection by October, I would have never gone ahead with the order.

New Sales Manager blew cold on my deposit refund and said Marquis has things in its contract to 'protect itself'. I told him that I wanted him to call head office to instigate the process of refund there and then and he flat out refused to do that. He said that there is a process that must be followed and he would be doing it later today. I stayed very calm (no voice raising etc.) but he was actually hostile to me, telling me I wasn't listening to him. Given the way I have been treated, any professional person would let me have my say but he just didn't want to listen to me and got up and walked away several times while I was explaining the situation and saying how unsatisfactory it all was.

I'm going to get stick from people in this forum but I left him with the details and he said that he would be back in touch later today or by 'first thing' tomorrow morning. When I pressed him on what he meant by first thing he got really shirty and said 'first thing means 10am because we don't open until 9am'.

Yes, I'm sure a lot of people would've chained themselves to the desk or refused to budge but I'm just not like that. With his assurance that he would sort it out and would speak to him director about the deposit refund, I left. I was red of face and fuming inside and it felt like leaving the headmaster's office. I'm subsequently annoyed with myself that I left but there you are.

I wrote a long and formal complaint which included everything that had happened, with date etc. and sent it via their website. Part of my complaint was now about the attitude of New Sales Manager (NSM) and, ridiculously, the Marquis website provides no details of where to send the complaint, stating only that you should email it to your local branch who would forward it on. I called NSM and asked him to give me direct contact details. He resolutely refused to do so. When I asked why he said it was because the process has to be followed. It seems obvious that Marquis is structured in such a way as to protect their head office directly wherever possible.

I sent him my complaint and used their online form to also forward it to the Head Office option in the dropdown menu. No actual email address or telephone available.

This afternoon I have been called by the company Sales Directory. He was much more calm and professional, even though all he did was explain the situation again despite the fact I am very aware of it by now and told him so.

Just in case I've not made it clear, here it is in a very brief nutshell.

Marquis needs a code from Stellanis. They then provide that code to the DVLA who issue the V55 on the vehicle which means they can they register it formally to me and it becomes road legal. Stellanis are not delivering that code despite 'numerous requests'. Sales Director guy told me what NSM and others have told me previously, that the 'big guns' of the company are now involved in trying to get this code from Stellantis.

Of course, at this point I couldn't really give a monkey's. I've had enough of dealing with Marquis and do not wish to give them any more of my custom. I have explained that I want to cancel the whole thing and have a refund of my deposit as well.

+ 10 minute pause +

That pause is because as I am writing, I've had a call from the Assistant Manager from Marquis. He has again explained the situation and was another level up again in professionalism and politeness. At this point I am convinced that this is as much a frustration for them as it is for me. I think it's a inexcusable way to run a business (to sell something you can't necessarily provide) so I'm not excusing that, but I do believe given we are where we are that they are doing what they can to progress things.

Apparently every other company they deal with has an online system in place but Stellantis still conduct business by paperwork in the post. That's not my problem, obviously. Every person I have spoken to at Marquis has told me they are all aware of the delays with Stellantis and THAT is my single gripe.

To repeat it again, nobody at any time warned me there could be a delay. Even if it didn't happen all the time with Stellantis, it happens enough that it's a known issue within the company and I should have been told that I could be waiting an indefinite time for my vehicle. That was never mentioned until after everything was paid and I had a date to collect it, which was then cancelled. At best that's negligent, at worst it might be described as a bit shady. The bottom line is that I would never have gone ahead with the sale had I known I would still be waiting in October, still without hint of an actual date.

I now have promises right up the line - from the branch manager to the company sales manager to the company assistant managing director (assistant to the managing director ;) - joke) that they will all get back to me tomorrow with details of my refund.

Is this situation ideal? No. Far from it. Am I doing what I personally am able to do? Yes.

What I hope will be a final update will follow.
Aug 28, 2021
Oxford, UK
Funster No
Auto-Sleeper Kingham
I'm a newbie
Now you have your money back without all the dire things happening that have been talked about on here, do you think they just might have been as frustrated as you at not being able to get it sorted .
As I said in a previous post, it will be very interesting to see what happens to the van now, will it get sold straight away or be standing there for a while.
At the end they certainly presented it to me that they were equally as frustrated. I'm not sure 'equally' is fair (they didn't leave their job with a plan to start their motorhome journey in the summer only to have those dreams dashed) but the senior people I have spoken to did say that.
Could've been spiel, who knows? Frankly I don't particularly care because as well as my frustration at not having the physical vehicle, I've been appalled by their obfuscation and differing excuses over the weeks. The people at the branch gave no impression of caring at all. Every time I called or emailed it was just 'No, we haven't got anything this week. Try again next week'.
Extremely unprofessional.
If they had been honest and told me about the potential long delay at the beginning, well, I probably wouldn't have gone ahead but at least I would've known what was ahead of me and been able to manage my expectations if I did.
Also, aside from their lack of transparency, they ended up admitting that they are very aware of these lengthy delays that can happen when dealing with Stellantis. You would think they would somehow adjust the way they do business by only having on display vehicles that are already registered, rather than selling something and then eventually starting the process. Or, as I said, just being absolutely up-front about it at the point where someone is prepared to put down a deposit.
I'm pretty sure the van will get a price label stuck on it and then put back out on the forecourt. They have absolutely no way of knowing when they will get the 'code' from Stellantis so it's entirely possible that someone could be about to go through the same thing I have.
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Jun 5, 2014
Funster No
C Class
More than toes wet now!
If they just give me the deposit back, which I think is quite likely because I am legally solid, I won't pursue for anything else. It's been quite a stressful period and I'll be content to just have all the money back and never have to deal with Marquis again.
Yip, sometimes it's better to bit the bullet and put it down to experience!

Don't prolong the stress. It will cost you much more than the additional expenses!
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Aug 28, 2021
Oxford, UK
Funster No
Auto-Sleeper Kingham
I'm a newbie
The branch has told me they have passed my demand for the return of the deposit, which included actual governmental legislation that deposits must be refunded on request if the goods are not received within 30 days (as of yesterday and the refund on the remainder, it's been 50 days) to the head office.
I'm going to have a day off thinking about all this as my general mental state is crying out for a breather (ahem, nothing to do with last night's three large gins). I'm ready to claim online if I need to. It'll cost me £115 which will be money well spent, but I don't think it will come to that.
The final, final chapter is to follow.
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Steve and Denise

Sep 26, 2011
Spalding LINCS
Funster No
A Class Carthago
Since 2008
Money aside we looked at an Autosleeper and liked it but the terms and conditions for warranty was a no go, they want to tie you to hab services at their dealers or no warrant, that was enough for me to walk away.

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Aug 26, 2008
Funster No
Van Conversion
since 2007
Yip, sometimes it's better to bit the bullet and put it down to experience!

Don't prolong the stress. It will cost you much more than the additional expenses!

Do not underestimate how stressful a small claim (up to £5k) can be for a litigant in person. Even though the final hearing itself might be in front of a sympathetic District Judge, the road to that hearing is a real PITA of paperwork, gobbledygook Rules, court fees, and deadlines. Getting judgment is often only half the battle. In my experience enforcing it against a slippery defendant can be just as difficult and take a long time with no guarantee you will get any money back, especially out of an insolvent company. To be clear, I am not saying Marquis or any of its group companies is insolvent. Merely that the facts as stated in this thread might raise a red flag or two, one of the tests being failure to pay debts as they fall due. I still remember when Discover Leisure (a major Dealer at the time) went bust out of the blue during the October NEC Show and its stand had to be closed! There are many other dealers who are no longer trading - I see there is a thread on this. You can't go by appearances. Trust No One as the saying goes. Once they have your cash, the risk is on you.

If Marquis refunds the whole £3k deposit, that is where I would draw a line and put this woeful saga down to experience.
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Aug 26, 2008
Funster No
Van Conversion
since 2007
Money aside we looked at an Autosleeper and liked it but the terms and conditions for warranty was a no go, they want to tie you to hab services at their dealers or no warrant, that was enough for me to walk away.

That seems like creating residual income for their Dealers for doing very little except ticking boxes on a form.

How relevant is an annual hab service to a PVC anyway? I can understand the benefits of a 1st hab service after 12 months, that ought to pick up any small defects that should be dealt with under warranty. The benefit to the customer of successive annual hab services seems minimal compared to the significant annual cost and hassle. It might be more beneficial for a coachbuilt MH or caravan owner. If the manufacturers did a better job of quality control this annual rigmarole would be unnecessary.

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Jun 29, 2015
Funster No
caravan (for now)
on and off since 1984
Do not underestimate how stressful a small claim (up to £5k) can be for a litigant in person. Even though the final hearing itself might be in front of a sympathetic District Judge, the road to that hearing is a real PITA of paperwork, gobbledygook Rules, court fees, and deadlines. Getting judgment is often only half the battle. In my experience enforcing it against a slippery defendant can be just as difficult and take a long time with no guarantee you will get any money back, especially out of an insolvent company. To be clear, I am not saying Marquis or any of its group companies is insolvent. Merely that the facts as stated in this thread might raise a red flag or two, one of the tests being failure to pay debts as they fall due. I still remember when Discover Leisure (a major Dealer at the time) went bust out of the blue during the October NEC Show and its stand had to be closed! There are many other dealers who are no longer trading - I see there is a thread on this. You can't go by appearances. Trust No One as the saying goes. Once they have your cash, the risk is on you.

If Marquis refunds the whole £3k deposit, that is where I would draw a line and put this woeful saga down to experience.
I have had dealing with the small claims court from both sides and I have seen a huge bias towards the individual claimant. One case comes to mind, a customer who had bought a cooker from us and claimed it was faulty. Several engineers went to test it including myself, we all carried out a full temperature test and found the oven was well within the specified peramiter, however the judge decided that was trumped by the customer's inability to bake a cake in the perfect oven. The Cust was allowed to not not pay for the cooker and could keep it as well.
I have used this information for my own advantage when dealing with companies. I'm of the opinion that the courts will almost always rule against the company as if the system worked, bad customers being sued would clog up to courts. After the above ruling my company stopped trying to claim through the courts and made customers pay a substantial deposit instead.
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Jun 29, 2015
Funster No
caravan (for now)
on and off since 1984
No you can't as the total price was over 30k.
It's an interesting point as the only claim would be for the deposit, not the larger amount paid at a later date. I'm not sure which way it would go.
Last edited:
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Feb 16, 2013
Funster No
ambulance conversion
50 years
At the end they certainly presented it to me that they were equally as frustrated. I'm not sure 'equally' is fair (they didn't leave their job with a plan to start their motorhome journey in the summer only to have those dreams dashed) but the senior people I have spoken to did say that.
Could've been spiel, who knows? Frankly I don't particularly care because as well as my frustration at not having the physical vehicle, I've been appalled by their obfuscation and differing excuses over the weeks. The people at the branch gave no impression of caring at all. Every time I called or emailed it was just 'No, we haven't got anything this week. Try again next week'.
Extremely unprofessional.
If they had been honest and told me about the potential long delay at the beginning, well, I probably wouldn't have gone ahead but at least I would've known what was ahead of me and been able to manage my expectations if I did.
Also, aside from their lack of transparency, they ended up admitting that they are very aware of these lengthy delays that can happen when dealing with Stellantis. You would think they would somehow adjust the way they do business by only having on display vehicles that are already registered, rather than selling something and then eventually starting the process. Or, as I said, just being absolutely up-front about it at the point where someone is prepared to put down a deposit.
I'm pretty sure the van will get a price label stuck on it and then put back out on the forecourt. They have absolutely no way of knowing when they will get the 'code' from Stellantis so it's entirely possible that someone could be about to go through the same thing I have.
Mate, I am not knocking you in any way and realise what you have been through and over the moon you have your money back, but seeing as they havnt had to shut down and all the other things that was going to happen to them according to some posts on here.
I just thought that maybe they couldn't get this code thing and were just making it up as they went along as to why you couldn't have your van, but it was out of their hands.
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Jun 29, 2015
Funster No
caravan (for now)
on and off since 1984
That seems like creating residual income for their Dealers for doing very little except ticking boxes on a form.

How relevant is an annual hab service to a PVC anyway? I can understand the benefits of a 1st hab service after 12 months, that ought to pick up any small defects that should be dealt with under warranty. The benefit to the customer of successive annual hab services seems minimal compared to the significant annual cost and hassle. It might be more beneficial for a coachbuilt MH or caravan owner. If the manufacturers did a better job of quality control this annual rigmarole would be unnecessary.
I bought second hand from Marquis and the second and third year warranty was so poor that I didn't bother with the hab service
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Aug 26, 2008
Funster No
Van Conversion
since 2007
I have had dealing with the small claims court from both sides and I have seen a huge bias towards the individual claimant. One case comes to mind, a customer who had bought a cooker from us and claimed it was faulty. Several engineers went to test it including myself, we all carried out a full temperature test and found the oven was well within the specified peramiter, however the judge decided that was trumped by the customer's inability to bake a cake in the perfect oven. The Cust was allowed to not not pay for the cooker and could keep it as well.
I have used this information for my own advantage when dealing with companies. I'm of the opinion that the courts will almost always rule against the company as if the system worked, bad customers being sued would clog up to courts. After the above ruling my company stopped trying to claim through the courts and made customers pay a substantial deposit instead.

Don't get me wrong - I have done about 10 claims of various types for myself, and I have been 100% successful but I prefer to settle rather than go to a final Hearing. I had the advantage of being a litigation solicitor who earned a living doing this stressful stuff on behalf of companies.

I admire District Judges for their patience in dealing with angry LIPs who I hear are sometimes prepared to use violence even inside a Court.

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Jul 27, 2013
Wilts/Oxon border
Funster No
Van Conversion
Since childhood!
I have finally received the £75,500 (remainder - i.e. not including the deposit) which has literally just this minute appeared in my account.

This is after they told me it would be yesterday, then that it would be this morning, then that it would be tomorrow. I told them if it wasn't in my account by tomorrow morning I would start legal proceedings, contact the MD (thanks rb62) and plaster all over social media and enthusiast websites - oops, forgot to mention I've already done that.

I am still due the £3,000 deposit which I will continue to pursue. Thanks to Gromett and others I have the rock solid evidence that I am dues that.

I'm almost out of the woods.

I'd like to sincerely thank everyone (I really mean that) who has done what they can to assist me and advise me over this horrendous period.

If it's not already blindingly obvious, I would suggest not going anywhere near Marquis Motorhomes if you want to avoid stress, upset, grief and appalling service.

Thank you again. You are all lovely. Yes, even you.
I’m so glad to read this! What a massive relief it must be, even with the £3000 still owed. I hope you get that back soon.
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Oct 7, 2013
South Wales
Funster No
Swift Escape Compact
Since 1988
The above Saga is the main reason that we have always bought vehicles off the forecourt, which we can see and know are in the vendor’s possession.

It does cut down on the range of choice but, having had the opportunity to sit in the vehicle, check the quality (or otherwise) of the construction and be as sure as possible that the layout suits our needs has more than made up for that.

Delighted that it has worked out for SirPooley .
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Jul 27, 2013
Wilts/Oxon border
Funster No
Van Conversion
Since childhood!
I bought second hand from Marquis and the second and third year warranty was so poor that I didn't bother with the hab service
I also bought second hand from Marquis Berkshire. I still have the van nine years on. BUT on collection the aftermarket cruise control which they’d had installed as part of the deal didn’t work. When I queried why they or the installers hadn’t checked that it did work they said they couldn’t drive it, which seemed odd to me since they’d driven it at least twice that I know of, and both times on dual carriageway which would certainly have enabled the testing of cruise control.
It took FIVE attempts to resolve the issue, which with later knowledge and hindsight could have simply and more cheaply been resolved by using the right kit to start with.
I never took the van back to them for its habitation service but they did fix a leaking water tank under warranty.
So I would say my experience with them has been middling. A family member has also bought from them in the past with no issues. But our purchases were around a decade ago and this saga for poor SirPooley would certainly make me wary of going back to them. It has however given some useful insights into things to be aware of for any future purchase from a large dealer.
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Steve and Denise

Sep 26, 2011
Spalding LINCS
Funster No
A Class Carthago
Since 2008
That seems like creating residual income for their Dealers for doing very little except ticking boxes on a form.

How relevant is an annual hab service to a PVC anyway? I can understand the benefits of a 1st hab service after 12 months, that ought to pick up any small defects that should be dealt with under warranty. The benefit to the customer of successive annual hab services seems minimal compared to the significant annual cost and hassle. It might be more beneficial for a coachbuilt MH or caravan owner. If the manufacturers did a better job of quality control this annual rigmarole would be unnecessary.
Yes it’s just a big con forced to pay for a hab check to keep a warrant,
That being said some Motorhome owners are so clueless they should have a hab check done annually just from a safety point of view👍

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Jan 17, 2014
Wellington, Telford, Shropshire
Funster No
Van Conversion
Since 1977
If they had been honest and told me about the potential long delay at the beginning, well, I probably wouldn't have gone ahead but at least I would've known what was ahead of me and been able to manage my expectations if I did.
Ah that's where the problem lies, if like many companies the salesman doesn't get his bonus until the full payment has been made. If you had walked away he wouldn't have had his bonus, it's now in his pocket and he doesn't care a jot and on to the next unsuspecting customer getting another £75k into Marquis' bank account. Do this to ten customers per year they have three quarters of a million pounds to earn interest on or trade with!

I've had the opposite experience to SirPooley with my order for a MAN TGE which was placed in 2021 at 2021 prices and a deposit paid. Due to unforeseen factory (and Ukraine war) problems and errors the vehicle ended up as a 2023 model delivered November 2022 but the original price was maintained and remaining payment made on delivery to me and after checking that it was exactly as I ordered it. I was kept fully informed all along the way personally by the salesman who I dealt with.

This forum reaches thousands of motorhome owners but perhaps this saga would have reached even more had been broadcast in the BBC's 'Rip off Britain' program and thus helped to maintain the integrity of the motorhome trade for the future.
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Free Member
Feb 28, 2022
Barnard Castle, UK
Funster No
Chausson 640
This is clearly the best advice but you need to know everything that needs to be done. In my case nobody mentioned anything at all that the vehicle wasn't registered with a V55, let alone that they knew there would be a delay in their processes. They dressed it up as 'Pay the remainder and you can drive the van away in three days'. I had an appointment to do that and they cancelled it. That's when the problems started.
When we bought our van - we had to pay the day before because we were collecting it on a Saturday and the admin team registering it etc and confirming reciept of bank transfer didn’t work a weekend. I was happy with that and worked fine for us. We had already had a good look at the van.
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Jul 27, 2013
Wilts/Oxon border
Funster No
Van Conversion
Since childhood!
Ah that's where the problem lies, if like many companies the salesman doesn't get his bonus until the full payment has been made. If you had walked away he wouldn't have had his bonus, it's now in his pocket and he doesn't care a jot and on to the next unsuspecting customer getting another £75k into Marquis' bank account. Do this to ten customers per year they have three quarters of a million pounds to earn interest on or trade with!

I've had the opposite experience to SirPooley with my order for a MAN TGE which was placed in 2021 at 2021 prices and a deposit paid. Due to unforeseen factory (and Ukraine war) problems and errors the vehicle ended up as a 2023 model delivered November 2022 but the original price was maintained and remaining payment made on delivery to me and after checking that it was exactly as I ordered it. I was kept fully informed all along the way personally by the salesman who I dealt with.

This forum reaches thousands of motorhome owners but perhaps this saga would have reached even more had been broadcast in the BBC's 'Rip off Britain' program and thus helped to maintain the integrity of the motorhome trade for the future.
Who did you place your order for your MAN van through?
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Feb 27, 2011
Funster No
Self Build
Since 2005
I have had dealing with the small claims court from both sides and I have seen a huge bias towards the individual claimant. One case comes to mind, a customer who had bought a cooker from us and claimed it was faulty. Several engineers went to test it including myself, we all carried out a full temperature test and found the oven was well within the specified peramiter, however the judge decided that was trumped by the customer's inability to bake a cake in the perfect oven. The Cust was allowed to not not pay for the cooker and could keep it as well.
I have used this information for my own advantage when dealing with companies. I'm of the opinion that the courts will almost always rule against the company as if the system worked, bad customers being sued would clog up to courts. After the above ruling my company stopped trying to claim through the courts and made customers pay a substantial deposit instead.
I have been 3 times as a defendant for a company and won once. The two losses were in my opinion (but not my bosses) the correct one. I got bollocked by the judge on those two I lost which I promptly gave to my boss when I returned back to work.
Because of this experience when I started my own company I had a policy of instant refund on demand no questions asked. This not only avoided bad publicity, potential court cases etc it avoided any stress knowing this was the case. However, I was offering a service not a product so this policy may not be for every company.
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Lenny HB

Oct 18, 2007
On the coast in West Sussex
Funster No
Hymer B678 DL
Since 2008 & many years tugging
It's an interesting point as the only claim would be for the deposit, not the larger amount paid at a later date. I'm not sure which way it would go.
It won't go anywhere section 75 only applies if the total purchase price is under 30k.

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Jun 29, 2015
Funster No
caravan (for now)
on and off since 1984
It won't go anywhere section 75 only applies if the total purchase price is under 30k.
The total purchase was the deposit, the balance was a separate transaction at a later date, so worth a try 🤞

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