Does the Linux you are using on the Pi make using USB drives easy? As I understand it Linux doesn't see external drives in the way Windows does and this confused me when I tried it.
Apologies, I missed this first time around.
Almost too easy. Plug in a USB drive of any kind, it recognises it, it offers to open up a file manager window. You can drag and drop just as in windows but with no permission hassel.
I just thought of one I hadn't tried, plugged my Android phone into the Pi3 and both the phone and Pi responded as they should.
USB hard drive, because of the limited Pi power supply it would need a modern low current one or externally powered drive.
Your problem of how Linux mounts a drive. Yes, without the file manager it is a pain to find them but luckily the supplied file manager sorts this out and uses the drive's own name rather that something like mnt/sd01 which it might be using internally.