Is there a web site or address we could point a potential "opportunity" to that explains precisely what is required legaly and preferences. Also what is the difference between a Motorhome fun CL and a CAMPRA aire?What we all need is motorcaravanners looking for opportunities, only that way will UK stopover numbers increase! Every time we go out for a coffee, meal, visitor centre I think "could we have a 5 van stopover here" And I have a word with the Manager and leave a CAMpRA leaflet. How much success have I had? Very limited, but there's 000's members on here and its not a big ask to ask everyone to look for opportunities?
The CAMPRA MHF form statesThe minimum requirement is safe access and egress to a space 10m by 8 to park a van on. Thats it, nothing else is required
Electricity, water, waste, bins etc are desirable but not essential to get an exemption from us.
"Tell us the what three words address showing PRECISELY where you intend parking the motorhomes." IS this the location of the gate/ entrance to the field or area or the general middle of the parking area? More than one entrance may be visible on maps but one is prefered.