Whats the point of having insurance

Mar 21, 2022
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Hi all
Been having a lovely time in irland past 2 weeks. Been down the narrowest of lanes, had to squeeze past lorries, motorhomes, in narrow high mountain passes no problem.
Driving down standard N Road lorries and coaches passing normal speed on opposite side of road, waving at fellow motorhomers not a problem. Then whilst on a long straight a line of vehicles, the last 3 a motorhome,van then motorhome are approaching, all pass bar last one. Almighty bang and there goes my full mirror everything just leaving metal bars sticking out. flip me that was loud whats happened!!
Luckily is i thought the other motorhomer had pulled in so I turned around and stopped behind motorhome and inspected damage.
Mine lost mirror a few scratches on door a couple of scuffs( poss polish out)
His lost mirror smashed quaternary light.
He was Irish man and family in hired motorhome all apologetic obviously no experience with such a large vehicle ( even so road width no excuse to hit me plenty wide enough)
Exchange insurance details, not more we could do, whats the point of ranting at him gets no where even though wanted to punch his lights out 🤪
I phoned my insurance ( what bollox) they asked did I want to claim on my insurance, no I replied it was his fault, ok then I should ring his insurance to claim, no should that not be your job to claim, well if I wanted to claim i will have to pay my excess and risk higher premiums they may try to claim back but its still on my record as claimed
WHATS THE FEKIN POINT OF HAVING INSURENCE only to pay others that claim against you not to help when you've been wronged
The only good point is that the other guy who was on here had a waking access on his hire agreement
Whats your views
No view of professional weight, but that is disgusting behaviour on the part of your insurer.

It was absolutely their issue to deal with.

Perhaps try ringing them, and next time you get the same response, ask them to escalate it.

Generally, this means raise the same issue with a manager, who may have the wit and discretion to deal with the matter appropriately.

I've had to do this any number of times with a whole range of companies in the service sector. The bottom line are limited in how they can respond, but the next level up have a lot more discretion.

Keep going until they say refuse to sort the problem out to your satisfaction, then inform them you will involve the pertinent regulator.
Would. E interesting to know who the insurer is. Obviously one to avoid.
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Hi all
Been having a lovely time in irland past 2 weeks. Been down the narrowest of lanes, had to squeeze past lorries, motorhomes, in narrow high mountain passes no problem.
Driving down standard N Road lorries and coaches passing normal speed on opposite side of road, waving at fellow motorhomers not a problem. Then whilst on a long straight a line of vehicles, the last 3 a motorhome,van then motorhome are approaching, all pass bar last one. Almighty bang and there goes my full mirror everything just leaving metal bars sticking out. flip me that was loud whats happened!!
Luckily is i thought the other motorhomer had pulled in so I turned around and stopped behind motorhome and inspected damage.
Mine lost mirror a few scratches on door a couple of scuffs( poss polish out)
His lost mirror smashed quaternary light.
He was Irish man and family in hired motorhome all apologetic obviously no experience with such a large vehicle ( even so road width no excuse to hit me plenty wide enough)
Exchange insurance details, not more we could do, whats the point of ranting at him gets no where even though wanted to punch his lights out 🤪
I phoned my insurance ( what bollox) they asked did I want to claim on my insurance, no I replied it was his fault, ok then I should ring his insurance to claim, no should that not be your job to claim, well if I wanted to claim i will have to pay my excess and risk higher premiums they may try to claim back but its still on my record as claimed
WHATS THE FEKIN POINT OF HAVING INSURENCE only to pay others that claim against you not to help when you've been wronged
The only good point is that the other guy who was on here had a waking access on his hire agreement
Whats your views

They seem to get you both ways. Years ago someone went into the back of me at a traffic light. My premium went up, as far as I could tell on the basis that I'm the sort of person people crash into. And then it stays elevated for years and years compared with the pre-event 'trajectory'.
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It cost us £325 to buy the mirror for our Ducato, fitted myself, to have someone else fit it would have doubled the cost.
Just having to replace my Peugeot boxer base van nearside casing due to an errant taxi in Morocco . A new nearside full mirror assembly was £65 ish but I plumped for a casing only at £14. ( ducato mirrors are the same)
They are relatively easy to replace.
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Hi all
Been having a lovely time in irland past 2 weeks. Been down the narrowest of lanes, had to squeeze past lorries, motorhomes, in narrow high mountain passes no problem.
Driving down standard N Road lorries and coaches passing normal speed on opposite side of road, waving at fellow motorhomers not a problem. Then whilst on a long straight a line of vehicles, the last 3 a motorhome,van then motorhome are approaching, all pass bar last one. Almighty bang and there goes my full mirror everything just leaving metal bars sticking out. flip me that was loud whats happened!!
Luckily is i thought the other motorhomer had pulled in so I turned around and stopped behind motorhome and inspected damage.
Mine lost mirror a few scratches on door a couple of scuffs( poss polish out)
His lost mirror smashed quaternary light.
He was Irish man and family in hired motorhome all apologetic obviously no experience with such a large vehicle ( even so road width no excuse to hit me plenty wide enough)
Exchange insurance details, not more we could do, whats the point of ranting at him gets no where even though wanted to punch his lights out 🤪
I phoned my insurance ( what bollox) they asked did I want to claim on my insurance, no I replied it was his fault, ok then I should ring his insurance to claim, no should that not be your job to claim, well if I wanted to claim i will have to pay my excess and risk higher premiums they may try to claim back but its still on my record as claimed
WHATS THE FEKIN POINT OF HAVING INSURENCE only to pay others that claim against you not to help when you've been wronged
The only good point is that the other guy who was on here had a waking access on his hire agreement
Whats your views
You seem to have a bit of confusion as to just what your relationship is with your insurer.
You need to check with them and a good lawyer as to how it / they work.
Ours for example (and all are different but similar I believe) if a third party (or you yourself!) damage your property your insurer is contractually obliged to reimburse you either by repair, replacement or cash equivalent of up to 'market value', which ever is the cheaper unless you have some form of agreement otherwise.
They if all conditions are met will do that.
Having done that they will then try to minimise their expenditure. If it was your fault alone then they have to 'suck it up'. If it was a third party then they (under your name!) will seek to recover the costs from that party.
If you don't want to claim on your insurance then claim directly from the third party as it is they that have damaged your property and are liable to put you back to where you were (to all intents and purposes). They will either deal with it themselves or ask their insurers to do it on their behalf. And so you'll end up dealing with their insurers.
Your insurers are not your go to legal firm that do your bidding against the third party. If you don't want to claim on your policy don't involve your insurers as to do so invokes the contract and they will settle your claim (as a claim) themselves and then pursue the other party. If you don't want to make a claim on your policy, then inform your insurers that you have been in an incident but at this time are not making a claim. This then generally gives you up to six months to approach the 3rd party for settlement and if that's not forth coming then as your insurers were 'put in the picture' you can then involve them within this time period. To not do so as I understand it may or may not render a future claim invalid after a limited time period.
So have a word but understand what 'making a claim' is and isn't .......
Disclaimer....the above is my current belief and may or may not be correct. It is not intended as advice and shouldn't be interpreted as such. Anyone reading it should take advice from a professional in the field as to how their insurance works. I am not a professional.

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The blokes an idiot. He says he wants to self insure on what basis? Who is going to allow someone to do that without putting a few million aside in bond in case of any claims?
I believe it is not uncommon for large vehical users to self insure, i understand the post office do, or at least used to. But I think they are obliged to have a large security bond available to be used in the case of payouts, but probably still cheaper than paying an insurance company for thousands of vehicles.
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Fair point. I've looked at price for new mirror and housing and repair to scratches and will be less than excess and higher premium. Insurers will just say knock for knock as can prove he hit me. Got to take best option still maddening and just shows only insured till you need to claim
I think the worst part of this is that because you have called your insurer and advised an accident even a no fault accident, this will be added to your insurance record. When you are asked at renewal if you have had any accidents or claims you have to say yes or your insurance is null and void. If you say no, they check your record and assume you lie about accidents.
Even though you have not claimed, your premium will increase even though you were not at fault.
Insurers are very pedantic. You may protect your no claims discount but a 50% reduction on a premium of 1000.00 is 500 and a 50% reduction on a premium of 2000 is 1000. You still have your no claims bonus but the premium can be set anywhere! They don’t guarantee your premium.. it stinks.
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I had an accident many years ago and my insurance company were bloody useless. A cyclist chanced crossing the top of a slip road in the dark a point she admitted to the police. She broke her ankle. Had assessors out to view the location and all sorts. On repeated occasions insurance asked me to find out how the cyclist was, I refused point blank as that would be admitting fault, they also kept asking me to contact the police even thought their statement said I wasn’t at fault and the cyclist was. Caused £1500 damage to my car 15 years ago. Found out at renewal they had paid the cyclist £13500 damages and not a word to me. Needless to say I didn’t renew with them.
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Hi all
Been having a lovely time in irland past 2 weeks. Been down the narrowest of lanes, had to squeeze past lorries, motorhomes, in narrow high mountain passes no problem.
Driving down standard N Road lorries and coaches passing normal speed on opposite side of road, waving at fellow motorhomers not a problem. Then whilst on a long straight a line of vehicles, the last 3 a motorhome,van then motorhome are approaching, all pass bar last one. Almighty bang and there goes my full mirror everything just leaving metal bars sticking out. flip me that was loud whats happened!!
Luckily is i thought the other motorhomer had pulled in so I turned around and stopped behind motorhome and inspected damage.
Mine lost mirror a few scratches on door a couple of scuffs( poss polish out)
His lost mirror smashed quaternary light.
He was Irish man and family in hired motorhome all apologetic obviously no experience with such a large vehicle ( even so road width no excuse to hit me plenty wide enough)
Exchange insurance details, not more we could do, whats the point of ranting at him gets no where even though wanted to punch his lights out 🤪
I phoned my insurance ( what bollox) they asked did I want to claim on my insurance, no I replied it was his fault, ok then I should ring his insurance to claim, no should that not be your job to claim, well if I wanted to claim i will have to pay my excess and risk higher premiums they may try to claim back but its still on my record as claimed
WHATS THE FEKIN POINT OF HAVING INSURENCE only to pay others that claim against you not to help when you've been wronged
The only good point is that the other guy who was on here had a waking access on his hire agreement
Whats your views
Thank goodness things are much different in Germany. 🇩🇪
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It reminds me of stories of you being held responsible for a traffic accident in the middle east if you hired a taxi to take you from A-B. Their law used to say that if you hadn't of hired that taxi to take you on the route at that time, the accident wouldn't have happened, The Taxi driver even at fault was carrying out your wishes to get somewhere, you were employing him to do a task for you, therefore you are responsible, and arrested accordingly.:unsure:
I'm sure I wasnt the only one told of this story years back, wonder if its the same with the likes of Uber these days over there?
In Qatar if you are involved in a car accident, and the other party is Qatari, the accident is automatically your fault. They don't even want to hear the circumstances. Ask my son-in-law, he knows ;)

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You seem to have a bit of confusion as to just what your relationship is with your insurer.
You need to check with them and a good lawyer as to how it / they work.
Ours for example (and all are different but similar I believe) if a third party (or you yourself!) damage your property your insurer is contractually obliged to reimburse you either by repair, replacement or cash equivalent of up to 'market value', which ever is the cheaper unless you have some form of agreement otherwise.
They if all conditions are met will do that.
Having done that they will then try to minimise their expenditure. If it was your fault alone then they have to 'suck it up'. If it was a third party then they (under your name!) will seek to recover the costs from that party.
If you don't want to claim on your insurance then claim directly from the third party as it is they that have damaged your property and are liable to put you back to where you were (to all intents and purposes). They will either deal with it themselves or ask their insurers to do it on their behalf. And so you'll end up dealing with their insurers.
Your insurers are not your go to legal firm that do your bidding against the third party. If you don't want to claim on your policy don't involve your insurers as to do so invokes the contract and they will settle your claim (as a claim) themselves and then pursue the other party. If you don't want to make a claim on your policy, then inform your insurers that you have been in an incident but at this time are not making a claim. This then generally gives you up to six months to approach the 3rd party for settlement and if that's not forth coming then as your insurers were 'put in the picture' you can then involve them within this time period. To not do so as I understand it may or may not render a future claim invalid after a limited time period.
So have a word but understand what 'making a claim' is and isn't .......
Disclaimer....the above is my current belief and may or may not be correct. It is not intended as advice and shouldn't be interpreted as such. Anyone reading it should take advice from a professional in the field as to how their insurance works. I am not a professional.
Pretty much spot on. 38 years in the industry and couldn’t have explained it better.
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You seem to have a bit of confusion as to just what your relationship is with your insurer.
You need to check with them and a good lawyer as to how it / they work.
Ours for example (and all are different but similar I believe) if a third party (or you yourself!) damage your property your insurer is contractually obliged to reimburse you either by repair, replacement or cash equivalent of up to 'market value', which ever is the cheaper unless you have some form of agreement otherwise.
They if all conditions are met will do that.
Having done that they will then try to minimise their expenditure. If it was your fault alone then they have to 'suck it up'. If it was a third party then they (under your name!) will seek to recover the costs from that party.
If you don't want to claim on your insurance then claim directly from the third party as it is they that have damaged your property and are liable to put you back to where you were (to all intents and purposes). They will either deal with it themselves or ask their insurers to do it on their behalf. And so you'll end up dealing with their insurers.
Your insurers are not your go to legal firm that do your bidding against the third party. If you don't want to claim on your policy don't involve your insurers as to do so invokes the contract and they will settle your claim (as a claim) themselves and then pursue the other party. If you don't want to make a claim on your policy, then inform your insurers that you have been in an incident but at this time are not making a claim. This then generally gives you up to six months to approach the 3rd party for settlement and if that's not forth coming then as your insurers were 'put in the picture' you can then involve them within this time period. To not do so as I understand it may or may not render a future claim invalid after a limited time period.
So have a word but understand what 'making a claim' is and isn't .......
Disclaimer....the above is my current belief and may or may not be correct. It is not intended as advice and shouldn't be interpreted as such. Anyone reading it should take advice from a professional in the field as to how their insurance works. I am not a professional.

Are you not obliged to contact your insurance though even if you believe yourself not to be at fault but where another party is involved. If for example the other party decides to claim on their insurance then their insurance will try to claim against yours in the same way as yours would against them. Therefore if you have not informed your insurance company and a claim comes out of the blue, what happens then.

If the damage is self inflicted and no other party involved I can understand there not being a need to inform your own insurance and cover the repair cost yourself assuming it’s not crazy money.
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Hi all
Been having a lovely time in irland past 2 weeks. Been down the narrowest of lanes, had to squeeze past lorries, motorhomes, in narrow high mountain passes no problem.
Driving down standard N Road lorries and coaches passing normal speed on opposite side of road, waving at fellow motorhomers not a problem. Then whilst on a long straight a line of vehicles, the last 3 a motorhome,van then motorhome are approaching, all pass bar last one. Almighty bang and there goes my full mirror everything just leaving metal bars sticking out. flip me that was loud whats happened!!
Luckily is i thought the other motorhomer had pulled in so I turned around and stopped behind motorhome and inspected damage.
Mine lost mirror a few scratches on door a couple of scuffs( poss polish out)
His lost mirror smashed quaternary light.
He was Irish man and family in hired motorhome all apologetic obviously no experience with such a large vehicle ( even so road width no excuse to hit me plenty wide enough)
Exchange insurance details, not more we could do, whats the point of ranting at him gets no where even though wanted to punch his lights out 🤪
I phoned my insurance ( what bollox) they asked did I want to claim on my insurance, no I replied it was his fault, ok then I should ring his insurance to claim, no should that not be your job to claim, well if I wanted to claim i will have to pay my excess and risk higher premiums they may try to claim back but its still on my record as claimed
WHATS THE FEKIN POINT OF HAVING INSURENCE only to pay others that claim against you not to help when you've been wronged
The only good point is that the other guy who was on here had a waking access on his hire agreement
Whats your views
And that's why a lot (and more each year) are driving without insurance.
In other countries where it is a legal requirement to have insurance to drive, the government is the broker. And insurance is much cheaper.
I feel, All the uk law does in the UK is give insurance companies a licence to rip off the drivers. And they do it so well.
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They seem to get you both ways. Years ago someone went into the back of me at a traffic light. My premium went up, as far as I could tell on the basis that I'm the sort of person people crash into. And then it stays elevated for years and years compared with the pre-event 'trajectory'.
#me too.

The driver of the van who back-ended my car at a red traffic light did a runner. From the description I gave to the cops they said he was a "disqual" they had been on the lookout for. Luckily the van's owner had insurance and I had protected NCB. My premium still went up.

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Hi all
Been having a lovely time in irland past 2 weeks. Been down the narrowest of lanes, had to squeeze past lorries, motorhomes, in narrow high mountain passes no problem.
Driving down standard N Road lorries and coaches passing normal speed on opposite side of road, waving at fellow motorhomers not a problem. Then whilst on a long straight a line of vehicles, the last 3 a motorhome,van then motorhome are approaching, all pass bar last one. Almighty bang and there goes my full mirror everything just leaving metal bars sticking out. flip me that was loud whats happened!!
Luckily is i thought the other motorhomer had pulled in so I turned around and stopped behind motorhome and inspected damage.
Mine lost mirror a few scratches on door a couple of scuffs( poss polish out)
His lost mirror smashed quaternary light.
He was Irish man and family in hired motorhome all apologetic obviously no experience with such a large vehicle ( even so road width no excuse to hit me plenty wide enough)
Exchange insurance details, not more we could do, whats the point of ranting at him gets no where even though wanted to punch his lights out 🤪
I phoned my insurance ( what bollox) they asked did I want to claim on my insurance, no I replied it was his fault, ok then I should ring his insurance to claim, no should that not be your job to claim, well if I wanted to claim i will have to pay my excess and risk higher premiums they may try to claim back but its still on my record as claimed
WHATS THE FEKIN POINT OF HAVING INSURENCE only to pay others that claim against you not to help when you've been wronged
The only good point is that the other guy who was on here had a waking access on his hire agreement
Whats your views
Can you let me know the name of the insurance company do I can avoid them?
Hi all
Been having a lovely time in irland past 2 weeks. Been down the narrowest of lanes, had to squeeze past lorries, motorhomes, in narrow high mountain passes no problem.
Driving down standard N Road lorries and coaches passing normal speed on opposite side of road, waving at fellow motorhomers not a problem. Then whilst on a long straight a line of vehicles, the last 3 a motorhome,van then motorhome are approaching, all pass bar last one. Almighty bang and there goes my full mirror everything just leaving metal bars sticking out. flip me that was loud whats happened!!
Luckily is i thought the other motorhomer had pulled in so I turned around and stopped behind motorhome and inspected damage.
Mine lost mirror a few scratches on door a couple of scuffs( poss polish out)
His lost mirror smashed quaternary light.
He was Irish man and family in hired motorhome all apologetic obviously no experience with such a large vehicle ( even so road width no excuse to hit me plenty wide enough)
Exchange insurance details, not more we could do, whats the point of ranting at him gets no where even though wanted to punch his lights out 🤪
I phoned my insurance ( what bollox) they asked did I want to claim on my insurance, no I replied it was his fault, ok then I should ring his insurance to claim, no should that not be your job to claim, well if I wanted to claim i will have to pay my excess and risk higher premiums they may try to claim back but its still on my record as claimed
WHATS THE FEKIN POINT OF HAVING INSURENCE only to pay others that claim against you not to help when you've been wronged
The only good point is that the other guy who was on here had a waking access on his hire agreement
Whats your views
What is the name of the insurance company please?
I'd like to avoid doing business with them.
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Hi all
Been having a lovely time in irland past 2 weeks. Been down the narrowest of lanes, had to squeeze past lorries, motorhomes, in narrow high mountain passes no problem.
Driving down standard N Road lorries and coaches passing normal speed on opposite side of road, waving at fellow motorhomers not a problem. Then whilst on a long straight a line of vehicles, the last 3 a motorhome,van then motorhome are approaching, all pass bar last one. Almighty bang and there goes my full mirror everything just leaving metal bars sticking out. flip me that was loud whats happened!!
Luckily is i thought the other motorhomer had pulled in so I turned around and stopped behind motorhome and inspected damage.
Mine lost mirror a few scratches on door a couple of scuffs( poss polish out)
His lost mirror smashed quaternary light.
He was Irish man and family in hired motorhome all apologetic obviously no experience with such a large vehicle ( even so road width no excuse to hit me plenty wide enough)
Exchange insurance details, not more we could do, whats the point of ranting at him gets no where even though wanted to punch his lights out 🤪
I phoned my insurance ( what bollox) they asked did I want to claim on my insurance, no I replied it was his fault, ok then I should ring his insurance to claim, no should that not be your job to claim, well if I wanted to claim i will have to pay my excess and risk higher premiums they may try to claim back but its still on my record as claimed
WHATS THE FEKIN POINT OF HAVING INSURENCE only to pay others that claim against you not to help when you've been wronged
The only good point is that the other guy who was on here had a waking access on his hire agreement
Whats your views
You get what you pay for. If you shop around for the cheapest insurance you probably wouldn't go with LV= or NFU. We have policies with both companies and both companies have recently paid out with little or no quibbles. LV= settled our £24,000 claim for written off Autcruise within week or so. NFU suggested I make claim for a smartwatch that shattered when I dropped it. The cheapest insurance is the one that supports the customer and actually pays out, not the one that takes your money and then let's you down.
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About 6 years back I unfortunately hit a badger it ran out in front of me on my way home from work, I had to involve the insurance company as it actually did substantial damage to the front of my mini, insurance came out said it would have to be written off due to the age of the car, I could have it as a buy back and use second hand parts to repair as it was cheaper, which I did £130 from a scrap yard £100 to have fitted and no increase on my insurance……then the stinger came when I renewed my wife’s car the motorhome and both motorbikes insurances (as I’m named on all the policy’s) I had to declare the accident, they all went up as I had had an accident I think over the last 5 years I have possibly paid the best part £1000 in increased premiums across the policies, I can only now get my insurance back to where it was, I have been driving accident free for (apart from the poor badger) for over 40 years and was an ex driving instructor and examiner, past IAM for both private and commercial vehicles and held 16 continuous ROSPA awards, the point being how come because a badger ran out in front of me in my car, why am I now at a bigger risk on my motorbike or driving my motorhome
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About 6 years back I unfortunately hit a badger it ran out in front of me on my way home from work, I had to involve the insurance company as it actually did substantial damage to the front of my mini, insurance came out said it would have to be written off due to the age of the car, I could have it as a buy back and use second hand parts to repair as it was cheaper, which I did £130 from a scrap yard £100 to have fitted and no increase on my insurance……then the stinger came when I renewed my wife’s car the motorhome and both motorbikes insurances (as I’m named on all the policy’s) I had to declare the accident, they all went up as I had had an accident I think over the last 5 years I have possibly paid the best part £1000 in increased premiums across the policies, I can only now get my insurance back to where it was, I have been driving accident free for (apart from the poor badger) for over 40 years and was an ex driving instructor and examiner, past IAM for both private and commercial vehicles and held 16 continuous ROSPA awards, the point being how come because a badger ran out in front of me in my car, why am I now at a bigger risk on my motorbike or driving my motorhome
Statistics dear boy, statistics..........
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I believe it is not uncommon for large vehical users to self insure, i understand the post office do, or at least used to. But I think they are obliged to have a large security bond available to be used in the case of payouts, but probably still cheaper than paying an insurance company for thousands of vehicles.
At least one council I know of self insures.

And they dispute each and every claim.

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Hi all
Been having a lovely time in irland past 2 weeks. Been down the narrowest of lanes, had to squeeze past lorries, motorhomes, in narrow high mountain passes no problem.
Driving down standard N Road lorries and coaches passing normal speed on opposite side of road, waving at fellow motorhomers not a problem. Then whilst on a long straight a line of vehicles, the last 3 a motorhome,van then motorhome are approaching, all pass bar last one. Almighty bang and there goes my full mirror everything just leaving metal bars sticking out. flip me that was loud whats happened!!
Luckily is i thought the other motorhomer had pulled in so I turned around and stopped behind motorhome and inspected damage.
Mine lost mirror a few scratches on door a couple of scuffs( poss polish out)
His lost mirror smashed quaternary light.
He was Irish man and family in hired motorhome all apologetic obviously no experience with such a large vehicle ( even so road width no excuse to hit me plenty wide enough)
Exchange insurance details, not more we could do, whats the point of ranting at him gets no where even though wanted to punch his lights out 🤪
I phoned my insurance ( what bollox) they asked did I want to claim on my insurance, no I replied it was his fault, ok then I should ring his insurance to claim, no should that not be your job to claim, well if I wanted to claim i will have to pay my excess and risk higher premiums they may try to claim back but its still on my record as claimed
WHATS THE FEKIN POINT OF HAVING INSURENCE only to pay others that claim against you not to help when you've been wronged
The only good point is that the other guy who was on here had a waking access on his hire agreement
Whats your views
I disagree. You have a contract with the insurer. In return for your premium, they will pay for any damage to your vehicle net of any excess, regardless of fault. If they can, they will recover their losses from another blameworthy party.
If you claim on your policy, you will have your no claims bonus reduced unless you have protected bonus. If your insurer successfully recover from the other side, your no claims bonus will be reinstated. Unfortunately, if the other insurer argues on blame, it is often too expensive to go to court especially if they lose as the cost of the other side's damage and legal fees plus your damage will really affect your premium!
You have said elsewhere in the thread that your damage is less than the excess - so in a nutshell, your policy does not cover you anyway.
Always, always get any witness evidence available and invest in a dashcam. Next investment are mirror guards as mine have saved my mirrors on at least 3 occasions leaving the other side's mirror dangling.
Finally, you have the other side's details - contact him (not his insurer) for reimbursement with any evidence you have. It's up to hm whether he puts a claim against his insurer. Hopefuly, the other driver will have admitted his fault to his insurer but unfortunately, it is often the case that as memory reduces, recollection increases.
Second finally, contact your insurer and withdraw the claim.
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Fair point. I've looked at price for new mirror and housing and repair to scratches and will be less than excess and higher premium. Insurers will just say knock for knock as can prove he hit me. Got to take best option still maddening and just shows only insured till you need to claim
The problem is you’ve already notified your insurance company that you’ve had an accident, even though it wasn’t your fault, it will more than likely now be on your file. Most renewals or new policies ask the question, “have you had an accident in the last 5yrs, even if you didn’t make a claim or had a no fault claim against you.
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I disagree. You have a contract with the insurer. In return for your premium, they will pay for any damage to your vehicle net of any excess, regardless of fault. If they can, they will recover their losses from another blameworthy party.
If you claim on your policy, you will have your no claims bonus reduced unless you have protected bonus. If your insurer successfully recover from the other side, your no claims bonus will be reinstated. Unfortunately, if the other insurer argues on blame, it is often too expensive to go to court especially if they lose as the cost of the other side's damage and legal fees plus your damage will really affect your premium!
You have said elsewhere in the thread that your damage is less than the excess - so in a nutshell, your policy does not cover you anyway.
Always, always get any witness evidence available and invest in a dashcam. Next investment are mirror guards as mine have saved my mirrors on at least 3 occasions leaving the other side's mirror dangling.
Finally, you have the other side's details - contact him (not his insurer) for reimbursement with any evidence you have. It's up to hm whether he puts a claim against his insurer. Hopefuly, the other driver will have admitted his fault to his insurer but unfortunately, it is often the case that as memory reduces, recollection increases.
Second finally, contact your insurer and withdraw the claim.
If you have protected no claims the premium often still increases as the claim increases the base amount so you get the same percentage off a higher cost
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Unless he is stupid he might as well accept it as regardless of "whose fault" as a hirer he has lost the whole 1500 or 2k deposit that he left . automatically.

fortunately in decent countries like here, someone has to be blamed. why we always use the accident report form signed & dated by all concerned.

** to the OP .It is the agent/brokers job to do the claiming on your behalf.That is what they are there for.
Not so - the broker is there to look at your needs and then arrange appropriate insurance to cover those needs. For that they receive a commission from the insurer and sometimes an admin fee from the client. Some (better) brokers will deal with a claim as part of a service or will also arrange a claims management policy on your behalf.
Many insurers offer a direct claims reporting line because they want to cut brokers out of the equation
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If you have protected no claims the premium often still increases as the claim increases the base amount so you get the same percentage off a higher cost
sometimes - but depends on the size of the claim. It protects the no claims discount - not the premium, hence the name.

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sometimes - but depends on the size of the claim. It protects the no claims discount - not the premium, hence the name.
Just my point! People often assume wrongly that protected NCB means the premiums won't increase after a claim
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Reported an accident and no actual claim made . Big mistake as it’s just not the vehicle involved that ends up with future premiums increased but all of your other vehicle insurance policies!
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Reported an accident and no actual claim made . Big mistake as it’s just not the vehicle involved that ends up with future premiums increased but all of your other vehicle insurance policies!
Damned if you do report it, and damned if you don't. A Catch-22 if ever there was.

The insurance game is rigged against the consumer. The insurance industry has a very powerful and effective lobby in Parliament, and can get the law changed to suit the insurance industry's financial interests (e.g. fixed costs for RTA Portal claims in order to save money for the insurance industry side on disputed claims).
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Damned if you do report it, and damned if you don't. A Catch-22 if ever there was.

The insurance game is rigged against the consumer. The insurance industry has a very powerful and effective lobby in Parliament, and can get the law changed to suit the insurance industry's financial interests (e.g. fixed costs for RTA Portal claims in order to save money for the insurance industry side on disputed claims).
I think the big problem was the no win no fee provision too many lawyers involved
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Because he wanted to have the repair done by the insurance
why? Anyone with half a brain knows it is only going to cost you money eventually
and at that point didn't know that the mini driver wouldn't be identified.
as above. Always err on the side of caution. Photograph them & if they look like doing a runner /attempt to incapacitate them .
I believe it is not uncommon for large vehical users to self insure, i understand the post office do, or at least used to. But I think they are obliged to have a large security bond available to be used in the case of payouts, but probably still cheaper than paying an insurance company for thousands of vehicles.
It used to be available to all but around 2019 they changed the law & removed it I thought that it was removed for everybody?
Not so - the broker is there to look at your needs and then arrange appropriate insurance to cover those needs. For that they receive a commission from the insurer and sometimes an admin fee from the client. Some (better) brokers will deal with a claim as part of a service or will also arrange a claims management policy on your behalf.
My brokers always used to sort it all .

the Uk needs to get back to insurance as it used to be.Yes it is gambling .They are gambling that for every claimant there are 99 that are not claiming & they balance it up.If they don't they lose money.shareholders do not come in to it.They aren't there to supply divis for them.
I'm just glad I'm here now where someone is always to blame.
"Knock for knock " is just a scam allowing the insurance companies to all fill their pockets at the expense of the customer.
I only "insure" as it is legally required. It has never , nor would it ever, occur to me to claim on my own insurance.That is like standing up & admitting you are negligent.

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Can you let me know the name of the insurance company do I can avoid them?

What is the name of the insurance company please?
I'd like to avoid doing business with them.
Why do you want to avoid them?

They declined to do the OP's legal work for free.

I would think any competent insurer would say exactly the same.
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