Yeah sounds like a plan. Boss lady bought a Specialized Turbo Levo a couple of yea ago and it’s been great for her. Let’s her do stuff she wouldn’t normally do. Let’s us both do longer, bigger rides together.Going by its measurements I think an Evoc travel bag will fit behind the passenger seat and I'll secure it with ratchet straps. The seats in the van don't swivel and aren't used when parked up so I'd put the bagged bike on the seats when camping. Alternatively I've a tow bar so could get an Altera or the like but I'd rather have the bike in the van. The prices of the bikes have been increasing a lot over the past few years (to put perspective on it it's costing about 3 times the value of my 900cc motorbike) but I decided to stop dithering and get one whilst I'm still active.
I'll take a look at Radfazz, thanks.