I'm a Tour Guide Up Scotland.. (2 Viewers)

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Jul 7, 2023
Funster No
swift Kon tiki 794 G
Er, people, Edinburgh great.
Got here Thursday, Drummohr Camping and Glamping, spotless site. Cheap as chips. Nothing to complain about.
The journey started at 10,00 from Stoke on Trent, got here at 2.45. Some road works but not many delays.. so we walked around the area, had dinner under the awning. Had an early night 10.00. Next day Friday two kind girls, took us to the train station because being old codgers it was too far to walk… it was only 0.80 of a mile! They farted around so much we missed the train so caught a bus instead. £2.00 a head for a 53 minute ride..I paid for the girls..
Fish and chips & tea is £18.00 a head in Edinburgh. So we had lunch them bought at 14.09 a tour bus. £36.00 for two old codgers! But it’s hop on hop off for 24 hours, so we got the commentary and ride all around old and new Edinburgh. What an interesting place.
Had a cuppa went in Marks and Sparks, lovely clean toilets.
After walking our legs into oblivion we bought a train ticket back and got a train ride platform 19! For £32.00 return for you guessed two old codgers.. well we got onto the platform, it was 4 carriages it was 5.43 pm, the population of Scotland simply had to catch this train, sardines had more room 4 million people jammed into 4 carriages. No one offered us a seat, our old codgers position in life forgotten. The journey through to hell and back took 9 minutes to wallyford, yes you read that right, where’s wally? Is still running here..
We walked from the train station to the camp site, 15 mins tops, flat as a pancake, quite easy really… not bad for two old codgers,
So we had a sandwich and fruit plus a few cuppas and were in bed by 10,45. So Saturday, we walked again to the station, 0.8 mile yes our legs were stiff after all the previous days old codger sightseeing. But we made it.
The station was packed! Seems Herts and High burn a bum! We’re playing football. But we got seats.. two nice lads on the seats for 4 chatted up my pretty for the whole 9 mins, when we got if the train I asked what they said, she said I ain’t got a clue but I smiled and said yes in the right places. It’s darned funny this Scottish accent!. Anyway seems they were high burn a bum supporters.
So we were in Edinburgh in time for Breakfast. Listen I will only say this once.. we had a maccyD for breakfast! Whoo hooo.. then we got on the bus again, but this time we got off at the castle and walked the royal mile, we spent lots of money, whisky and Gin and High end wraps to keep us warm. Watched the Fringe. And yes walked until we nearly dropped, this time we got a taxi back to the campsite.
So today is Sunday, just for today I believe, I believe, So we can have a day of rest. Tomorrow is our last day then Tuesday off on our travels again. Whitby.. so we will go on the blue tour tomorrow, see the council houses and what Fishywoman spent Scotlands tax money on.. oh yeah motorhomes and big houses…
our poppy llll
Jul 7, 2023
Funster No
swift Kon tiki 794 G
Whoo hoo, went in the Blue tour today, all the way round and an extra 2 stops too. Now we had spectacular views, comedians galor, bag pipes, men dressed in tartan, singers, dancers, a guy playing a drum set through his voice only and a great restaurant, but nothing came close to the big fat guy, wearing a pair of black budgie smugglers, who squeezed himself through a hoop of steel hardly large enough to get his head through. Amazing.
The queens Yacht was parked up, it’s so old looking it reminds me of a fishing trawler. Oh yeah it started raining at 5.30.
We had pizza for lunch in a fabulous restaurant on the Royal Mile.
Just managed to pack everything away before the rains started, so tomorrow it’s empty the grey, and off we go to Whitby.. whoo hoo, I’ll put some pics up as soon as I get a min.
our poppy llll
Jul 7, 2023
Funster No
swift Kon tiki 794 G
Jul 28, 2021
British South West Somerset
Funster No
Rapido Dreamer PVC
We did the hop on hop off in Edinburgh just for a round trip view of the City. Ended up a 4 hour round trip that got us to the outskirts of Glasgow and back!!! :LOL:

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Oct 1, 2019
Funster No
Still dropping clangers and making it up as I go along
Not been for a few years reading this is making me think.maybe time for a visit
our poppy llll
Jul 7, 2023
Funster No
swift Kon tiki 794 G
Well we got to Whitby. About 11.30 it’s not too far from Bonnie Scotty just down the A1 parked up set up and wait for it! I caught a bus from Sandsend to Whitby, whooo hoooo I’ve waited 66 years and 23 days to get something for free. I used my bus pass yeah! First time, it’s like losing your virginity, you’ll never forget the first time. Where you were, who with, what time, how long.. so walked around Whitby in a trance, I’m a OAP, 1 foot 28” in the grave, Victor Meldrew stands no chance.. so as I am taking nowt with me, and I only have 25 years to live, tops.. whoo hoo.. we went out to the Fisherman’s wife restaurant, large glass Chardonnay, 6 Lindesfarm oysters for me and a prawn cocktail for pretty, then their Salmon dish for mains for both of us..
£76.00 mmmm the starter was excellent, the mains very underwhelming. The wine great.
The sun has been shining all day and we got the bus back at 19.00 sat out with a nice cuppa tea and wrote this drivel. Sandfield farm house camping is one smart, clean, campsite with great views of the sea.

We are here a while, 1 x super pitch own water, waste, electric, super vista. Short walk to the toilets.

Oh yeah, buses, no one gave the driver a clock or watch, he carries a a crystal ball and says, “hubble dribble trouble at mill, time to drive with hopes to fill, this darned fangled machine, they call it a bus, just so passengers, can all make a fuss, time table says 23 and 53mins, on every hour, come on down out of ya tower, I’m from Yorkshire you see, that’s when I drink my tea… so sit on your bum, and wait till I come”

We stood 53 mins waiting for a bus, and the trip back was a bus full of single mums, each with new borns, who had full nappies and empty tummies.. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

God give me strength, oh wait a min I’m an athiest…. Anyway it’s that open top tomorrow.. tourist bus around Whitby. I said, pretty you can stand on the hill and see all of Whitby by simply turning your head on its neck!. But we’ll have fun.
Right that’s it for now, time to scrape that hair of my chin and have a shower.. the flies flying around me keep dropping dead.. must be time I washed the bod!
our poppy llll
Jul 7, 2023
Funster No
swift Kon tiki 794 G
Mmm that was lovely day £8.50 open top bus tour, brrrrrr it was still cold at 11.00 this morning..so we toured around Whitby. Even had a lovely cup of Yorkshire tea in the abbey cafe, piece of cake too (shush) went in the shop, my pretty said. No you can’t have any more whisky even if it’s got Dracula on the label. And the black coffin, covered t-shirt was only in small.
So after walking around the streets looking to buy Goth clothing, yep us two old codgers are going to be goths for a day or two.. madness has no sympathy.. we headed to a late lunch/early dinner. Well Fish and Chips is the staple in Whitby.. we went to Trenchers restaurant, pretty had a Peroni beer I had a pint of Old Peculiar, yes I know all the jokes!.. anyway, we had medium cod fish, chips, mushy peas, a bread roll and butter, delicious. We also saw the sweet shop and bought Dracula’s teeth and rock sweets, saw a shop selling shortbread and fudge yep got some and another shop selling a sign for the nephews garden shed pub!
It says: ‘welcome to our back yard bar, proudly serving whatever you bring”!
After walking off the trillion calories found in that late lunch/early dinner mainly in the beer! We got the bus back to the camp site and like good old codgers, we flaked out on the bed and slept like little babies for a hour and half. Now it’s going dark, can we can hear the flapping of bats wings, are the dark forces upon us? or is it just the wind?….
No it’s the mushy peas… pharp…..
Well it’s 21.30 time to read a chapter of Ian Rankin’s book “a heart full of head stones” then snuggle down in that bed to sleep the sleep of the dead…
Whitby eh..
our poppy llll
Jul 7, 2023
Funster No
swift Kon tiki 794 G
It’s saying the uploaded file is toooo large? It’s only a photo?

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Norfolk Nige

Jan 4, 2021
Funster No
No longer have one
Caravanning since 1980, saw the light in 2020
Well we got to Whitby. About 11.30 it’s not too far from Bonnie Scotty just down the A1 parked up set up and wait for it! I caught a bus from Sandsend to Whitby, whooo hoooo I’ve waited 66 years and 23 days to get something for free. I used my bus pass yeah! First time, it’s like losing your virginity, you’ll never forget the first time. Where you were, who with, what time, how long.. so walked around Whitby in a trance, I’m a OAP, 1 foot 28” in the grave, Victor Meldrew stands no chance.. so as I am taking nowt with me, and I only have 25 years to live, tops.. whoo hoo.. we went out to the Fisherman’s wife restaurant, large glass Chardonnay, 6 Lindesfarm oysters for me and a prawn cocktail for pretty, then their Salmon dish for mains for both of us..
£76.00 mmmm the starter was excellent, the mains very underwhelming. The wine great.
The sun has been shining all day and we got the bus back at 19.00 sat out with a nice cuppa tea and wrote this drivel. Sandfield farm house camping is one smart, clean, campsite with great views of the sea.

We are here a while, 1 x super pitch own water, waste, electric, super vista. Short walk to the toilets.

Oh yeah, buses, no one gave the driver a clock or watch, he carries a a crystal ball and says, “hubble dribble trouble at mill, time to drive with hopes to fill, this darned fangled machine, they call it a bus, just so passengers, can all make a fuss, time table says 23 and 53mins, on every hour, come on down out of ya tower, I’m from Yorkshire you see, that’s when I drink my tea… so sit on your bum, and wait till I come”

We stood 53 mins waiting for a bus, and the trip back was a bus full of single mums, each with new borns, who had full nappies and empty tummies.. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

God give me strength, oh wait a min I’m an athiest…. Anyway it’s that open top tomorrow.. tourist bus around Whitby. I said, pretty you can stand on the hill and see all of Whitby by simply turning your head on its neck!. But we’ll have fun.
Right that’s it for now, time to scrape that hair of my chin and have a shower.. the flies flying around me keep dropping dead.. must be time I washed the bod!
Great site you are on. I love Whitby. Enjoyed reading your stay
our poppy llll
Jul 7, 2023
Funster No
swift Kon tiki 794 G
Well we are still here, Count Dracula must have smelled the Garlic!
Today we risk the bus again, but going the other way, whoo hoo off to Staiths. Another £2.00 saved.
Just got to wait until after 9.30.. this is the 5th&6th time today.. we’re gonna be rich!
So I got a text this morning from Lowdhams, my parts have arrived. Mmmm what parts. The door glass? The Sat Nav?
It’s very strange I only sent them a third request yesterday. And mentioned the CRA 2015 once. Fit for purpose! My rear end.
So the EC 800 controller which was repaired last year has fallen out again!
The Sat Nav shows we are driving around in circles in Abbeville France, but we are in Whitby, the bathroom tap is now leaking.
But Lowdhams eh! Contacting me eh! Top notch company it is! Eh!. I can’t wait to get rid of this bag of rubbish.
I’m getting everything repaired, getting rid and raising a invoice for all the costs, train tickets, fuel, lost holidays, compensation, the lot, then I’m taking them to county court if they don’t pay it, and it will be in the major rags as I have a reporter in the family.. whoo hoo.. let’s see what they say to that..

Mean while, Whitby has been blessed this morning with Sunshine. My pretty has showered. Now it’s my turn. Then off to see if Staiths is as lovely as I’m told, it was so many years ago that I was last there I have forgotten.
Looks like a late dinner in Staiths is on the cards! Can’t wait..
our poppy llll
Jul 7, 2023
Funster No
swift Kon tiki 794 G
Well, all change, pretty had prawn cocktail the other day, it’s coming back to say hello or huweeee..
So we are making today a day of rest, we’ll do Staiths tomorrow instead. I can mop her brow, make her coffee and say nice things, like, you put your feet up and I’ll make lunch! Or there there, you’ll feel better when huweeee goes. Meanwhile to keep me occupied, I’ll play sip the whisky, it’s a great game, you put a double in a glass, sit on your butt and sip away!…
Did half a bottle last time I did that.. still my poor legs need the rest.. I’ll just enjoy my book and the sunshine…
our poppy llll
Jul 7, 2023
Funster No
swift Kon tiki 794 G
Ok just figured out how to dissemble the EC800 control module, took the black cover off which simply clips on over the silver coloured plastic touch screen housing, underneath were 4 screws, took them out, the silver coloured plastic housing that holds the Glass touch screen in place then lifts out, I did not pull it too far because the wires weren’t long enough.
The touch screen has a black plastic back and sandwiched in between are electrical components. Very carefully I placed the touch screen back into the silver coloured plastic housing making sure it fitted tight and pressed down from the top to lock it in place behind the plastic lugs in the housing, I then gently moved the black plastic back into where it looked like it fit, as I put the housing back in the back panel seemed to fit against the decorative panel and was held in place while I put the screws back in. It’s all back together and seems to be working fine.
So far when I have touched the glass touch screen it hasn’t fallen back in. So fingers crossed.
Glad we didn’t go to Staiths today, it’s been wet and drizzly all afternoon. So I tightened the door handle to the bedroom, emptied the loo and put fresh blue in, emptied the grey water, filled the fresh water, tucked my pretty in and fed her chicken soup, it’s all the poor mite could get down. Washed the dishes, not many, then got the heated throw and put it over the quilt to keep the pretty warm and snug.
Right that’s my bit of being a angel finished, time to get that bottle of Whisky out.. See photo.. whoo hoo..

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our poppy llll
Jul 7, 2023
Funster No
swift Kon tiki 794 G
well it’s nearly bed time, I’m thinking, I’ll make the bed up in the lounge, let the pretty sleep, well it is a 4 berth, so we have spare bedding too, we also have a spare heated throw, us being a pair of delicate old age codgers. Yep let her get over shrimp huweeee in peace!.
It’s raining Blue whales and Dolphins outside, sounds better than cats n dogs!
She’d shoot me if I said it’s raining Crabs and Shrimps!
It was lovely blue skys this morning!

What gets me is, if I’m stood a hundred yards away, and I pharp! She says, oh good god, that stinks.
She’s like sat shovelling rotten prawns down her neck in a fancy restaurant and not a whiff…
Huweeee.. Huweeee.. was that the chicken soup dear? Huweeee Huweeee,
Look I only suggested 1 double whisky… Heweeee Heweeee… no? Good night..

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