Those of us who have daughters Jim....we understand.update.. all sorted..
the culprit was my daughter's laptop (no surprise )
her laptop was infested with aps, toolbars, and software that she had no idea about.. she never downloaded anything.. honest dad.. I only use FB.. (said with a straight face) .. not me
It took me half a day to clean it up .. software that was incredibly difficult to delete.. it kept reinstalling itself, .. eventually I had to use Revo uninstaller to get rid of it.. Malware .. wow .. I have never seen Malwarebytes find so much..
after deleting all the crap, a final sweep with CCleaner .. another 1.5 gig of crap deleted..
I have warned her.. " Chaz, any more and it goes in the bin" (siad with my sternest voice) . .. she said .. yeah yeah ok dad..
I didn't find this initially as she was at school, I didn't have her password. and I didn't realize her laptop wasn't shut down..