Unlaiden motor home weight (1 Viewer)

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Jan 9, 2013
Plympton, Devon
Funster No
PVC, Murvi Morocco
Q. Is the driver, one gas cylinder and 90% fuel included in the unladen weight on new motor homes .
Any thing else included
It's a meaningless figure and the manufacturer's figure is probably wrong anyway.

But it means what it says, totally unladen, no driver, no gas, no fuel. And if your vehicle has extras like air condition or automatic that won't be included either.

The only way to know if you are legal is to take it fully laden to a weighbridge and see if you are within the limit, which if it is 3.5t it might not be.
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Feb 19, 2020
North Ayrshire
Funster No
Adria Matrix 670SC
Unladen weight is a mysterious figure. It's the weight before anything is added. You might find it on you certificate of conformity. The figure you are talking about that sometimes includes things like driver, some fuel gas etc us used by manufactures so that they can give another mysterious figure which is called payload.
You only need to know unladen weight for speed limits in the UK.
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Oct 12, 2009
SW London, Poland and all Europe
Funster No
A Class N+B Arto 69GL
Since 2009
Unladen weight is a mysterious figure. It's the weight before anything is added. You might find it on you certificate of conformity. The figure you are talking about that sometimes includes things like driver, some fuel gas etc us used by manufactures so that they can give another mysterious figure which is called payload.
You only need to know unladen weight for speed limits in the UK.

Even then it is immaterial as the police have no way of establishing the 'Unladen Weight'

I think it may hark back to the days when commercial trucks had to have weights painted on the nearside door, which I think included 'Unladen Weight', 'Tare Weight' etc., together with the name of the Company secretary of the owning company.

Anyone who is brave enough to admit being old enough to correct me on the details, and when that rule finished, is welcome to do so.
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Apr 12, 2010
Bury St Edmunds, West Suffolk
Funster No
Weinsberg Cara
since 2007
Payload is different to unladen weight. If as is fairly normal now your payload is 350 kgs it doesn’t give you much before your technically overweight. 2 adults, water, fuel and all your creature comforts soon add up to way over your payload.

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Aug 15, 2023
Funster No
Don't own one yet
Do the manufacturors also cite a 5% either way tolerance to their figures? It has been mentioned a few times on here in the months I've been a member and several of us have said that new vans should come with a weight certificate as it left the factory/arrived at the dealer. Anything added can be accounted for. (We are newbies, first thing we did when buying was to take it to a weighbridge. We've been back twice, fully laden to double check. €/£50k+ on a van/moho and people quibble over a tenner to know their load capability/ensure they're legal.
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Mar 23, 2012
Funster No
c class
It's the reason that the speed limits being set on a weight of 3050 unladen is a nonsense. I can't understand why they haven't adopted 3500 laden like everywhere else in Europe
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Apr 1, 2024
Funster No
Hobby T500 LHD
Spring 2024
Typically your handbook should list approximate weights of additions to the basic weight so as to allow you in theory to know your available payload. In practice it is only the roughest of guides allowing you to decide whether there is sufficient margin to keep you under the magic figure of 3500kg to warrant purchasing a particular vehicle.

There is no substitute for a visit to a weighbridge while carrying a typical load on board - say 30% water, 90 % fuel, gas bottle(s), crockery, clothing and outdoor seating etc.

I did that on my Hobby T500 enroute to West Wales last Friday. The van registered at 3,000kg. That weight registered without me aboard but I have plenty of capacity to spare even with my folding Ebike on board!!! But even that figure is approximate as there is a margin for error on weighbridges.

There is a second weighbridge figure that I do not yet have. (The weighbridge that I visited at Oswestry said they could not do it. I do not accept that but there was a queue of lorries behind me so I did not stop to argue**) You really need to know the weight on each axle as each axle will have a maximum permissible weight with the back axle having a higher figure than the front. If you plan to put loads of bikes on a rack or a motor scooter in the garage plus loads of other things like awnings, ramps etc, etc there those axle weight figures will be highly relevant. Many years ago as a university student I worked one summer for a delicatessen delivery firm. They so overloaded their Transit vans on occasions that the steering became superlight and adhesion to the road on the front wheels heavily compromised!!

** I say I should have been able to drive the van on to the bridge so that only one axle at a time registered. I shall have to visit another weighbridge sometime but I shall phone ahead to check they can give me separate axle weights before I do that.

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Dec 2, 2019
South Lincolnshire
Funster No
Rapido 7065+
Broken most bits now
Q. Is the driver, one gas cylinder and 90% fuel included in the unladen weight on new motor homes .
Any thing else included
If it's a European van then you also allow for 20l of water. This is the value given as the Empty Weight (poid a vide) on the stamped plate sometimes fixed on the body

So a typical UK Unladen Weight would need the following to be subtracted from the stamped Euro Empty Weight:

the driver - (75kg),
the gas bottle - 15kg
fresh water (20l) - 20kg
fuel tanks up to 90 % of their capacity - 81kg
with a tolerance of +/-5 % (in accordance with European Directive EC 92/21).

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Nov 14, 2018
Funster No
A grey one
since 1996
Best thing as others have said is go to a weigh bridge. I've been with our current van a couple of times. You then have a definate figure to work from and can judge more accurately how much stuff you can get in. Also keep in mind the rear axle weight.
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Oct 22, 2023
West Midlands, UK
Funster No
Autotrail F60
Newbies as of June 2024
Assuming your profile is correct. The Rollerteam website states your vehicle is 2849kg in 'running conditions'. What I can't find is what they include in their running conditions figure (over and above a driver which I think they have to include at 75kg).

If you had extras added on, there are no weights quoted for those items either.

When we bought our van, there was a specific section of the website, to add on, auto box, half dinette, drop-down bed, drivers' packs etc. It also stated what was included in their MIRO figure.

I agree with the other posts about putting it on a weighbridge which we are due to do with ours next week.
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Aug 15, 2023
Funster No
Don't own one yet
Assuming your profile is correct. The Rollerteam website states your vehicle is 2849kg in 'running conditions'.
So without weighing it, it could be anything between an actual weight of 2707kg and 2991kg (+/- 5% of 2849 = 142kg) Plus or minus 5% doesn't seem so bad until you do the maths and type out the figures.
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Sep 19, 2013
Cabbunk Central
Funster No
Carado T459
Not long enough!
Dethleffs include driver/some water/80% diesel/gas bottle in their unladen weight as someone else has described. Ours is 3050kg unladen which gives my wife 450kg for shoes.🤭
Seriously, the Hymer Group is pretty accurate with weights.
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