ULEZ Query

Jul 25, 2022
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Newington, Sittingbourne, Kent, UK
Funster No
July 2022
Just dropped my MH registration into the ULEZ checker and been informed that the vehicle is not compliant. It's a 22 plate Burstner coachbuilt on a Ducato cab. The website states it has to be Euro 6 to be compliant. My V5C states it is Euro VI E. So compliant in my book. Anyone else had this issue and is there a process to correct this?
Just dropped my MH registration into the ULEZ checker and been informed that the vehicle is not compliant. It's a 22 plate Burstner coachbuilt on a Ducato cab. The website states it has to be Euro 6 to be compliant. My V5C states it is Euro VI E. So compliant in my book. Anyone else had this issue and is there a process to correct this?
I’ve just checked our 2014 Euro 5 Fiat 2.3 150bhp on the TFL ULEZ site and it says it’s compliant, no charge.
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So how many of you live in the area it covers.
Do you pay the ransom every day even if you don't move? confused.
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I’ve just checked our 2014 Euro 5 Fiat 2.3 150bhp on the TFL ULEZ site and it says it’s compliant, no charge.
Just out of interest, do the V5s differ? Here is mine

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The most worrying thing for me is that grown up intellegent people are falling for this pollution, health crap for the reasons to charge, It's not, it's a open legal SCAM to rip off anyone who are not in their right mind that want to go into or to live London district.

Q. are London residents charged if they leave their homes to travel outside London on return? how does that work.
On the basis that all taxes are a 'scam' you better get used to the idea, as your nearest city will be introducing a U/LEZ, or similar, charge soon.

Most "grown up and intelligent people" understand the need to introduce some method of reducing the congestion/pollution that is a blight of big cities.

If you have got a better way of doing it then come up with the idea.

You could look at the Singapore model as an example (Where they auction off a limited number of licences each year and the highest bidders win (100,000 licences or whatever the limit that year is) )

Or perhaps the Athens model, where it's even numbered cars one day and odd numbers the next. Hence all two car families ensure they have one of each. Not good for the environment.

Other models are available, what would be your solution ?
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I was wondering, how will paying £12.50 per day reduce the noxes coming out of a car?
And what tax does a A380 pay flying over, into or out of Londons airports?
i had this argument with a green person on face book when the first phase came in she accused me of murdering her children my reply was then she should report sadiq kahn to the police as for £12.50 a day he would be an accessory to murder
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Agree about reducing traffic but charging on the pretex charging will save lives is nonsence. Charging will NOT reduce the amount of traffic, this is my point.
Rarely do i go into a any city. It's the residents of those citys i was asking about.
My part solution as i mentioned in another thread is that they should consider methods to reduce the amount of vehicles on the road, and new ones being registered for the road. BUT, again too much of a cash cow for the gov to reduce.
I'm not a politician, statistical or environmental expert. But i do Know that charging people will NOT reduce the volume or pollution.
You will see in the not too distant future EVs will be charged to go into city's. They wont call it pollution but you can bet your bottom dollar they will come up with something.
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So how many of you live in the area it covers.
Do you pay the ransom every day even if you don't move? confused.
Yes I live just within the new ULEZ zone. My understanding is that non-compliant vehicles will be charged per day when moving within the zone but not charged if parked or off the highway. All my vehicles are compliant including my Motorhome and 21 year old mini. One of my sons lives outside the zone and his car is non-compliant, so he will be charged every time he visits me unless we can find a route which does not pass cameras. I can see some interesting navigation apps being developed!
The ULEZ zone debate has been very vociferous on this forum but I’m intrigued how many motorhomes actually come into London and why anyone would choose to fight the London traffic. I suspect it is very few, possibly to access London Heathrow, but that is outside the ULEZ zone despite being within the M25.
I live here and only travel out and return in the Motorhome. My cars do local journeys but I would not dream of taking a car into London.
I have very mixed feelings about ULEZ, it is a good thing to reduce emissions but I do believe it has not been rolled out in an acceptable way. All the people I know with non-compliant vehicles have changed them and I do wonder whether the expected revenue will be achieved. Most of the tradesmen around my neck of the woods drive new vans and are doing very nicely thank you, the days of beaten up rusty old Transit vans are long gone.
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When the vast majority of people have cottened on and changed to Euro 6, EV or whatever to beat the charge the quango will sit and scheme and bend the T&Cs or whatever to include the then current compliant ones within the charge..
Look at diesels and what happened.
Just a bunch of Dick Turpins.

Has anything been said what this tw@t is going to do with the money generated to help the people that fell sick of the pollution?

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Just out of interest, do the V5s differ? Here is mine
.View attachment 790813
I don’t have access to it right now but apart from type, where ours says Hymer and revenue/taxation class weight, ours is 3850kg, is it PHG or something? rather than PLG, it all looks the same.
It may just be a mistake on their system because it’s definitely Euro 5.
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Perhaps a system for charging/limiting miles covered in London may be a tracker box like insurance company's use for new drivers might be the way forward. One that logs all the miles covered, with a sliding scale of higher fees applicable for the engines Euro status, the size of the engine,the time of day used, and more congested area's. The couple of flies in the ointment may be, it's going to be a much to fair for some, hitting everyone the same, and probably open to technological get around's, like jammers 🤷‍♂️
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Has anything been said what this tw@t is going to do with the money generated to help the people that fell sick of the pollution?
Considering that no amount of extortion will clean the air, he will probably use the funds to bail out his failing Transport For London.
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Considering that no amount of extortion will clean the air, he will probably use the funds to bail out his failing Transport For London.
One of his great great great forefathers, [ possibly] started of with a small village on the Mongolian Steps, and ended up conquering most of the known world.
Sadiq started as an M.P. for Tooting, but it sounds like he has some grand plans. Well I suppose if empire building runs in the family, 🤷‍♂️ ;)
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Considering that no amount of extortion will clean the air, he will probably use the funds to bail out his failing Transport For London.
Isn’t London the only capital city with public transport, in Europe that is there to earn a profit?
I’m sure I’ve read that somewhere. All others are there not to make profit and so are more affordable.
Not that the TFL do manage to make a profit 🙄

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So many big citys around the world where public transport around the citys are free to the public.
Bet you bottom shilling he wont put a penny towards transport
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Has anything been said what this tw@t is going to do with the money generated to help the people that fell sick of the pollution?

No doubt spending it on more cameras and signage to ‘enhance’ the scheme - or to replace those being ‘decommissioned’ by Bladerunners and other like minded citizens!
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TFL depending where you look is currently £10-13 Billion in debt!
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When the vast majority of people have cottened on and changed to Euro 6, EV or whatever to beat the charge the quango will sit and scheme and bend the T&Cs or whatever to include the then current compliant ones within the charge..
Look at diesels and what happened.
Just a bunch of Dick Turpins.

Has anything been said what this tw@t is going to do with the money generated to help the people that fell sick of the pollution?
It has been reported that the expansion is party due to fewer non-compliant vehicles coming into London and also fewer of those who do, not paying and get fined. So TFL is short of cash. My daughter lives in the current ULEZ and had to change her perfectly good car to a newer one, she was still able to get a good trade in price then but I suspect with the expansion to such a wide area non-compliant vehicles will be difficult to sell.
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TFL depending where you look is currently £10-13 Billion in debt!
Hence the question above.

In principal, should Public Transport run at a profit?
Or should it be run by the people for the people ?

Most European cities run on the second model. Public Transport is paid for by Private Transport (fuel duty, vehicle licences, tolls etc)

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Perhaps a system for charging/limiting miles covered in London may be a tracker box like insurance company's use for new drivers might be the way forward. One that logs all the miles covered, with a sliding scale of higher fees applicable for the engines Euro status, the size of the engine,the time of day used, and more congested area's. The couple of flies in the ointment may be, it's going to be a much to fair for some, hitting everyone the same, and probably open to technological get around's, like jammers 🤷‍♂️
Already many in London have number plate flippers, I suspect more will take that route, they can also drive in bus lanes and park without problems, at least for them, not so good for the poor car owner who's plate has been cloned
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TFL would be better off standing up to the unions who demand such massive salaries for the lazy arses who work on public transport
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Most "grown up and intelligent people" understand the need to introduce some method of reducing the congestion/pollution that is a blight of big cities.

I think local councils are doing their best at stopping people going into the centres.

Stupidly high parking charges.
Shops closing as no foot traffic

The tumble weed is starting to blow down the main roads.

Won’t be long before the councils will have to think up another scam to bolster their coffers.
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Isn’t London the only capital city with public transport, in Europe that is there to earn a profit?
I’m sure I’ve read that somewhere. All others are there not to make profit and so are more affordable.
Not that the TFL do manage to make a profit 🙄
I'm not sure how much difference that makes though. TfL doesn't have shareholders so any profit gets returned back to TfL as investment. It's not the Mayor's fault (whether Khan or Johnson) that this operating model is applied. The Government sets the rules as to how TfL are funded.

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TFL would be better off standing up to the unions who demand such massive salaries for the lazy arses who work on public transport
Yep, the number of times I've been to London and seen bus drivers and train drivers literally, and I mean literally, asleep at the controls, or feet up having a sandwich and reading the paper.....literally at the controls! Sometimes they even control their vehicles remotely using some sort of telepathy unit developed by the WEF for controlling us all. They just sit on their lazy arses at home watching daytime tv and remotely controlling their vehicles.....unbelievable!
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My guess is sooner or later a new airport will be built on the Goodwin Sands (or Mapplin Sands) and therefore the problem will be out at sea.
& what use would that be for 'London? Be like taking a ryanair flight .
Q. are London residents charged if they leave their homes to travel outside London on return? how does that work.
yes per day with a non compliant vehicle
Other models are available, what would be your solution ?
As before. your numbers up.
Has anything been said what this tw@t is going to do with the money generated to help the people that fell sick of the pollution?
probably the same as he did with the recent 500million gov.uk bail out where he "ring fenced" I kid you not, 25% =125 million to house illegal rubber boat people.
So TFL is short of cash.
as above.potless. khan & the rest of those running it should be doing it foc.
Or should it be run by the people for the people ?
This^^^I personally would still never use it but it should be foc.
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I havn't seen the ULEZ traffic signal cameras and how they are mounted/sited, but if they are at or close to the signal poles it is surprising. (Penny pinching would cause this, less poles are less infrastructure capital cost).

One of the factors affecting ANPR plate reading is tailgating. Yes, you have to be very close indeed (dangerously so) to avoid capture on normal roads with moving traffic, but that is not what you get in slow moving queueing traffic and there is nowhere more certain to create those conditions than at traffic signals in London. This effect is exacerbated by large vehicles, you can still be a safe distance behind one in a queue of slow moving traffic and a large vehicle can mask your plate from the camera.
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I havn't seen the ULEZ traffic signal cameras and how they are mounted/sited, but if they are at or close to the signal poles it is surprising. (Penny pinching would cause this, less poles are less infrastructure capital cost).

One of the factors affecting ANPR plate reading is tailgating. Yes, you have to be very close indeed (dangerously so) to avoid capture on normal roads with moving traffic, but that is not what you get in slow moving queueing traffic and there is nowhere more certain to create those conditions than at traffic signals in London. This effect is exacerbated by large vehicles, you can still be a safe distance behind one in a queue of slow moving traffic and a large vehicle can mask your plate from the camera.
The reason they put the cameras on the traffic lights is because councils which are opposed to the expansion do not allow new camera sites, but TFL own the traffic lights so they don't need permission to put them on the lights.

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A functional, useable, economical and ecologically sound public transport system would be a start!!

Nothing pollutes air worse than stationary vehicles, and yet in London for years they have been closing off any and every 'rat run' of roads which people used to take to keep moving, forcing all the traffic onto the main roads and then, with arms in the air, complain at how bad the traffic now is to justify these charges. This charging scam has been in the planning for years, it's not a recent thing, and will no doubt end up at some point with a pay per journey tariff of some sort.

This is not the solution to "cleaning up" the air in London all the time the public transport system (the alternative to using cars) is completely dysfunctional.
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