UK touring (9 Viewers)

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Jul 11, 2008
Funster No
Knaus Sun 650MEG
When you’re still working it’s not all about cost, it’s about going somewhere you enjoy and can relax away from work. Saying that we still find it cheaper going to Germany or France for our holidays than touring the U.K., in Scotland we probably have more flexibility with wild camping but it’s normally not near much. Some of the free or cheap Aires and Stelplatz we’ve used have been amazing and in great locations, we also don’t mind paying for site and normally find them half the price of U.K. .

We are currently thinking about our first retirement trip this September, I put thinking rather than planning as we’re just going to go with the flow and chase the sun.
Nov 19, 2021
Nr Wigan, UK
Funster No
Rapido A Class
And nobody’s mentioned the “Sun”.

It tooks us about 5hrs to drive to Newhaven and £209 for a return crossing but once you get off that ferry it’s a totally different experience. If we had to stay in the uk I would definitely stick with a caravan because a Motorhome is totally wasted there. We only get 2wks but the trip is 100% worth it.

We’re down in the South of France on a very expensive site (Le Brasilia) which is just a bit more expensive than a CMC site but with a massive swimming complex, shops, restaurants, bars, entertainment, plenty of shower blocks the list goes on. Not everyone’s cup of tea but works for us. Oh, forget to mention the golden sands and the Med about 75mtrs from our pitch.

We got new neighbours yesterday, a retired German couple in a newish N&B Motorhome. They were telling us they come back to the same pitch every year and stay for 8wks at a time. Honestly, I can understand why.
They have not been home since October.

I could go on and on but I’m going for a quick dip in the Med then a lounge by the pool “in the sun” 😉😉
Mar 28, 2010
Funster No
A class Hymer 504
Since 1995
We gave up touring abroad over 20 years ago. Our sons no longer wanted want to come with us, we were fed up going up and down to the ferries, and we didn't like the same'y EU money.

We don't really 'tour' Britain anymore. However, we do use the motorhome to help us seek history, especially social history and interesting events. For us, there is far more interest here. Next week we are on a five day exploring how an English C18 industrial hamlet has changed to a town/area holiday heaven for some.

There are 15 National Parks, c35 Area of Outstanding Beauty, and the National Trust. I remember a motorhomer set off on a tour the British coast bit by bit but I lost his paperwork. And there were 3.7 billion bus passenger journeys 12m March 2023 - about a half in London
May 8, 2021
Bedford, UK
Funster No
Bailey Autograph792F
Since June 2021
We are only touring in the uk. We do miss the freedom of touring in Europe, and that was with a caravan. However, age, infirmity, insurance requirements etc just make uk touring easier in the end. Although we are both retired various things impinge on our time such that the longest we have been away is 10 days. We do go away for quite a lot of 3 or 4 nights. We always did three weeks in Europe.
People say there is a lot to see in the uk, but we are running out of places. We don’t tend to go anywhere twice, have limited mobility, don’t cycle and don’t like stately homes. We do like scenery and small interesting towns and villages, and a bit of history. However finding sites that allow that sort of exploration via public transport or parking the van become difficult to find.
Our recent trip to Scotland was planned and some sites booked, but we were also using a couple of Aires which would have given us more flexibility if needed. Many of our trips are only booked a week or two beforehand, I can’t do with booking months before. We haven’t booked anything yet for July, for example.

Sounds very similar to us to be honest. Unfortunately both working full time still (working on looking at early retirement though) so much of our motorhoming is here on the mainland. We favour Scotland but have a few favourite places when we get a long weekend ie Lytham, Chester etc. But with a week only Scotlands a hard slog so this week we've gone Devon / Cornwall as last time we were down here was 30 years ago with a trailer tent. To be honest we wont be back, we've had a few nice visits etc, best night was a stop on the Esplanade on Exmouth, lovely beach view for £6. But generally, between this week down here and a week when we explored Wales being a bit meh last year we've definitely decided that most of our UK motorhoming will remain oop north. It generally nicer, quieter, easier for us to go with the flow and there's places nearer to where we want to spend days out, this is of course impacted by the wife's need for a mobility scooter and we tour lots, we don't spend weeks in one place.

When we have longer than a week we'll generally go to Ireland as I can go visit the parents too and much easier again for motorhoming. France we've only managed once and yes we could have gone this week but with the wifes recent stroke her anxiety is through the roof and she was scared to leave the UK "just in case"

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Jan 23, 2022
Cornwall, UK
Funster No
Swift 686
Escaping since 2012
Cornwall is packed from June to August, don't get me started on the cost of staying anywhere!

I keep thinking about Scotland to see family, 650 miles before I start. Get a ferry to Roscoff and 650 miles will get me to Spain, Southern France and even to Switzerland and Germany.

Fuel was not too dissimilar to here, beer and wine was ridiculously cheap!

Europe is a no brainer for me.
Jul 18, 2009
Manchester UK + Javea/Xabia Spain + Abu Dhabi
Funster No
And nobody’s mentioned the “Sun”.

It tooks us about 5hrs to drive to Newhaven and £209 for a return crossing but once you get off that ferry it’s a totally different experience. If we had to stay in the uk I would definitely stick with a caravan because a Motorhome is totally wasted there. We only get 2wks but the trip is 100% worth it.

We’re down in the South of France on a very expensive site (Le Brasilia) which is just a bit more expensive than a CMC site but with a massive swimming complex, shops, restaurants, bars, entertainment, plenty of shower blocks the list goes on. Not everyone’s cup of tea but works for us. Oh, forget to mention the golden sands and the Med about 75mtrs from our pitch.

We got new neighbours yesterday, a retired German couple in a newish N&B Motorhome. They were telling us they come back to the same pitch every year and stay for 8wks at a time. Honestly, I can understand why.
They have not been home since October.

I could go on and on but I’m going for a quick dip in the Med then a lounge by the pool “in the sun” 😉😉
stayed in the sane country since October ?
Jul 18, 2009
Manchester UK + Javea/Xabia Spain + Abu Dhabi
Funster No
We are currently at Center Parcs in The Netherlands. As far as I know, it’s the only one with a campsite.

It’s not cheap, at €82 per night £70). But includes all the facilities for children as we have our grandson over with us from Abu Dhabi.

But still thousands cheaper than a UK Center parcs.

Usually, we are on ACSI Sites or stelplatz / Aires

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Feb 26, 2024
Minehead, UK
Funster No
Elddis Accordo 120
Since 2019
We find it cheaper to go across the channel than spend time in the UK Newhaven Dieppe crossing is still very cheap.

Not just cost also about freedom so much easier to use a van across the water and you feel welcome. Unlike the UK where they appear to hate Motorhomes.
Just made our first trip to Europe in a motorhome and your comment about feeling welcome is so true. We had a month of travelling to Switzerland and then around parts of France. Never felt unwelcome..... unlike parts of the UK.
Nov 21, 2021
Co Durham
Funster No
Autosleeper Amethyst
Newbie, former van camper and still wild camper
My wife and I are still working so getting holidays over a 2 week period is nearly impossible. We will eventually get to Europe but for the next few years it's blighty for us. We live in the northeast and the thought of travelling the whole length of England to get to the border is dire. Next year we are going to travel to Ireland for 12 days to get the hang of ferries, dog passport etc. However we love travelling around blighty, we find lots of quiet places if needed. THS sites really help with costs and spontaneous touring.
We have considered using the Newcastle ferry to Europe also.
Apr 27, 2008
Eastbourne East Sussex
Funster No
Hymer low profile
Since 1972
Haven't been anywhere in the mh in the UK for many years. It wasn't great then and appears from others to be even worse now.
Even when working I always went abroad and now I'm retired there's no competition.
Food in France a bit more than here, but you can always go to Spain where it seems a bit cheaper.

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Sep 4, 2017
North West, UK
Funster No
VW T6.1 Transporter
Never stop learning 😊
There are 15 National Parks, c35 Area of Outstanding Beauty, and the National Trust.

There are now 36 AONB in England and five in Wales.

Scotland hosts 46 National Scenic Areas.

As well as National Trust there is English Heritage who currently look after more than 400 sites, with Historic Scotland taking care of a further 300 or so.

I am trying to work my way around them all and failing miserably! :oops2:


Sep 19, 2021
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Funster No
Autograph 75-2
camping and caravanning since a kid. New to motorhomes
My wife and I are still working so getting holidays over a 2 week period is nearly impossible. We will eventually get to Europe but for the next few years it's blighty for us. We live in the northeast and the thought of travelling the whole length of England to get to the border is dire. Next year we are going to travel to Ireland for 12 days to get the hang of ferries, dog passport etc. However we love travelling around blighty, we find lots of quiet places if needed. THS sites really help with costs and spontaneous touring.
We have considered using the Newcastle ferry to Europe also.
Go for it, you won’t regret it.

Newcastle to Ijmuiden ferry is good and so easy. Just a bit pricey so convenience. We are taking it in September to go to Germany.

But also often just drive down to the tunnel or Dover then across the water.
Over the years have done many 2 week holidays and it’s well worth it.

Last year did 2 of them. First one was to the tunnel and a 18:20 train across then next day to the first site. Similar to come home.
Second fortnight was down to Dover and stayed overnight at the Dog House pub then early ferry in the morning. Next day driving but at first sight that day.

Driving in the van is just part of the journey and relaxing too so even with just 2 weeks you can have a great holiday. Much better than in the UK and with sun too 🥳🥳
Jul 13, 2023
All over Europe now
Funster No
Adria 680ST Gold
Lots of interesting museums, events and places to see in UK but its all so ripoff, crowded and jobsworth and corporate and same food everywhere and I often loathe it ,, The only reason im still here despite owning a property overseas is helping my youngest daughter ,I really really want to leave UK for ever .. but being a good father means I cant plus im getting old is begining to bother me ??? where is best ???
Jun 5, 2020
New Forest, United Kingdom
Funster No
Hymer Exsis-I 414
4 years, travelling to Greece each year and exploring on the way and back
We gave up touring abroad over 20 years ago. Our sons no longer wanted want to come with us, we were fed up going up and down to the ferries, and we didn't like the same'y EU money.

We don't really 'tour' Britain anymore. However, we do use the motorhome to help us seek history, especially social history and interesting events. For us, there is far more interest here. Next week we are on a five day exploring how an English C18 industrial hamlet has changed to a town/area holiday heaven for some.

There are 15 National Parks, c35 Area of Outstanding Beauty, and the National Trust. I remember a motorhomer set off on a tour the British coast bit by bit but I lost his paperwork. And there were 3.7 billion bus passenger journeys 12m March 2023 - about a half in London

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Sep 5, 2020
Durham, UK
Funster No
Swift Bolero 714SB
Since 2018
It’s very simple and cheaper when living down south, but limited and more expensive when travelling from the North to get to Europe, and it’s up bank 🤦‍♂️
Nov 22, 2011
Funster No
PVC WildAx
Since 2007
I think uk site charges will price themselves out and no one will be prepared to pay site fees? It's all a bit self destructive to their business if you ask me? No wonder Johnny Foreigner doesn't want to come over in his motorhome to experience the warm welcome he'll receive? Mind you, it hasn't deterred the sailing fraternity who still battle the North their rubber vessels?
Not a pleasant approach.
May 30, 2022
Funster No
Autotrail Savannah
So here's a question what with the ever increasing price of crossing the channel. And France not being the cheapest place in terms food ect

also ferries to Spain costing a arm and a leg who just tours in the UK these days after all there's some wonderful places in n the UK to see

And for those who work with limited holidays is the continent really viable in a motorhome. Might as well get a cheap flight.

No wonder motorhome sales are stagnent
We bought our first MH 5 years ago to purely explore UK/Scotland etc, we do have beautiful coastline, villages, and dramatic scenery. We've just come back from the east coast of Yorkshire and Northumberland and, yes weather a bit dodgy at times but we absolutely love our country and meet loads of great people along the way.

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May 8, 2020
Funster No
Globecar Summit Prim
Since 2019
My wife and I are still working so getting holidays over a 2 week period is nearly impossible. We will eventually get to Europe but for the next few years it's blighty for us. We live in the northeast and the thought of travelling the whole length of England to get to the border is dire. Next year we are going to travel to Ireland for 12 days to get the hang of ferries, dog passport etc. However we love travelling around blighty, we find lots of quiet places if needed. THS sites really help with costs and spontaneous touring.
We have considered using the Newcastle ferry to Europe also.
Try the Hull crossing. More expensive, but shorter journey and so much easier on returning to the uk. When we lived in greater Manchester and were travelling to Europe it was our crossing of choice. Didn’t need to leave home until the afternoon, leisurely drive to hull and on return home before lunch. We felt the holiday started as soon as boarding the ferry rather than a very long journey down south.
Jul 18, 2009
Manchester UK + Javea/Xabia Spain + Abu Dhabi
Funster No
Try the Hull crossing. More expensive, but shorter journey and so much easier on returning to the uk. When we lived in greater Manchester and were travelling to Europe it was our crossing of choice. Didn’t need to leave home until the afternoon, leisurely drive to hull and on return home before lunch. We felt the holiday started as soon as boarding the ferry rather than a very long journey down south.
Sadly the crossing we used the most has gone. Hull -zeebrugge

Well, ports of Dubai took the govs money first though
Last edited:
Jun 29, 2015
Funster No
caravan (for now)
on and off since 1984
Due to caring responsibilities we have stayed in England for the last few years, now we're free again I have been surprised by how much the cost of going abroad has gone up. Also we have found so many great places to visit locally, we kept to no more than 2 hours travel from home, Southampton, apart from last year when with a lot of planning we got to Whitby.

These days we have a caravan so the tunnel is expensive and we changed our intended two trips of 6 weeks to 1 trip of 12 weeks from January. We have 3 trips planned locally and will plan more until the weather makes it no fun.

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