If you are on about windows updates then sorry I don't know@Gromett ... do you know of a way to find out the download size of these updates? I can't find an answer on Mr Google but thought my mate Mr Gromett might know!
I use linux. On linux we get all the information we need..
Here is an example that fortuitiously just turned up. You can see that it tells you type of update, the level and gives you the option to install it or not.
Then there is the description section which tells you what this particular update is for, the changelog gives very detailed description of what is changing including the CVE code so you can go and see the details of the exploit and what is needed to fix it.
Right at the bottom is the size.
No update on Linux affects the running of the system, So you can set the update going and carry on with your work. No updates are ever massive. And no update ever FORCES you to reboot.
I love linux, nice and transparent and doesn't get in my way ...
Sorry none of that answers your question or helps you