A fairly quiet day for us today. In the morning we walked along a track for a while beside the Abhainn Bruachaig river. And no, I haven't a clue how to pronounce it. I have been reading up a bit on Gaelic pronunciation and in a word, it's difficult! It starts with even how you say Gaelic because here in Scotland it is "Gal-ik" not "Gay-lik" which is the Irish pronunciation. The hill I'm planning to climb on Sunday morning, weather permitting is Beinn a'Mhuinidh which from my reading is pronounced "Beyn a Voonee" because "Mh" sounds like a "V" and "dh" at the end of a word is silent.
The countryside around here is quite open with few trees apart from around the river and on a few of the upper slopes.
At the point where we turned around after a few kilomètres of walking we came across this.
It a tiny little hydroelectric plant. I couldn't see where the water it was using came from but a look at aerial pictures on the OS map app shows that just a little further up the river there is a low dam and water from here is carried in a buried pipe to the generator. It must work with just a few metres of head.
Turning round we had some good views, clouds excepted, of Bienn Eighe. There are paths up it which start withing walking distance of the CMC site.
This afternoon's walk was gentler still. There is a nature reserve next to the site and it has some well made paths through it.
There was no wind amongst the trees and a few midges were making the most of this but they weren't troublesome.
Near the information centre were a few bits of sculpture.
The good news is a tanker appeared at the filling station in the village today. I must fill up tomorrow!
The countryside around here is quite open with few trees apart from around the river and on a few of the upper slopes.
At the point where we turned around after a few kilomètres of walking we came across this.
It a tiny little hydroelectric plant. I couldn't see where the water it was using came from but a look at aerial pictures on the OS map app shows that just a little further up the river there is a low dam and water from here is carried in a buried pipe to the generator. It must work with just a few metres of head.
Turning round we had some good views, clouds excepted, of Bienn Eighe. There are paths up it which start withing walking distance of the CMC site.
This afternoon's walk was gentler still. There is a nature reserve next to the site and it has some well made paths through it.
There was no wind amongst the trees and a few midges were making the most of this but they weren't troublesome.
Near the information centre were a few bits of sculpture.
The good news is a tanker appeared at the filling station in the village today. I must fill up tomorrow!