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SO, I am posing this delicate question to the obvious fans of the crappy bowl liner.
Picture this, you are away in the van and the change in the water, weather, food or whatever has left you a bit "bunged up" for a day or so. You visit the bathroom and prepare your throne for the hoped for and much anticipated appearance of your bowel movement. You take your seat and strain, and what ventures forth is a solid log a good few inches long. You clean yourself, flush and open the trap. But there it is, your much hoped for prize wedged across the hole in the cassette. Now what do you do? poke it with your finger hoping to ease it through the hole? or maybe find something to cut it up into disposable chunks?
I bet you were really pleased to line the toilet bowl with a piece of paper like a coffee filter to prevent marking the plastic.
Honestly it really puzzles me how some people get so worried about a bodily movement. Open the trap, wet the bowl to lubricate and bombs away, straight down the chute and gone
Check to see if the nearly full light is illuminated. If it has come on and a simple risk assessment tells you not to use it, poo in a poly bag seal it, store it somewhere (preferably a sealed plastic box), look for a dog waste bin - simples