Don't quite follow your point here Jim, and i'm wondering if you fully understood my question?
I'm talking of road tax/mot on mh or rv in use for 'fulltiming'......irrespective of size. In other words, though it may remain static at some point for a few weeks or months, it also has to be 'ready to go' when desired so must be taxed and tested.
The question being.....would it prove more economically viable to register the vehicle outside the UK, rather than in the UK.
I do get your point, I don't think you understood my response.
Tax & MOT for full timers in Europe is a problem, having to return to the UK can be costly, especially if you have an RV. In addition if you have an RV you will find it almost impossible to register it elsewhere on the continent, so this is not even an option. (I have seen a couple of Poland Reg RVs though) So my comment was - This is why many full-timers who want an RV size vehicle are using a 5er because this does not need tax or MOT its effectively a caravan. The Pick-Up towing vehicle can be easily registered elsewhere. This will save the full timer £000's in returning each year.