Free Member
Try being Scottish and living in France on the forum then you really are in trouble lolI don't have a chip ....i just get tired of idiots to be honest.
This is my thread ...most people that follow it know quite a few things about me....i mean I'm quite am open book where i can be.
1) im scottish ....and i support an independent Scotland.
2) im not a brexit supporter
3) i dont like campsites
4) i dont like anything that restricts my freedom
5) im not keen on folk who go out there way to be negative or to stir shit.
6) i dislike racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia etc etc etc
So to be honest thats kind of how it is ....if folk dont want to follow me or indeed feel the need to tell me on my thread that im wrong for being who I am then they don't have to come here or read it....to be honest i saw a lot of it on ianthebuilder threads too over the years.
End of the day i do these threads as a kind of travel diary for me and because some folk find them interesting...im the first to admit i probably overshare a fair bit on here ....the joys of being solo i guess...but theres parts of my life i deliberately avoid discussing as i know it would only attract the negative folk which is sad to be honest.
There are lots of folk follow me and my threads who are polar opposites of me but we just dont go there ....but likewise some who never contribute anything positive but seem to have an alarm set that whenever anything is posted they can come argue over arrive within minutes.
Now on other internet platforms im on i can just block these folk and forget they exsist
I can't do that here due to how Jim has the forum set up
But folk on the wind up i really cant be bothered with .....the same goes in the real world when i meet folk in person....if i find them annoying i simply avoid them.