YUP, I am moisturized up to my ear lobesI bet you look lovely now Steve.
If your ip is constantly changing your internet would be dropping in & out whilst browsing not just on the bank sites, sounds a bit weird.
As you have a directional aerial have a look at Mastdata and see if there is another cell mast you can log onto & see what happens.

I think the first thing I will try is to make a note of the tower number I am connected to over a couple of hours then swap for my French Sim and see if I get the same problems and the same tower. But it is one of those things that I probably will not resolve unless it happens with all providers.
As I said in my answer to jongood I couldn't get line of sight to the nearest tower but I am getting a maximum 5 bars.
Last night I was getting 75Mbps down & 50 up but now only 21 down and 0.6 up. Which is the nature of the beast I am afraid. It is a much more crowded network than I had in France.
Any other thoughts, let me know. I just wondered if it was a result of going via a reseller with perhaps a slightly crippled network. But now there is limited roaming there is no reason to stay with Superdrug.