Splash & Dash (2 Viewers)

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Nov 12, 2015
Funster No
Carthago I 143 LE
Since 2016
I really don’t understand why the facilities to dump a cassette are charging so much , typically see £5 quoted, if it discharges to a sewer they have zero costs , even if to a sess pit, that would be minimum 5m3 and cost about £300 to empty. Even if every user put 50 litres of toilet waste down their drain, chose that volume for easier maths , it would take 100 customers to fill it, £3 each

I suspect the owner only sees the £300 bill and doesn’t do the maths

Rubbish I can see being an issue as they have to pay for that as well, I am often horrified at how much rubbish motorhomers generate at rallies, a lot of which coujd be taken home , unless going on somewhere else of course

But question to OP, it sounds like you intend to wild camp what did you plan on doing with toilet waste ? We park off sites but always use a site every third night to refresh everything 👍
We just held a rally and had to pay to empty the cess pit. We had 70 units mostly for 3 nights and half filled a 2000 gallon tank according to the man that emptied it and it cost £90 cash.

Then there's water, at a minimum each unit probably uses 40l a day on average, some mote a few less so whatever that costs, then sewerage is charged at 90% of water used even though it went in the hedges.

Abroad it's not unusual to pay 4 or 5 euro for a service visit so a fiver here given the higher costs is probably on par and yes I know a lot are free but in Spain last winter we were happy to pay every 3 or 4 days if we were staying where there were no services.
Feb 24, 2013
Bolsover, Derbyshire
Funster No
Hymer S800
not long enough
Then there's water, at a minimum each unit probably uses 40l a day on average, some mote a few less so whatever that costs, then sewerage is charged at 90% of water used even though it went in the hedges.

That’s a fair point but combined cost will about £2 / m3 so total cost should be no more than £30 for all of you 👍


Nov 12, 2015
Funster No
Carthago I 143 LE
Since 2016
That’s a fair point but combined cost will about £2 / m3 so total cost should be no more than £30 for all of you 👍
Not sure how it's worked out but we pay over £50 a month at home for 2 of us so that's about £1.80 a day so 70 units at even £1 a day is £210 over 3 days but I'm sure it's less.
Apr 17, 2016
South Coast
Funster No
White One..
3 years….
Some of the places I have seen it could be called splash and pebbledash😳😳 I cannot believe that people emptying a small cassette could miss a larger hole in the ground and what is more unbelievable is they cannot wash down the area with the hose next to it🤬🤬
Was at Polch used the drive over drain but after washing that down I also washed down around the cassette emptying bit as some animals had not bothered🤬🤬not the first time either🤔🤔
Oct 12, 2009
SW London, Poland and all Europe
Funster No
A Class N+B Arto 69GL
Since 2009
Splashed but not dashed yet. On a CL a few miles out from Chester

So maybe emptied when you arrived, but fortunately did not encounter the attitude that Pausim got , post #14.

I would have thought that most small campsites would welcome the extra income from a 'splash and dash' for a few quid in the middle of the day. They have to provide no other services, it is all self-service.

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