That's what makes this world wonderfully diverse and interesting. You have an opinion and way of living, our mums have one and we have one too.I'd be extra cautious when meeting them again, its not a case of what's allowed, my question is how would you feel if you passed a new unknown variant onto any one of them? For the sake of a holiday, I just don't understand the thinking here.
I fully understand the beauty of European travel, I'd adore to be in the German Alps right now, but wouldn't dream of risking anyone's life for what is after all an unnecessary journey.
We may not always agree with what someone else does, but sometimes we should let things pass without voicing our opinion as it is not valid or warranted.
The mum's have not cocooned themselves away through any of this, just obeyed the rules, they have lived their lives how they wanted to, seeing friends and family at the first opportunity. Fear has not got to them and believe that when their time is up, it is up.
I am not sure what makes you think we are more susceptible to getting covid and bringing it back to a more densely populated UK as it does not add up. But there you go, opinions again and maybe I should keep mine to myself too!!!