Well, at last the freedom of the roads and countryside will be ours; hopefully we will be getting our '55' plate Compass Avantgarde 200 mid October this year.
It is me and him :Cool:, old and young, setting off on wonderful adventures around the UK and much of Europe too.
I was born and 'brung up' in the UK, whilst Ras was born in Denmark, so we will be definately aquainting ourselves with the roads from Calais to Denmark a great deal, but we hope to also turn right instead of left at Calais sometimes, and head off down to Switzerland and into Italy.
One questions:
I know that 'Motorhomes' can be carried on the 'Lötschberg' car train, through the Simplon Tunnel. Thats a short journey in onse sense, of only about 30 miles, but does anyone know of any other 'car trains' in Europe that carry vehicles larger than cars / small campervans ?? :help:
I know it seems odd to wish to shove ones wheels on a train when you can drive there, but I would quiet like to plan some journeys where we 'go' by train, eg to deep Italy, and then 'return' via our own steam leisurely enjoying the long journey home.
Well I have not done a mega job of introducing us, but if any one wishes to say 'hi' back and ask anything, I am sure an answer from us will be forthcoming.
Well, at last the freedom of the roads and countryside will be ours; hopefully we will be getting our '55' plate Compass Avantgarde 200 mid October this year.
It is me and him :Cool:, old and young, setting off on wonderful adventures around the UK and much of Europe too.
I was born and 'brung up' in the UK, whilst Ras was born in Denmark, so we will be definately aquainting ourselves with the roads from Calais to Denmark a great deal, but we hope to also turn right instead of left at Calais sometimes, and head off down to Switzerland and into Italy.
One questions:

I know it seems odd to wish to shove ones wheels on a train when you can drive there, but I would quiet like to plan some journeys where we 'go' by train, eg to deep Italy, and then 'return' via our own steam leisurely enjoying the long journey home.
Well I have not done a mega job of introducing us, but if any one wishes to say 'hi' back and ask anything, I am sure an answer from us will be forthcoming.