Solo female motorhomer in Spain tested positive for Covid. (1 Viewer)

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Aug 22, 2007
E Yorks
Funster No
Carthago Compactline
Since 1996, had Elddis/Swift/Rapido/Rimor/Chausson MHs. Autocruise/Globecar PVCs/Compactline i-138
We could have posted her information but didn't think it fair to put someone's name on here.
To be fair, she posted it on a public website anyway so it doesn't make much difference does it?


Nov 21, 2020
Funster No
Rapido 8094DF
Since 2004

I had agonising tooth pain from an abscess and rang up the nearest dentist and was seen within 1.5 hrs of calling, xrays, prescriptions and booked in for more work next week. English speaking and very good value. In normal times it's a nightmare trying to get an appointment at my dentist in the uk and I've heard it's been virtually impossible during the pandemic
Im having this exact issue on the UK rght face looks like Elephant Man and Im having a nightmare getting in the dentist. No sleep due to the Abcess.
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Aug 20, 2019
Funster No
Dethleffs Pulse
Motorhoming since 2020
An extra burden on a health service that is under the greatest strain ever know is just downright selfish......when travelling could be avoided and staying put is a sensible approach...
Health services are stretched everywhere. Living in a motorhome versus a house doesn't inherently increase your risk if you are sensible. I would have more chance of catching it in the uk than out here as in the uk I'd be sharing a house with people who go out to work and mix every day with their colleagues. I'd be under pressure to meet friends and family (when not lockdown) away here in my little self contained box surrounded by fresh air I'm very unlikely to get it.
Aug 20, 2019
Funster No
Dethleffs Pulse
Motorhoming since 2020
Im having this excat issue on the UK rght face looks like Elephant Man and Im having a nightmare getting in the dentist. No sleep due to the Abcess.
Oh poor you i know how that feels! I hope you have some strong drugs! So glad I was here and not the uk!


Aug 22, 2007
E Yorks
Funster No
Carthago Compactline
Since 1996, had Elddis/Swift/Rapido/Rimor/Chausson MHs. Autocruise/Globecar PVCs/Compactline i-138
Well technically the Facebook page is a private site 🤔
If she wanted her identity to be kept private she wouldn't have put it on any site though, that' the point.


Aug 22, 2007
E Yorks
Funster No
Carthago Compactline
Since 1996, had Elddis/Swift/Rapido/Rimor/Chausson MHs. Autocruise/Globecar PVCs/Compactline i-138
Health services are stretched everywhere. Living in a motorhome versus a house doesn't inherently increase your risk if you are sensible. I would have more chance of catching it in the uk than out here as in the uk I'd be sharing a house with people who go out to work and mix every day with their colleagues. I'd be under pressure to meet friends and family (when not lockdown) away here in my little self contained box surrounded by fresh air I'm very unlikely to get it.
If there is a language barrier google translate works very well
But this ADDS to the workload, it's much easier to get treatment in a country for which you speak the language, no extra time is needed by you, or the medical staff, in order to correctly communicate with you. As for the pressure you'd be under, in the UK from friends etc, that's quite different to going abroad and putting pressure on people to help you who you don't even know. Also if you were in the same house as others in the UK they could ensure you have what you need to isolate or you could still stay in your MH somewhere.


Oct 19, 2015
Alhama de Murcia, Spain
Funster No
Hymer Tramp
Since 1994
If there is a language barrier google translate works very well

I've just been visiting our local hospital here in Spain. I fell off my mountain bike on an easy track and broke my upper arm/shoulder. I could wriggle my fingers and move my arm from the elbow down so I didn't think anything was broken. I didn't go to the hospital until the next day because I was conscious of Covid workloads, but when the next morning my arm looked like an elephant's leg, I reluctantly went to A & E. I did all my operation and follow ups alone because visitors weren't allowed. I was able to think, and I speak and understand a fair amount of Spanish, but trying to understand questions from behind masks is very difficult. Adding time to try to put into a translator is not helpful to anyone.
Aug 20, 2019
Funster No
Dethleffs Pulse
Motorhoming since 2020
But this ADDS to the workload, it's much easier to get treatment in a country for which you speak the language, no extra time is needed by you, or the medical staff, in order to correctly communicate with you. As for the pressure you'd be under, in the UK from friends etc, that's quite different to going abroad and putting pressure on people to help you who you don't even know. Also if you were in the same house as others in the UK they could ensure you have what you need to isolate or you could still stay in your MH

But this ADDS to the workload, it's much easier to get treatment in a country for which you speak the language, no extra time is needed by you, or the medical staff, in order to correctly communicate with you. As for the pressure you'd be under, in the UK from friends etc, that's quite different to going abroad and putting pressure on people to help you who you don't even know. Also if you were in the same house as others in the UK they could ensure you have what you need to isolate or you could still stay in your MH somewhere.

But this ADDS to the workload, it's much easier to get treatment in a country for which you speak the language, no extra time is needed by you, or the medical staff, in order to correctly communicate with you. As for the pressure you'd be under, in the UK from friends etc, that's quite different to going abroad and putting pressure on people to help you who you don't even know. Also if you were in the same house as others in the UK they could ensure you have what you need to isolate or you could still stay in your MH somewhere.
You've missed the point I'm not increasing the chances of adding to someone's workload as I've reduced my overall chance of coming into contact with the virus that is 1st and foremost the most important thing in fighting this and unless you know all the personal circumstances of an individual you DO NOT know whether they have increased or decreased their chances of getting covid by living in a motorhome abroad.

I can categorically tell you that I've reduced my contacts and particularly some fairly risky contacts (housemate who works and has a girlfriend living with kids who go to school) by being where I am and how I'm living now (outside 90%,of the day, getting loads of vit d and keeping fit and well) and the same can be true for anyone on the Internet.

One of the best defences against needing hospitalization with covid is being fit and healthy to start with so if people are doing that for themselves that is what i admire.

I've not seen any posts admonishing overweight or diabetic (type 2)people for putting undue pressure on the health system though these are huge factors in severity of covid and a much bigger factor in overwhelming the health service than a solo female going to Spain and this one in particular was obviously being quite responsible testing herself before moving in with her aunt and saying she would not go on a site. She should be applauded for her actions considering she is asytomatic.
Aug 20, 2019
Funster No
Dethleffs Pulse
Motorhoming since 2020
I've just been visiting our local hospital here in Spain. I fell off my mountain bike on an easy track and broke my upper arm/shoulder. I could wriggle my fingers and move my arm from the elbow down so I didn't think anything was broken. I didn't go to the hospital until the next day because I was conscious of Covid workloads, but when the next morning my arm looked like an elephant's leg, I reluctantly went to A & E. I did all my operation and follow ups alone because visitors weren't allowed. I was able to think, and I speak and understand a fair amount of Spanish, but trying to understand questions from behind masks is very difficult. Adding time to try to put into a translator is not helpful to anyone.
Ow... Sorry to hear that. That's no fun! But it does somewhat add to my point that life is risky so maybe you shouldn't have been riding your bike during a pandemic as now you have burdened the health service unnecessarily*

*please understand this is not what i think. I think we all need to make our own choices and i would never judge you for that accident but so we should not pick on others actions or choices.

Heal fast!


Jan 15, 2014
Scottish Borders
Funster No
Without at present
On and off for many years.
I have not seen son, grandchildren or daughter for 18 months and no hope of seeing them till travel restrictions are lifted and it upsets me but at least I have done my best to ensure I will remain alive to see them again .
We have a new Grandchild born 1 May who we have not yet met in person :(
I'd be under pressure to meet friends and family (when not lockdown) away here in my little self contained box surrounded by fresh air I'm very unlikely to get it.

Luckily we are under no such pressure as we have both made it very clear that even if we are allowed to go out / mix we are choosing not to. I have a notice on the front door letting people know we are self isolating through choice and to leave parcels etc in the porch. I put a note on Faceache to the same effect letting folk know we had decided to go above and beyond the legal requirements. Most people have been very very understanding.

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Nov 6, 2012
Funster No
Hymer Tramp
Since 1994
Ow... Sorry to hear that. That's no fun! But it does somewhat add to my point that life is risky so maybe you shouldn't have been riding your bike during a pandemic as now you have burdened the health service unnecessarily*

*please understand this is not what i think. I think we all need to make our own choices and i would never judge you for that accident but so we should not pick on others actions or choices.

Heal fast!
Credit to you for behaving as we do, totally isolated from all friends and family..not all motorhome visitors to Iberia are currently playing by the same rules....some are having a right old jolly....moving round site to site, carrying on as they did last year of years before that....there has been a very selfish couple posting videos on Facebook, no problem in no time did they apply the rule of Transiting in Spain .they just went from place to place, as they wish...
Judith was unfortunate to break her arm, she didn't need ICU just the fracture clinic that operates as normal, staffed as normal for everyday minor and serious accidents...
The ICU bed situation in our region is what I described as the very limit...


Oct 19, 2015
Alhama de Murcia, Spain
Funster No
Hymer Tramp
Since 1994
Ow... Sorry to hear that. That's no fun! But it does somewhat add to my point that life is risky so maybe you shouldn't have been riding your bike during a pandemic as now you have burdened the health service unnecessarily*

*please understand this is not what i think. I think we all need to make our own choices and i would never judge you for that accident but so we should not pick on others actions or choices.

Heal fast!


I was riding in a period of low Covid cases and no lockdowns. I fell on a track with very little obvious danger. I could have, as easily, fallen going to the local shops.

I do understand that accidents will always happen, but travelling in a pandemic is not an accident waiting to happen, it's a virus waiting to pounce.

One could possibly avoid an accident if they did something different, so avoid a virus by doing something different and not travelling and increasing its range.

I want the end of this pandemic as much as anyone else, to be able to see our friends out in Spain, enjoying life, once again.


Oct 19, 2015
Alhama de Murcia, Spain
Funster No
Hymer Tramp
Since 1994
We have a new Grandchild born 1 May who we have not yet met in person

I have my mum (89 next month) who I haven't seen now for a year. She's in the UK and I'm in Spain. She's determined to have a 90th party and I hope we can fly over to be there.

Feb 2022 there we go!


Aug 22, 2007
E Yorks
Funster No
Carthago Compactline
Since 1996, had Elddis/Swift/Rapido/Rimor/Chausson MHs. Autocruise/Globecar PVCs/Compactline i-138
You've missed the point I'm not increasing the chances of adding to someone's workload as I've reduced my overall chance of coming into contact with the virus that is 1st and foremost the most important thing in fighting this and unless you know all the personal circumstances of an individual you DO NOT know whether they have increased or decreased their chances of getting covid by living in a motorhome abroad.

I can categorically tell you that I've reduced my contacts and particularly some fairly risky contacts (housemate who works and has a girlfriend living with kids who go to school) by being where I am and how I'm living now (outside 90%,of the day, getting loads of vit d and keeping fit and well) and the same can be true for anyone on the Internet.

One of the best defences against needing hospitalization with covid is being fit and healthy to start with so if people are doing that for themselves that is what i admire.

I've not seen any posts admonishing overweight or diabetic (type 2)people for putting undue pressure on the health system though these are huge factors in severity of covid and a much bigger factor in overwhelming the health service than a solo female going to Spain and this one in particular was obviously being quite responsible testing herself before moving in with her aunt and saying she would not go on a site. She should be applauded for her actions considering she is asytomatic.
You don't have to quote me 3 times! :LOL:

I was just using you situation as an example as to what others with similar could do, what I do not wish to do is to encourage people to go abroad because it's 'easier' to isolate etc ... once people get there it 'might' be but in the meantime they increase the risk to themselves and others.

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Free Member
Nov 8, 2020
Funster No
Benimar Mileo 282
Newbie ish...
We could have posted her information but didn't think it fair to put someone's name on here.
Sorry, but who is we ?
Her Name is all over the Net asking for help, as she's in a Moho,thought this would be an ideal platform, as someone on here may be able to offer assistance, just a thought...

Would We prefer if I deleted her Name ?


Oct 19, 2015
Alhama de Murcia, Spain
Funster No
Hymer Tramp
Since 1994
Sorry, but who is we ?
Her Name is all over the Net asking for help, as she's in a Moho,thought this would be an ideal platform, as someone on here may be able to offer assistance, just a thought...

Would We prefer if I deleted her Name ?

We are myself and also jumar.

You can do what you like with her name.

She's sorted now so doesn't need more help.


Free Member
Jul 9, 2017
Funster No
A class
I'm a newbie
If she's under 50 her chances of dieing of covid are absolutely tiny,
Doctors are seeing a higher number of younger people seriously ill with coronavirus, compared to the first wave.

In Croydon University Hospital, almost half the beds are occupied by people with Covid and patients as young as 30 with no underlying health conditions are not making it out of intensive care
Aug 20, 2019
Funster No
Dethleffs Pulse
Motorhoming since 2020
Doctors are seeing a higher number of younger people seriously ill with coronavirus, compared to the first wave.

In Croydon University Hospital, almost half the beds are occupied by people with Covid and patients as young as 30 with no underlying health conditions are not making it out of intensive care
So many people in the UK are vit d deficient in winter, very high amounts of obesity too. I truly believe your physical health is also linked with mental health and sadly the longer these difficult, depressing lockdown times continue the more sick we will become. We really are a very unhealthy nation as a whole so sadly yes some younger people will get sick but the numbers don't lie. It's a tiny amount of younger people.
Last edited:
Nov 3, 2020
Up the Hamble
Funster No
Ace Siena
Since 2019
The thing is that could happen at any time before covid. Things happen, living is a risky business and yes there is a nasty bug going round affecting mainly the elderly or with health problems just now but everyone makes their own risk assessment. If she's under 50 her chances of dieing of covid are absolutely tiny, she's tested positive that's it. One third of people don't even get symptoms and most get a mild flu or cold. She may be a full timer and may have lived in Spain for years for all we know.

I know where I'd rather be if i caught covid and that's here in the lovely vit d boosting sunshine and mild temperatures of Portugal.
Infact I've just had my own mini health emergency and it turned out being in Portugal at the start of a month long lockdown has been much better than being back in the UK. I had agonising tooth pain from an abscess and rang up the nearest dentist and was seen within 1.5 hrs of calling, xrays, prescriptions and booked in for more work next week. English speaking and very good value. In normal times it's a nightmare trying to get an appointment at my dentist in the uk and I've heard it's been virtually impossible during the pandemic with prices rocketing if you do get in so it's actually by chance happened to be a good thing being away. Plus I'm now convalescing in my chair in the sun.

I know it's a scary time but spreading fear off the back of snippets of information doesn't particularly help in my opinion. No offence meant but i just find it depressing to come on a forum that's meant to be about motorhome fun to find people posting what comes across as very negative and unnecessary stories from very little info.

Yes there will always be some irresponsible people who ignore the rules and they would be doing this whether in the uk or abroad but it's still perfectly possible and just as safe if not safer to live in a motorhome abroad at the moment as long as you are sensible and have assessed your own individual risks and the risk to others.

Take care everyone whatever your choices during this difficult time.
Stay safe - Portugal not doing so well at present

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Aug 20, 2019
Funster No
Dethleffs Pulse
Motorhoming since 2020
Stay safe - Portugal not doing so well at present
Thanks we're very safe on a lovely spacious campsite down South in the region of lowest cv cases and deaths. The vast majority of cases and deaths are occurring up North and around the largely populated areas of Lisbon and Porto and I've added a graph above that shows the relative risks by age. In my age bracket covid deaths are barely visible.
Jan 1, 2014
Funster No
Dethleffs T7010
Since 1974
So many people in the UK are vit d deficient in winter, very high amounts of obesity too. I truly believe your physical health is also linked with mental health and sadly the longer these difficult, depressing lockdown times continue the more sick we will become. We really are a very unhealthy nation as a whole so sadly yes some younger people will get sick but the numbers don't lie. It's a tiny amount of younger people.View attachment 457664
Surely those statistics include the first wave?
The instance bilM refers to are specific to the second (current) wave!
Sep 3, 2012
Funster No
C Class Elddis 175
8+ years
Yes all figures show that those 40 ISH and below are not that susceptible to dying from covid and may have minor issues only ,but they can still pass it on.even under 40's have to be careful along with everyone else. Even a few deaths are deaths too many. (y)
Aug 20, 2019
Funster No
Dethleffs Pulse
Motorhoming since 2020
Yes all figures show that those 40 ISH and below are not that susceptible to dying from covid and may have minor issues only ,but they can still pass it on.even under 40's have to be careful along with everyone else. Even a few deaths are deaths too many. (y)
Yes and no one is saying otherwise but to know whether someone is increasing or decreasing their risk of catching/passing by being in a motorhome abroad you have to know their personal circumstances. Not everyone has a nice house all to themselves to sit tight in and that's why i object to calling out individuals for their choices. It's one of the saddest things about this whole pandemic imo.. the snipping and judging and people thinking they know best for everyone but completely disregarding that people have very different circumstances and risks.


Jan 15, 2014
Scottish Borders
Funster No
Without at present
On and off for many years.
I have my mum (89 next month) who I haven't seen now for a year. She's in the UK and I'm in Spain. She's determined to have a 90th party and I hope we can fly over to be there.

Feb 2022 there we go!

My Mum and Dad turn 90 in April and May this year. No party this year :(

Helen Ariel I would hate to be in a tiny flat up in the sky of a high rise, scared to use the lift and unable to get up and down stairs. I know how lucky I am.

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