SOG toilet, any additives? (1 Viewer)

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May 7, 2016
West Sussex
Funster No
Malibu Van 640 LE K
Since 2003
SOG BOG MOD. Today I noticed a wee smelly puddle below my toilet cassette in the chamber where Thetford fans are installed. This smelly dribble is, I believe, caused by the toilet contents splashing up through the vent valve and then dribbling down the vent tube into the chamber below. The vent is an essential feature of the standard cassette to stop pressure building up inside it but I don’t think it is needed with a SOG, which has an alternative vent through the spout and fan to the outside.

I recalled reading (probably somewhere else) about disabling the standard vent to stop this spillage and other general smells escaping into the cassette compartment and decided to give it a try. The compartment isn’t hermetically sealed so it could be a source of onboard bathroom smells. An alternative breather must be provided otherwise blow back and exploding poo bombs are a risk. I believe the SOG (but not the Thetford Fan) provide this.

Anyway disabling the vent is fairly straight forward and reversible. I hesitate to describe this procedure for fear I have overlooked something vital or that someone might try it on a NON SOG BOG. I would hate to be the cause of the proverbial hitting the fan and someone ending up with more than a red face.
Feb 12, 2018
South Yorkshire
Funster No
Adria Coral 600SL
Since 2017
On our current MoHo we had a SOG fitted at the SOG factory in Germany, as I was travelling across Germany and it was convenient to call in en route from last years Caravan Salon at Dussledorf. The engineer who did the fitting whilst we waited strongly advised that no chemicals should be added to the cassette.

The SOG website says:

The increased supply of oxygen that the activated ventilator causes to flow into the cassette during use accelerates the decomposition process of the tank contents to such an extent that the use of chemical additives is no longer necessary. Even when the toilet is not used, a system is provided that is constantly open towards the outside and thus guarantees the decomposition process.

Our SOG®systems use some aspects of the principle behind the activated sludge process used at sewage treatment plants and therefore create the ideal conditions for the removal and decomposition of faecal waste.

Most sanitary cleaning products generally interfere with the bacteria used in sewage treatment plants. Some substances are more disturbing than others, depending on the concentration and amount used and how frequently the products are used. They are therefore particularly problematic for smaller sewage treatment plants located in popular tourist locations, which are mostly only suitable for use in villages. If too many travellers in these locations send a mixture of faecal matter and environmentally unfriendly concentrated cleaning products containing biocides to the treatment plants, this will cause the plants to become unstable.

It also offers advice as to the possible cause of any smells:

If, despite the SOG® system, unpleasant smells are to be perceived, especially when opening the toilet, these smells do not come from the cassette, but from the bowl. The toilets, especially the C260, C220 and C400, are completely closed by the lid, no more oxygen can get into the toilet. Since small remains of urine always stick in the toilet, the lack of oxygen leads to the formation of unpleasant odors. Warmth or hot temperatures in summer, or the use of heating in winter (the heating pipes often run in the immediate vicinity of the toilet, so that the toilet warms up) promote the formation of odors.
This problem can be eliminated by leaving the lid open or by attaching small rubber buffers below the lid so that oxygen can flow in.Polishing the bowl using a window polish for acrylic glass panes also helps, as the urine can then no longer stick so easily.

We have never experienced any smells, do not add chemicals, often go for 3 or 4 days between emptying when wild camping and, when necessary because there is nowhere convenient to dump correctly, we use a second cassette, keeping the full one for a few days longer in a plastic box with a sealable lid in the garage.
Jul 13, 2019
Milton Keynes, UK
Funster No
Hymer Bclass ML 780T
Since 2003
On our current MoHo we had a SOG fitted at the SOG factory in Germany, as I was travelling across Germany and it was convenient to call in en route from last years Caravan Salon at Dussledorf. The engineer who did the fitting whilst we waited strongly advised that no chemicals should be added to the cassette.

The SOG website says:

The increased supply of oxygen that the activated ventilator causes to flow into the cassette during use accelerates the decomposition process of the tank contents to such an extent that the use of chemical additives is no longer necessary. Even when the toilet is not used, a system is provided that is constantly open towards the outside and thus guarantees the decomposition process.

Our SOG®systems use some aspects of the principle behind the activated sludge process used at sewage treatment plants and therefore create the ideal conditions for the removal and decomposition of faecal waste.

Most sanitary cleaning products generally interfere with the bacteria used in sewage treatment plants. Some substances are more disturbing than others, depending on the concentration and amount used and how frequently the products are used. They are therefore particularly problematic for smaller sewage treatment plants located in popular tourist locations, which are mostly only suitable for use in villages. If too many travellers in these locations send a mixture of faecal matter and environmentally unfriendly concentrated cleaning products containing biocides to the treatment plants, this will cause the plants to become unstable.

It also offers advice as to the possible cause of any smells:

If, despite the SOG® system, unpleasant smells are to be perceived, especially when opening the toilet, these smells do not come from the cassette, but from the bowl. The toilets, especially the C260, C220 and C400, are completely closed by the lid, no more oxygen can get into the toilet. Since small remains of urine always stick in the toilet, the lack of oxygen leads to the formation of unpleasant odors. Warmth or hot temperatures in summer, or the use of heating in winter (the heating pipes often run in the immediate vicinity of the toilet, so that the toilet warms up) promote the formation of odors.
This problem can be eliminated by leaving the lid open or by attaching small rubber buffers below the lid so that oxygen can flow in.Polishing the bowl using a window polish for acrylic glass panes also helps, as the urine can then no longer stick so easily.

We have never experienced any smells, do not add chemicals, often go for 3 or 4 days between emptying when wild camping and, when necessary because there is nowhere convenient to dump correctly, we use a second cassette, keeping the full one for a few days longer in a plastic box with a sealable lid in the garage.
Thank you for that really comprehensive reply. I have fitted 4 SOGs in the past, and but current van was factory fitted by Hymer and vents through the roof.
You have reminded me of these SOG instructions and recommendations which I had forgotten. So definitely a no no for adding any chemicals as doesn't help the decomp process and bad for the environment.
I'll put up with the pong when emptying.
We also have a spare cassette which I bought after some problems finding a dump in the Harz Mountains in Germany. But never needed to use it.

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May 27, 2015
Bedfordshire, UK
Funster No
Hymer B584
Long time
A small spray bottle of diluted Zoflora for the bowl and a splash of Bio washing liquid for the emptied cassette, the SOG does the rest!
Feb 12, 2018
South Yorkshire
Funster No
Adria Coral 600SL
Since 2017
A small spray bottle of diluted Zoflora for the bowl and a splash of Bio washing liquid for the emptied cassette, the SOG does the rest!
But as soon as you start to add any chemicals into the cassette you start to inhibit the natural decomposition processes. This results in some smell, leading to the idea that it is essential to empty every day (or even more often) and the inclination to solve the problem by adding more chemicals.

I forgot to mention in my earlier posting that when at the SOG Factory I was also advised that since I had previously used toilet blue stuff in the cassette, it would be prudent to have an initial thorough wash out to remove as much as possible and thus eliminate the risk of reducing the natural decomposition. I did this at the first opportunity and all has worked to plan ever since.

Obviously, if you have previously been a ‘blue” user, the first time you empty in the sluice at the disposal point the colour of the content is what you expect rather than the sanitised appearance when dyed blue. After a couple of empties this became the norm and did not seem any more unpleasant a task. I even persuaded SHMBO that this could no longer be classified as a “Blue Job” and she said after giving it a go that it was no worse than changing a baby’s nappy!!! 🫢 (y) :ROFLMAO:

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