I agree with the inconvenience especially if it’s throwing it down with rain and cold but it’s part of my insurance agreement, I make as difficult as I can but if they are hell bent on taking it they will have a try and usually succeed, quite a few years ago a friend of mine loaded his caravan ready for a quick start after work his steel gates where chained shut and wheel clamped also a hitch lock fitted, the gate chain and wheel clamp where burnt of as well as the hitch lock but because of the evidence he had done all he could fortunately his insurance company paid out. Forgot to mention it was a daylight steal.If I wanted to steal a motorhome (which I could) I’d steal it from your drive.
Older much less valuable motorhomes are much easier to steal and much easier to sell “no questions asked”
Physical deterrents are more inconvenient to the owner, than to a thief, you arrive home late at night and need to take the vehicle to the garage in the morning, its dark, it’s raining and you can’t be arsed to kneel down in the wet, especially as you’re wearing your new top!
Which is why immobilisation should be automatic and electronic