We are driving ourselves mad at the moment looking at the Consort Oslo. Consort will fit a Phantom I track Plus S7. My first thought after reading this thread was that it might not be up to the mark considering the value of the new Automatic as it’s way over 90 grand. I then read Caravan guard who seem particularly fussy according to this thread and the Itrack Plus 7 is their number 2 recommended tracker ! It seems to fall between S5 and S7 in what it has. It really is a minefield all this stuff and the insurance companies.Our van will be less than that value hence why considering S7. I’m 80% convinced to go for S5 to guard against any future increase in insurance requirements though. Although I suppose it should be possible to upgrade from S7 to S5 in that scenario. I’ll ask Moving Intelligence about that.
We have an Autowatch alarm and tracker on our current van which we’re happy with but apparently the new Fiat has an alarm.