Robbed on an Aire in France

I’m a retired nurse and I worked in theatres for years. Anaesthetics is a real art and the thought of “gassing” people to rob them is ridiculous. When you are put out for an operation a highly qualified anaesthetist looks after you, after calculating which drugs to give you and how much is needed. The notion that a scrote can get hold of these very expensive drugs and know how to use them is hilarious.

Mrs QFour
To those that insist it won’t happen to them ;)
These robberies really do happen and they are done by professionals who are very knowledgeable about what they do , they are fast and quiet .
I was broken into in France 13 years ago at night with the alarm set and van locked , woke to alarm going off and guy in van with torch grabbed my trousers and daughters dvd bag .
Also have been broken into in the U.K. in Winnebago they crow barred the door open !
Nearly 10 k worth of damage done !
Anyone fitting additional security to a flimsy pile of crap van is only kidding themselves and probably putting their families lives in danger in the event of a fire .
Both our vehicles had alarms which went off and saved whatever tat we own .
No gassing was involved in either case and no lives lost with heroes protecting their junk . (y)
I remember being with 6 giggling drunk lads carrying a sober but tired guy and his bed to another identical room but in another building 300 yards away, we nearly dropped him twice on the way He never woke, we didn't gas him :)

1 - If this guy is miserable enough to stay sober when everyone else is p*shed then he deserves all the pranks that get pulled on him. It wasn't pappajohn was it?

2 - Not everyone sleeps as sound as that. Or am I missing something?
I’m a retired nurse and I worked in theatres for years. Anaesthetics is a real art and the thought of “gassing” people to rob them is ridiculous. When you are put out for an operation a highly qualified anaesthetist looks after you, after calculating which drugs to give you and how much is needed. The notion that a scrote can get hold of these very expensive drugs and know how to use them is hilarious.

Mrs QFour

Must be gangs of anaesthesiologists moonlighting!! Xxxx
Not everyone sleeps as sound as that. Or am I missing something?

No, plenty of motorhomers have woken up in the process of being robbed. It's just that we sleep a lot sounder than we think. Thieves know this. I recall around 1986 a whole floor of people, around 30 rooms, being robbed in the Churchill Hotel, CCTV showed the burglars were in between 3 and 4 am. No gas used, not one person saw the burglars, they'd all slept through it.

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I’m a retired nurse and I worked in theatres for years. Anaesthetics is a real art and the thought of “gassing” people to rob them is ridiculous. When you are put out for an operation a highly qualified anaesthetist looks after you, after calculating which drugs to give you and how much is needed. The notion that a scrote can get hold of these very expensive drugs and know how to use them is hilarious.

Mrs QFour

Of course you'll know more about the gasses, drugs etc used than me but we are not speaking about cutting someones belly open and scraping their burst, infected appendix away here. We are talking about making a few occupants of a enclosed space a bit more drowsy than usual. Enough to keep them awakening from their slumber.

Highly unlikely, but very possible in my opinion.
No, plenty of motorhomers have woken up in the process of being robbed. It's just that we sleep a lot sounder than we think. Thieves know this. I recall around 1986 a whole floor of people, around 30 rooms, being robbed in the Churchill Hotel, CCTV showed the burglars were in between 3 and 4 am. No gas used, not one person saw the burglars, they'd all slept through it.

Were the air conditioning units checked for traces of surgical anaesthetic? :)

Inspector @monzer solves another one.
Of course you'll know more about the gasses, drugs etc used than me but we are not speaking about cutting someones belly open and scraping their burst, infected appendix away here. We are talking about making a few occupants of a enclosed space a bit more drowsy than usual. Enough to keep them awakening from their slumber.

Highly unlikely, but very possible in my opinion.

You are referring to making a few occupants, ranging in age from 0 - 100 years and from 1kg to 200kg in a relatively large space drowsy enough to sleep but not kill them. This potion would be cheap enough for scrotes to buy and administer and not leave any trace... If, in your opinion, this is possible, could you advise the NHS as they would be pleased to hear about it. In reality, it is, in most people's opinion, including medical professionals, not possible.
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My ex-boss is now a motorhomer and we discussed this matter only last week whilst in Benidorm. They had maybe 18 lorries, nighting out 4/5 nights every week for over 15 years and he reported only ever one problem in over 3700 cumulative nights out ie over ten years if camping out every night. That was a diesel theft when driver park in an unlit layby overnight and someone put a hole in the tank.

Risks in any home are probably higher than that !!

'er indoors ask "if someone adds a gas into a mh how do they themselves enter without risk?"
Of course you'll know more about the gasses, drugs etc used than me but we are not speaking about cutting someones belly open and scraping their burst, infected appendix away here. We are talking about making a few occupants of a enclosed space a bit more drowsy than usual. Enough to keep them awakening from their slumber.

Highly unlikely, but very possible in my opinion.

When your surgery is completed the anaesthetist turns the gas off, so you wake up. You need continuous gas to keep you asleep, otherwise it doesn’t work. If they ever managed to get sufficient gas into your motorhome to sedate you, they would be unable to enter, unless they had expensive breathing equipment to stop them nodding off as well. These drugs are controlled substances and are very expensive. So you need to steal drugs, steal breathing equipment and have knowledge of how to administer the said drugs. All that to nick a few quid and an iPad......:D2

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We are talking about making a few occupants of a enclosed space a bit more drowsy than usual. Enough to keep them awakening from their slumber.

Highly unlikely, but very possible in my opinion.
... how would you know which one to 'gas' first ... how would you get to that one to gas them first before they woke up ... it doesn't happen monzer, really it isn't possible ... except in some people's imaginations!

... you don't by any chance have links with those who sell noxious gas detector alarms do you? :rolleyes:;)
When your surgery is completed the anaesthetist turns the gas off, so you wake up.

Now now, you don't just jump out of bed in your hospital gown as soon as the valve is shut off and say 'cheers doc, I'm off to the pub' Anytime I've been under you are back and forth from consciousness for a good while. It feels pretty good from what little I do remember

If they ever managed to get sufficient gas into your motorhome to sedate you, they would be unable to enter, unless they had expensive breathing equipment to stop them nodding off as well.

20 quid on ebay for a gas mask. What's an Ipad? £300 odd?

Look all I'm saying is think it's maybe a bit more likely to happen than most on here.

Have a count up of the value of goods (including cash) that's lying about your vans at any one time. Some gang would only need to score one good hit to make a good amount of cash in a night.

Sleep easy motorhomers! :D2

... you don't by any chance have links with those who sell noxious gas detector alarms do you? :rolleyes:;)

Have to admit to having one in ours. if it keeps 'er indoors happy then it's money well spent. We wild camp too .. thanks to her having that little extra faith
Eddie I feel you have it wrong. They stayed in a motorway service area not a motorway “Aire”.
Too late now but never ever stay in a motorway service area. You were NOT gassed.

I have stayed in many a motorway service airia with no issues never had a problem
Now now, you don't just jump out of bed in your hospital gown as soon as the valve is shut off and say 'cheers doc, I'm off to the pub' Anytime I've been under you are back and forth from consciousness for a good while. It feels pretty good from what little I do remember

20 quid on ebay for a gas mask. What's an Ipad? £300 odd?

Look all I'm saying is think it's maybe a bit more likely to happen than most on here.

Have a count up of the value of goods (including cash) that's lying about your vans at any one time. Some gang would only need to score one good hit to make a good amount of cash in a night.

Sleep easy motorhomers! :D2

Ok just totted it all up and I’m surprised
Grand total of £2.76 (y)

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Driving makes you more tired then you think We always sleep more soundly then normal after a longish drive, chances are the perpetrators may have been following you along the road for some distance.
if sume one had followed me for a long distance trust me its a waste of diesel as I have nothing of value in the van that could be fund without definitely waking me.
There are that many places to hid stuff in the van you would have to strip the hole thing.
we don't have a safe just a safe place to keep things
Now now, you don't just jump out of bed in your hospital gown as soon as the valve is shut off and say 'cheers doc, I'm off to the pub' Anytime I've been under you are back and forth from consciousness for a good while. It feels pretty good from what little I do remember

20 quid on ebay for a gas mask. What's an Ipad? £300 odd?

Look all I'm saying is think it's maybe a bit more likely to happen than most on here.

Have a count up of the value of goods (including cash) that's lying about your vans at any one time. Some gang would only need to score one good hit to make a good amount of cash in a night.

Sleep easy motorhomers! :D2

Have you been sniffing a little too much gas ... aerosol spray, glue or similar???? Where does the magic gas come from? Crims have never been caught with it and some very smart people say that it isn't possible.
This started off as a robbery and has ended up as a gasing thread
This started off as a robbery and has ended up as a gasing thread

We haven't had one this year ....

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Have you been sniffing a little too much gas ... aerosol spray, glue or similar???? Where does the magic gas come from? Crims have never been caught with it and some very smart people say that it isn't possible.

I dunno, maybe they've found a way to weaponise all the hot air and steam from a lot of posters on here :ROFLMAO:

Again, I'm just saying I don't find it as far fetched as a lot of people. I am also not saying it is indeed gas through the vents that are incapaciting the inhabitants
I dunno, maybe they've found a way to weaponise all the hot air and steam from a lot of posters on here :ROFLMAO:

Again, I'm just saying I don't find it as far fetched as a lot of people. I am also not saying it is indeed gas through the vents that are incapaciting the inhabitants
must be something in the water ;)
This started off as a robbery and has ended up as a gasing thread
Yes and it makes me wish there was a “twaddle” button next to like, informative, nice one etc. Which I could use when someone insists on a point when all the evidence is against them and they are talking rubbish. Somehow I cannot ignore the thread, it has a magnetic draw. Rather like listening to Dianne Abbott. You know it’s rubbish but somehow can’t turn her off, you can’t help yourself.
I dunno, maybe they've found a way to weaponise all the hot air and steam from a lot of posters on here :ROFLMAO:

Again, I'm just saying I don't find it as far fetched as a lot of people. I am also not saying it is indeed gas through the vents that are incapaciting the inhabitants

Do you believe in Santa or fairies?
Now now, you don't just jump out of bed in your hospital gown as soon as the valve is shut off and say 'cheers doc, I'm off to the pub' Anytime I've been under you are back and forth from consciousness for a good while. It feels pretty good from what little I do remember

Now, now yourself. I worked in theatre recovery, you do wake up from the anaesthetic. It’s all the other drugs given IV that make you drowsy.

20 quid on ebay for a gas mask. What's an Ipad? £300 odd?

Look all I'm saying is think it's maybe a bit more likely to happen than most on here.

Have a count up of the value of goods (including cash) that's lying about your vans at any one time. Some gang would only need to score one good hit to make a good amount of cash in a night.

Sleep easy motorhomers! :D2

You forgot to factor in the difficulty in getting hold of expensive, controlled anaesthetic drugs. If you did manage it, you’d be better off dealing in black market drugs because IT’S IMPOSSIBLE TO GAS PEOPLE IN A MOTORHOME.

One good hit and a good amount of cash? Get real, no one carries loads of cash round with them (or shouldn’t) and second hand kit isn’t worth much. We’ve just added up how much cash we have with us. I have 75 pence and Mr QF has £6.50.

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The gassing is a load of nonsense. The gases used as anaesthetics act fast and wear off fast, the hangover yucky feelings after general anaesthetics are due to the inttravenous analgesics like morphine, muscle relaxants and intravenous anaesthetics like propofol and barbiturate type stuff. I know I'm retired now but my anaesthetic colleagues know their stuff. I have decided to file it with conspiracy theory rubbish!
Sorry @QFour you were quicker than me.
I just love the thread about "gassing in Motorhomes etc.. :Da gift that keeps giving... (y).. I do wonder if the same people who argue against the expert evidence that gassing doesn't work under these circumstances are part of the same gang of conspiracy theorists who vehemently believe man still has hasn't landed on the moon, 9/11was an inside job, Princess Di was murdered via the hand of Prince Phillip, Trump is a descendant of Emperor Maxillian of Mexico, Motorhome dealers are Father Christmases little helpers ;)
Eddie I feel you have it wrong. They stayed in a motorway service area not a motorway “Aire”.
Too late now but never ever stay in a motorway service area. You were NOT gassed.

Nope that picture was an motorway service station with fuel, shop, coaches mayhem, with a little pull off area for camping cars

We always use motorway services/aires when travelling

Gassing attacks can not happen and never have happened

Show us a toxicology report from a hospital to back up any claim please

'My mates 'mate' told me that the French Old Bill said that they had had an unknown drug administered, rendering them unconcious but were very happy to send them back out onto the motorway to continue their journey with no hospital checks

Also, as discussed the Royal Colledge of Anaesthesists say impossible and of course no one has ever died, unlike the operating table unfortunately despite the efforts oh highly trained, universisty educated specialists presentduring the proceedure

It doesnt happen
In the course of my job, I've slept through hotel maids cleaning up my room :confused:.
I've also been out with colleagues who have been undoubtedly drugged whilst enjoying an evening out.
I don't accept the gassing of motorhomes.

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