rb panel van conversion begins !

Yes i did it when we changed the log book over. In fact we are over insured at the moment because we've still to fit the oyster automatic satellite system . Once we get some better weather.
Any particular reason why you asked?
Knowing how exacting (better than professional) you were carrying out your conversion I was certain that you would have ensured your efforts had been valued, but having written that, I know of a couple or so converters on the SBMCC who had overlooked this vital step until the topic was raised in another thread.
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I could see how people could forget.
I initially insured pug @ 35k during the conversion then upped it once I'd got the total to 45k . We can go abroad for just over 100 days. Fully comp through comfort underwritten by highway. For £364.
In May, when it's up for renewal we'll do another search, to see if we can get a better deal.
During the conversion I ran out of the initial build insurance (90 days ) and had to move insurers. I couldn't find someone who'd insure me as I was half way through the build. Well I could , but they wanted around £900 ! Then I found comfort , who were reasonable , so went with them.
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Touch wood we'll not need to ever claim, but once this years insurance is up in May, we will scour the web for he best deal. We will put NFU on the list too !
Another thing we've noticed about Pug, is that the metallic gold paintwork stays cleaner a lot longer and we've not had black streaks yet !
Sadly I think that you will struggle with the NFU. They are brilliant (not cheap, but never quibble - all my other vehicles are with them), but I was unable to get them to quote for my selfbuild, it has to be on the underwriters list is what I was told. I insured my selfbuild (Fenlander) with Highway, part of the LV group.
they allowed the customary 90 days for build/registering, and then granted me an extra 4 weeks to allow the Swansea registration to come through. They were also inexpensive, but I do not know how they would behave if ever having to claim. Geoff.

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When we returned to live in the UK after 10 years in France the NFU were one of the very limited few who would give us motor insurance, they also insured both our newly purchased UK properties. After 1 year with them on the motor policy side we moved our business away to another company and have regretted the decision ever since!
One of our close friends has everything he owns insured with the NFU and is almost on the point of renting a podium down at 'Speakers Corner' to sing their praises................ if only their prices were a tad lower I would move all of my business in their direction!
Just tried to insure my Toyota pickup with NFU and they referred it to the underwriters. They said I had to have an engineers report for my modifications. Modifications are a tuning box and an A-bar.
@Ralph-n-Bev Just WOW came across this 32 PAGE thread about Your PUG conversion last night and i have spent a few hrs last night and a few today reading it and am amazed , Ralph what i top job you have done and yes it cost a lot of money , but it cost you LESS that if you would of bought another one pre made from the likes of IH , and you have Everything just as you and Bev like it.
Hope you's have many a good outings in PUG :)
@Ralph-n-Bev Just WOW came across this 32 PAGE thread about Your PUG conversion last night and i have spent a few hrs last night and a few today reading it and am amazed , Ralph what i top job you have done and yes it cost a lot of money , but it cost you LESS that if you would of bought another one pre made from the likes of IH , and you have Everything just as you and Bev like it.
Hope you's have many a good outings in PUG :)

Thank you so much for your kind words and for taking the time to read the thread (y)
I would have liked to put a lot more detail in but just didn't have the time, Anyway sometimes pictures say more.
The van is now complete apart from the carpets....Just cant seem to get round to doing them.

We have been using the van for about a year now and absolutely love it.
Everything works perfectly and can honestly say i wouldn't change a thing (y)

Just need to get out there now and use it ;)

Thanks again.....Ralph

Ribbleshead viaduct. ( station pub )

Here's a few more pictures on some of the many trips we've done this year. We are doing the North Coast 500 soon.
Bevs going to do a thread on the forum.
I've done an itinnery , fitting in lots of good places to eat and plenty things to see. It's taken up a lot of evenings planning . But we want to fit a lot in , in the 17 days planned. Plus It might come in useful for others, planning on doing the trip too.

Gordale scar
Tann Hill Inn

A beach on the Hebridese can't remember which now!
A view of Pugs roof on a ferry . That endless breeze fan at the front is brilliant.

Sunset oooop North.
Huisinis beach ( evening)

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Very nice :) indeed , the last picture of you's at Huisinis beach looks nice ,, ofc along with the rest of them. ^^
Good to see PUG is getting out N about.
Just read all 33 pages over the last few hours after someone posted a link to it on another thread. What a wonderful job you have made of it, especially when you started it in the winter and outside. The workmanship looks superb and a real credit to your skills and patience.
What I don't understand though is the reference to the 90 day insurance cover to get it finished. Can it not be insured as a normal van until the conversion is complete? Is to do with the valuation of work already done and value added if something serious was to happen or is it more related to legalities regarding change of use ?
Hi @mustaphapint Thanks for the comments on the Pug (y) Hope you enjoyed the thread and seeing a peugot xlwb van transform into a campervan.
Its a while ago now that i dealt with the self build insurance, but from what i remember it covers all the expensive items you are adding as the
build comes along. If i remember right i just added an estimated amount of parts and materials to the van costs.

Cheers.....Ralph (y)
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We're is the 32 page report of this build,amazing stuff, patients of a saint
We're did you get the table from ! Looks like one out of a VW California

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Hi @mowbotman
Ralphs at work so I'll reply for him.
This is the thread ( that's now 33 pages long :laughing: ) if you start on page 1 you will see the brand new empty Peugeot van he started with. Ralph made all the furniture from 8/4 board ,even the table , which is of a clever two piece design . (There's photos of that too)
The only thing he didn't make were the curved doors with the steel bars ( in the lounge) .
He bought those ready made.
Hope this helps.
PUG UPDATE......Automatic Satellite System

Well, after lots of research and finding the time i have finally got a satellite system on the van.
I went with the.... Oyster Cytrac DX, Single LNB, Automatic Satellite System

This system ticked all my boxes (y)
  • Fully Automatic
  • Simple operation
  • Compact Unit....Dish Size 560 mm x 560 mm (Gain equivalent to 700 mm Dish)
  • Low Profile when closed 140 mm
  • Automatic retraction when van starts
  • Latest antenna technology
  • Support arm provides support in strong winds
  • Constructed using high quality materials
The system itself is like most other satellite systems. It has three parts to it.....Dish, Control Unit, Operator Panel.
Installation was straight forward as i had all the required cables in place when i did the conversion.
For anyone interested here are a few pictures.....



Low profile. It just shows above the sun canopy.


Controller box and roof gland entry in the top of the wardrobe.


Close up of Controller box.


Operator panel.


Hey Presto.....We have a picture (y)

Thanks for looking.....Ralph

What a Job Ralph , whats next for PUG :)

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What a Job Ralph , whats next for PUG :)

Carpets and Fun...Fun...Fun (y)

I do have my eye on those Lithium Lifep04 battery's though ;)

Never had any doubt in your ability to do a self build and always knew it would be quality..looks awesome..
I wonder what it cost as it looks as good as something out of a factory...
Never had any doubt in your ability to do a self build and always knew it would be quality..looks awesome..
I wonder what it cost as it looks as good as something out of a factory...
Ralph listed how much it cost to make PUG in their conversion thread
Ralph's at work Paul, but here's his bit about the costings.
You must have missed it. ( edit @Bart you beat me to it haha)
There's the satellite he's just fitted and carpets ( rolled up in the dining room atm , ready to cut then be sent to whip stitch ) and a few more bits n bobs he's done since he did the list.
Hope to catch up with you and Niki sometime next year ! You can have a good old nosey in Pug then , and we can all have a :wine::drink::cheers: xx

Never had any doubt in your ability to do a self build and always knew it would be quality..looks awesome..
I wonder what it cost as it looks as good as something out of a factory...

So as requested here is a breakdown of the build costs for the Pug Panel Van Conversion.

Our intention was to use the best available materials and parts throughout. We also wanted a conversion that would last us along time (y)
I could have done it a lot cheaper and suppose i could have spent more in some areas.Overall we got the quality and look we were after.

I will try and break it down so you can see whats been spent on each area of the build.

Base Vehicle

So you know the conversion was on a new Peugeot Boxer 2.2 Extra long wheel base.
We specked up the van adding some extras. So glad we did, never had some of them before but wouldn't be without them now.
Here is a list.....

Cruise Control / Speed Limiter
Reversing Camera linked to central radio system screen
Satellite Navigation
Bluetooth Radio
Cab Air Con
Uprated Alternator 180A
Reinforced Battery
Engine under-Tray Protection
Front and Rear Mudflaps
Uprated Tyre's 16" Four Season
LED day running lights
Rear Suspension Upgrade
Metallic Paint

Base vehicle with extras and Vat £ 21,788.00


Lights,Leisure batter,Charger, Inverter, Wiring, Wiring components,CBE Sockets, 240v Circuit Breaker,Ducting,Connector blocks,Relays....Etc

£ 3,116.00

Water & Plumbing

Water Pump, Piping, Pipe Connectors,Taps, Shower Tray, Shower, Toilet, Fresh and waste water tanks, Kitchen Sink...Etc

£ 1,409.00

Interior Building Components

Furniture boards, Insulation, Flooring Sheets, Wall panels, Ceiling Boards, Wall finishes (Veltrim) Adhesives, Sealants, Bathroom wall Panels
Spray foam, Spray Adhesive, Screws & Fixings....Etc

£ 3,282.00

Gas Components

Underslung Gas Tank & Brackets, Regulator, Gas fitter Fees, Gas fittings, Gas Taps, Flexi oven Connector, Copper Pipe...Etc

£ 656.00

Webasto Heater System

Heater unit with all ducting and vents

£ 1,656.00

Windows & Rooflights

Seitz Windows x 5, Roof Vent Fan, Bathroom Roof Vent, Lounge Roof Vent.

£ 2,204.00

Other Items

Fridge £821.00
Nasa BM2 Battery Monitor £ 110.00
Sog £ 150.00
Vinyl Flooring £ 89.00
Remis Cab Blinds £ 532.00
Regal Furnishings, Interior Foam and Upholstery £ 1,750.00
Fiamma Roll out Canopy £ 669.00
Electric Step £ 300.00
180W Victron Solar System £ 488.00
External Water Heater £ 580.00
Seat Swivels £120.00
Cooker £443.00
Rear Bluetooth Radio And Speakers £ 236.00

Grand Total £39,720.00

Happy with That (y)

We never really had a fixed budget on this project but i originally estimated the conversion costs to be around the 15k mark
As it stands its cost £ 17,932 but not disappointed at all, As i said before we have everything we need and nothing we dont....Perfect (y)

I hope this breakdown helps anybody considering doing their own build.If you were on a budget you could knock a lot off what i have listed.
The Electrical system on this van is all Victron gear, it doesn't come cheap but it works very well and will last. Some of the list of other items above is like a list of extras you would add to a new Motorhome....You dont have to put them on. The base vehicle doesn't have to be new or have all the bits i have put on to make a great camper van.

What i have learned from doing my own conversion is the amount of work that goes into building a Campervan....Around 900 Hours it took me :eek:
Admittedly if i did another using all my templates I would save hours and hours.
Buying every part of a Campervan bit by bit is a big eye opener you wont believe all the relays and electrical connections there are tucked away. The price of some parts just blew me away....HOW MUCH FOR A 12V FRIDGE :mad:

You really can see where manufacturers get their prices from. Put a labour price on my (approx 900 Hrs) hours and it really ads up.

So there it is The making of our Pug (y)

Hope you have enjoyed this thread... I certainly enjoyed everyone's encouragement along the way...Thank you all

Ralph & Bev

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Cheers Bev.
Goes to show where the money goes when you turn up at the dealers.
Cheers Bev.
Goes to show where the money goes when you turn up at the dealers.

Yes their pockets.:laughing:

A few of our non caravanning/ Motorhoming pals think we are mad spending so much cash on a building a " home made van, that you won't be able to sell on , when you can buy one for that price !"
But you couldn't buy one like Pug for no where near 45k , and we aren't selling him on!

I think when we were seriously considering buying a pre-owned pvc from a well known company that Pug is ( loosely :whistle2:) designed on , for around the 40k mark, we realised that we could actually get more for our money , doing it ourself. Or should I say Ralph doing it , himself. All I did was keep him fed and watered.

We were lucky enough to be left alone , for a long time , in the factory/warehouse where they constructed their lovely pvc's . The show room was shut , and there was only us there and a joiner working away. We were undecided on the pre owned one on the forecourt or investing in a new one to our spec. ( till we realised how much for each and every extra from the basic model )
We were both very surprised how easily ( so we thought ) they were constructed , it was then Ralph decided he'd have a go.
I think he knew , for the money we were going to spend on a second hand one , he'd be able to get more for his well earned Buck. And he was quite handy , being a bricky by trade, and very practically minded.
( That was when he thought he could get a joiner to do the woodwork side of it. Little did he know he'd end up doing that all himself too.)

We decided we wanted a lot more insulation for an absolute start and to have it in the doors and every nook and cranny. ( Looking at lots of well known , manufactured pvc's we thought this a negative in all of them.) So when we camp in -temps we know we won't have any draughts and cold spots or condensation. That's why we have the standard stuff used by manufacturers , kingspan and sheeps wool in pug. Plus of course the vapour barriers.

He was also able to upgrade vertually everything ( to the 3 year old one we'd had our eye on, in the showroom ) even down to the screws , hinges and water pipes etc
Let alone larger items like the furniture board , flooring , Windows, rooflights and work surfaces. Then the webasto , endless breeze roof fan thingy ( which is fab in hot weather , and when cooking btw) under slung tanks for gas /water /waste , cooker , 12v fridge , all the victron stuff , new satellite .........
So really , if you were to go to a dealers and want a van with such hab interior speck , let alone all the extras he'd had put on to Pug the actual cab and base vehicle , when we bought it new. Like reversing camera built into light at the back. Alloys camping tyres ,metallic paintwork , cab aircon, upgraded suspension and lots more see other list.
You'd be talking well in excess of the what we finally spent.
So we think we have a real bargain . We know that Ralph's 900 plus hours labor aren't included in that too , that would have upped the total a fair bit.

On the other hand Pug could have been built a heck of a lot cheaper.
Even with the brand new van with all the extras added at the factory. For eg the big roof light over the u shape lounge could have been bought for 90% less . It would do the same thing , open, just not the same quality.
The furniture board for 80% less. But it's not as tough and hard wearing. You certainly can't push your nail into this stuff.
No need for the corian work surfaces , or that particular sink , put normal Lino on the floor , Cheaper light fittings plug sockets . Truma not webasto , gas not 12volt fridge. Not bother with all the victron gear. Cheap batteries etcetc

But we are keeping Pug and want him to become an old boy with us. So he's build to last , with quality gear while we can still afford to do it. Ralph's not 50 till whilst we're up in Scotland on our NC500 trip.
So he's a while to go till retirement age. So , we are making the most now whilst we've still got good health and a good cash flow coming in. Unless we win the lottery (we don't even do it !) we aren't going to be wealthy pensioners .
I'm dead proud of what he's achieved, and I know he is too. He still sits down on a night time, beer in hand and says " I can't believe I've built this ," and he means it.

He is seriously thinking about building new bespoke vans , one at a time , to order.
Not yet , when he takes a back step from our little building company as our son takes over .... He says it would be a good hobby !
Plus bring a good retirement income in , by the looks of it too.
So , let's see if he does.
RB Motorhomes (y) you saw it here first :BigGrin:
Think you would have a queue of Funster customers (y) Depending on timing we might well be interested :)
Haha Thanks (y)
Watch this space, but as Bev said , it won't be for a few more years yet.
I'm very busy with work , plus getting out enjoying Pug as much as we can for now.
Hi Ralph/Bev. First of all I have just joined this forum and read through your build in one go. Took a couple of hours ! I am a joiner and have converted a VW T4 myself. Would like to say to you that I could not have done it any better, I take my hat off to you - absolutely first class job. The reason I converted my T4 was that after looking at "professional" conversions I thought I could do better myself. I have a couple of questions if you don't mind. Why didn't you use Vohringer boards ? and secondly the white panel on the ceiling, what is it made from and how did you fix it ? Is it glued in position? My biggest problem was getting fixings which weren't visible. Did you have any problems on your first outing and is there anything that you wished you had done differently ? Thanks in advance.

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