Is there any way to know if I have this set up fitted from the photos on my OP? There's a complex box under the passenger seat on my MoHo (left hand driver Burstner)There are two ways to charge a leisure battery from the alternator while the engine is running. The simpler way is to use a relay (an electrically operated switch) to directly connect the leisure battery to the starter battery when the engine is running, and disconnect it when the engine stops. That way the alternator charges both starter and leisure batteries, but they are separated when you are parked up. The relay is called a split charge relay.
So i'll need that if and when we upgrade to Li.The second method is to use a proper battery charger that takes whatever the alternator provides (12 to 15V, whatever), and processes it into exactly the voltage and amps the leisure battery needs. That is a bit better for ordinary leisure batteries and a standard alternator, and is essential for a smart alternator and/or lithium batteries. A charger like that is called a Battery-to-Battery (B2B) charger, or maybe a DC-DC charger or DC-DC Booster.
Thanks again for some straightforward info/advice.The alternator sends out a signal when it is running and producing charge. This signal (called the D+ signal) is used to switch the split charge relay on and off, or switch the B2B on and off, when the engine starts and stops.