All countries need tourists, wherever they come from or how they get there, but it's obvious that health and safety is always top priority, can you imagine how many airlines and ferry companies would be operating if no one came and went anywhere, I can't imagine the UK without the French in Primark and Tesco's, the Americans and Chinese visiting Cities and so on.
We live in a place that relies on tourism, July and August and the many bank holidays they have here it's full of Spanish, it's great for businesses and in our case holiday rentals, but a nightmare for locals, we prefer it when they are not here but its not so good for people that rely on customers to make ends meet, but its supply and demand they open or close, the same with any business............. but there is always someone that starts another some successful some aren't.
I feel it will take time and will return, and although no one likes change, the UK won't be in the bad boys corner forever, it might depend on how much Boris gives away. Bob.
We live in a place that relies on tourism, July and August and the many bank holidays they have here it's full of Spanish, it's great for businesses and in our case holiday rentals, but a nightmare for locals, we prefer it when they are not here but its not so good for people that rely on customers to make ends meet, but its supply and demand they open or close, the same with any business............. but there is always someone that starts another some successful some aren't.
I feel it will take time and will return, and although no one likes change, the UK won't be in the bad boys corner forever, it might depend on how much Boris gives away. Bob.