Paege bluebadge concesion

The Blue Badge scheme :

My question.

I fully support the scheme, but if a concession is given why should others on state benefits not also be eligible.. and why should holders expect a concession for a French peage or other UK tolls . or indeed to park free in a private car park ?

Hi Jim, I dont think its a case of expecting a concession on the French peage, it was a concession that was granted to disabled people, so if it was granted I for one would expect to recieve it.
The blue badge scheme is a European wide scheme,and I am just wondering if it is the French who are only allowing there own countrymen the peage concession.
But then again I have no proof of this,thats one of the reasons I made this post,to see if our learned colleuges could come up with the answer.
Hi Jim, I dont think its a case of expecting a concession on the French peage, it was a concession that was granted to disabled people, so if it was granted I for one would expect to recieve it.

Fair comment , I would do the same if I had the badge.

There are two threads running on this issue, my other point was more pertinent on the other thread, that there are millions of others on state benefits who can ill afford parking charges and the blue badge scheme is primarily to facilitate parking closer to facilities rather than to get free parking or free tolls.

Not everyone with a blue badge is dependent on state benefits and even if they are why do they get free parking when others on benefits don't ?
I think it is this issue rather than special places that upsets the able bodied, no one begrudges a disabled person a more convenient parking place.

Ha bloody ha. Tell you what matey, you put up with my disability and you can have my blue badge with pleasure...and I hope you find as many helpful people like you along the way to help out. Have you tried parking a MH in a BB space? No. shut up then.

No I haven't as I respect that disabled people require their own parking facilities. But I have seen many occasions when BB holders are parked in Non Disabled parking spaces.

However I will admit that the BB scheme is openenly abused by many able bodied people who think scheme is for their own personnel use.

I am glad that you recognise that I am a helpful person.
Fair comment , I would do the same if I had the badge.

There are two threads running on this issue, my other point was more pertinent on the other thread, that there are millions of others on state benefits who can ill afford parking charges and the blue badge scheme is primarily to facilitate parking closer to facilities rather than to get free parking or free tolls.

Not everyone with a blue badge is dependent on state benefits and even if they are why do they get free parking when others on benefits don't ?
I think it is this issue rather than special places that upsets the able bodied, no one begrudges a disabled person a more convenient parking place.

I agree,not everyone with a blue badge gets state benifit, but most of the people that have a blue badge rely on there car more than able bodied people becouse the criteria for getting the blue badge is that you cannot walk very far. Therefore your car is not a luxury,its a nesesaty. Also getting on and off public transport is not an option.

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No I haven't as I respect that disabled people require their own parking facilities. But I have seen many occasions when BB holders are parked in Non Disabled parking spaces.

However I will admit that the BB scheme is openenly abused by many able bodied people who think scheme is for their own personnel use.

I am glad that you recognise that I am a helpful person.

So, you are accusing me of abusing the blue badge then? Since you have no idea of who OI am or what my disabilities amy or may not be...we often have to park in non BB spaces because the BB spaces are incapable of taking a motor home....what would you have me do ? Stay at home because I'm disabled?
So, you are accusing me of abusing the blue badge then? Since you have no idea of who OI am or what my disabilities amy or may not be...we often have to park in non BB spaces because the BB spaces are incapable of taking a motor home....what would you have me do ? Stay at home because I'm disabled?

If you had read my post correctly, I accused many ABLE BODIED people of abusing the BB scheme not disbaled people.

And you do admit that, because of the vehicle you drive, you do occupy able bodied parking spaces.

I don't expect you to stay at home, I expect you to get out and enjoy yourself.
actually, I don't drive the MH very often due to my disability (it being a manual and I can only drive auto's for extended periods (extended being mor ethan about 25 miles)) so SWMBO does most of the driving.

It is getting more and more difficult to 'get out and enjoy yourself' due to the restrictions that being in the MH brings if we cannot take advantage of the BB parking. Its about time parking for MH was thought about by all local authorities in general; we find it much easier over the they get our holiday money rather than the UK.
actually, I don't drive the MH very often due to my disability (it being a manual and I can only drive auto's for extended periods (extended being mor ethan about 25 miles)) so SWMBO does most of the driving.

It is getting more and more difficult to 'get out and enjoy yourself' due to the restrictions that being in the MH brings if we cannot take advantage of the BB parking. Its about time parking for MH was thought about by all local authorities in general; we find it much easier over the they get our holiday money rather than the UK.

Now I agree with you on that account, I have tremendous problems trying to park my MH outside my own house when we are preparing to go away. (It is normally kept in storage)One person threatened to damage it, someone elso called the police as it was blocking the natural day light in their front room, the police told them it was a Local Council matter.

The trouble is that councils don't seem to cater for the MH very much, they are willing to take our money but dis respect us when we pass comment.

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The Blue Badge scheme :

My question.

I fully support the scheme, but if a concession is given why should others on state benefits not also be eligible.. and why should holders expect a concession for a French peage, UK tolls or indeed to park free in a private car park ?

Hi Jim
you are missing the point of the blue badge scheme ,they are to aid the infirm to park closer to the shops hospitals etc, why should able bodied people on benefit get one the mind boggles. :Doh::Doh::Doh:
The Blue Badge scheme :

My question.

I fully support the scheme, but if a concession is given why should others on state benefits not also be eligible.. and why should holders expect a concession for a French peage, UK tolls or indeed to park free in a private car park ?

I know the concessions don't apply to private and supermarket car parks, but its just common sense and decency to not park in them if not a badge holder.:Angry::Angry:
Hi Jim
you are missing the point of the blue badge scheme ,they are to aid the infirm to park closer to the shops hospitals etc, why should able bodied people on benefit get one the mind boggles. :Doh::Doh::Doh:

I think you misunderstood, I didn't mean the parking places,:Doh:

I was referring to financial concessions, not having to pay at parking meters, tolls, etc

I have read with interest the previous replies most of which are heartfelt.

My wife is wheelchair bound and has been for the past ten years. She is unable to use a manual version as her hands will not grip the rims. Therefore I am meant to push her, this became impossible about 6 years ago because of my own illness. Therefore I had to purchase an electric wheelchair (out of our hard earned savings) for her that could be folded up and put in the boot of the car, or inside the RV.This gives her independance once we arrive at our destination.

The BB scheme in most cases allows us to park fairly close to the respective ammenity when in the car , however if we are in the RV and Toad then I ensure we are on the oppossite side of the car Park so as not to cause congestion.

Regarding free Car Tax/parking/tolls etc. She is eligible for ALL of these anywhere in the EU, however except for the car Tax it seems every Country and UK Authority have there own rules on the subject down here in Cornwall the only free Toll is the Tamar Bridge in Plymouth and that is with a plastic idenity card.Council & NHS Car Parks are generaly not free but they do have allocated places.

Bye the way if you are wondering why I bought the electric wheelchair, its because in Cornwall if the wheelchair user is not a total amputatee then you are not eligble, luckily my wife isn't, but does need a chair.Again different Authorities have different rules.

Our RV is not cheap to run but it does give her independance inside the vehicle as everthing is on the same level without the need of assistance by me, which was one of her grievances with smaller European models.

I do agree with the attitude towards abusers of the system shown by fellow members

Just to finnish off, we toured Scotland two years ago over a three week period and came unstuck on the Isle of Skye in that the Toll Bridge onto the island from the North was free but the Ferry from the South wasn't not even with the Tax exempt car as a toad that cost us £64. So be warned, most Ferries don't give connessions even with Tax exempt.

I think you misunderstood, I didn't mean the parking places,:Doh:

I was referring to financial concessions, not having to pay at parking meters, tolls, etc

Personally the financial benefit is secondary especially as many private car parks do not offer free parking to BB holders.

Even in the cases where they do, you could use the argument for other concessions such as bus passes for the elderly, why shouldn't everyone get one?

BB's are issued to those disabled that can't use public transport easily to enable them to get out, if a disabled person can then they are entitled to a bus pass.

I have no choice, my neighbour can walk to the shops to do her shopping, I CANT. I HAVE to take the car. I therefor have no chioce but to park the car somewhere. If I could walk I would.

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I think you have missunderstood my post.
To get the toll consesion,the vehicle has to be registered disabled.
You of course can use your badge in any other vehicle you are traveling in,but you will not get the toll consesion.
my vehicle is not registered disabled but my blue badge all ways gets me across the severn bridge, no matter what vehicle I am in. They only require the badge details. Not the vehicle
my vehicle is not registered disabled but my blue badge all ways gets me across the severn bridge, no matter what vehicle I am in. They only require the badge details. Not the vehicle
Hi Roger, I dont know about the Severn bridge,but I do know that with Dartford,the vehicle has to be registered disabled,and also with the peages,which was the original post.
Its a pity we got sidetracked with this one, many disabled motorhomers didnt know that there was a conssesion on French toll roads.
Fair comment , I would do the same if I had the badge.
There are two threads running on this issue, my other point was more pertinent on the other thread, that there are millions of others on state benefits who can ill afford parking charges and the blue badge scheme is primarily to facilitate parking closer to facilities rather than to get free parking or free tolls.
Not everyone with a blue badge is dependent on state benefits and even if they are why do they get free parking when others on benefits don't ?
I think it is this issue rather than special places that upsets the able bodied, no one begrudges a disabled person a more convenient parking place. jim

Totally agree Jim, I have added the following quote that asks the same question. Where did this non-means tested anomaly come from.:secret:

Possibly a tad off topic and bit controversial but the needs of the disabled and the needs for subsidised parking are unrelated. Where did this non-means-tested anomaly come from?
Not always good public relations to park in the prime position across two bays then climb down unassisted from your gin palace and walk off into the night without the need for a ticket.
Many able bodied drivers having just feed the machine with £7 of their income support for parking their 15 year old fiesta on a bit of grass a km from the gate can find this spectacle a bit of a throne in the side.:Angry:
Totally agree Jim, I have added the following quote that asks the same question. Where did this non-means tested anomaly come from.:secret:
For the last time, the blue badge is nothing to do with how much money you have or have not.
It is granted so that you can park your car closer to shops,hospitals,chemists,and the like becouse you are unable to walk the same distances as able bodied people.
But then again this post was intended to clarify the situation of French peages,not the ins and outs of where you can park your gin palace.
Totally agree Jim, I have added the following quote that asks the same question. Where did this non-means tested anomaly come from.:secret:
But they have the choice of how to get there, ie they could use the bus instead of the £7 for the car parking, blue badge holders (genuine ones) don't have that choice as using the bus is not an option.

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For the last time, the blue badge is nothing to do with how much money you have or have not.
It is granted so that you can park your car closer to shops,hospitals,chemists,and the like becouse you are unable to walk the same distances as able bodied people.
But then again this post was intended to clarify the situation of French peages,not the ins and outs of where you can park your gin palace.

So snowbird what is the connection between parking close to your destination and not paying for car parking and indeed getting a reduced rate when using French motorways. Have I missed the plot here.:Confused:
But they have the choice of how to get there, ie they could use the bus instead of the £7 for the car parking, blue badge holders (genuine ones) don't have that choice as using the bus is not an option.

Sorry Greg don’t fully understand your post. Not all with a disability have access to a vehicle, would they also get subsidised travel and parking without being means tested or are these un-means-tested benefits for blue badge holders only.
Not sure what the criteria is for genuine blue badge holder.
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Sorry Greg don’t fully understand your post. Not all with a disability have access to a vehicle, would they also get subsidised travel and parking without being means tested or are these un-means-tested benefits for blue badge holders only.
Not sure what the criteria is for genuine blue badge holder.

There is a national bus concession pass that is available to elderly and eligable disabled people, Link Removed has more info.

You don't have to have your own vehicle to get a blue badge, you can use it in someone elses car. As long as the person who the BB is for is in the car. If the BB holder is in the car but not getting out, ie waiting in the car then they are not allowed to use the BB as it is aimed to benefit them rather than others.

To get a BB I needed to provide proof of my disability.
My last word on the subject as it has gone way off from the original post, It seems that most people assume that to obtain a blue Badge is easy and not deserved but others know the real truth, it also looks like the same people assume that Blue Badge means benefits, I do not receive any benefits not even the state pension as I have not reached the age of 65 yet that's next September if I get that far you never know these days ,I have been to many funerals of younger friends lately, so its not so cut and dried a few cheaper tunnel or bridge crossings if you can get them is neither here nor there. Pete

Ps Happy New Year to all, Maybe a bit of peace in the world. (Doubt it though):Angry:
Pps I do have the free bus pass and do use it but perhaps not as much as I should.
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So snowbird what is the connection between parking close to your destination and not paying for car parking and indeed getting a reduced rate when using French motorways. Have I missed the plot here.:Confused:
Yes, it seems you have missed the plot.
If you re read the original post, just mabe it will become clearer.

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I to have a Blue Badge & national bus concesion pass. I to am young. I only live about 1/2 mile from town, but way to far for me to walk. Since my power chair was taken in for a service & they messed up I no longer have powered transport, I have been virtually housebound since the snow, beleive me having your children push you hurts. a normal mobility person would just walk to town, so that would be a additional experience for being disabled, hence why Disabled dont pay for bus's, I have paid for my youngest to take me on the bus, he is only 13, so can't expect him to push me home, again normal mobility people would just walk. Sadly I don't have the strength to self push in a chair.
I have had to drive away from a supermarket as selfish people think it ok to park in my spaces in the rain, It was to far for me to park in a normal place, & if I did I would of got soddon due to the speed I move ( I can't run to avoid the rain).
It really P's me off that some people think its a free luxury to park close, its not, it a neccesity.
Can I also say not all BB holders have a obvios disability, some may be disbled by things such as autism, so the shorter the journey to the store the less stress for the person, but sometimes others to. So Please be aware of hidden disabilitys to.
I have not allways been disabled, believe me it opens your eyes. I was very active, used to walk, climb ladders to paint the house etc, to be put in situation of being a single mum & at about 34 having to use a "Granny Mobile" as my lads used to say to just take my lads to the park hurts, But I swallowed my pride, put up with abuse & am determined to enjoy life. I deserve one as much as a able person.
I've never understood why there should be financial concessions, but was once told it was because BB holders do not [generally] have any other option.
I've often thought it was to discourage them over-using the other option which is extended options to street park.
To be honest, the biggest advantage I've found is that the extra width for most marked bay allows the door to be opened fully, much better than having to squeeze in, since OH [the BB holder] can't manage that. I always found that sod's law operated whenever I pulled out of a parking bay to let him get in then half the car park suddenly appeared behind me

btw excellent link to peage website info, thanks for that,
the answer is out there - just persevere - :Cool:
I am unsure in my mind why a blue badge holder should be eligible for toll concessions . As far as i am aware thet are not specific to individual vehicles and are open to abuse.They are handed out far to easily £5 and a form to your local council. Do wardens and toll booth operators really ensure that the blue badge holder is in every vehicle that claims the concession.
I only mention this as i have 2 relations holding blue badges neither of them is any less able than me . I have borrowed a badge many times for hospital visiting and town centre shopping and have never been challenged mind you i do walk with a make believe limp when i get out out of the car
Tongue in cheek
It must be nice to be able to hold your head up after disclosing your imitations of being disabled.I dont normaly wish anyone any harm but to a character like you i would not feel guilty at all if you became disabled.May i also point out if you ever get caught out using badge that does not belong to you,the person whom it does belong to will have it taken away from them and well deserved too.

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