Hello funflair: Did you have your Votronic connected to the starter battery as well as the Hab battery?I'm pretty sure we get better yield with the Victron MPPT than we ever did with Votronic MPPT and the monitoring and reporting with the Victron "Smart" is far superior and the price for one big Victron was the same as two smaller Votronic, saying that though once I had the Victron app I had to have a "smart shunt" as well
Votronic MPPT charge both hab and starter batteries, whereas a Victron only charges the the Hab battery, so the yield to your Hab would seem higher. When comparing the cost of Victron Vs Votronic, you also have to factor in the cost of something like a "Battery Master" to trickle the starter battery and use up some of your extra yield, for the Victron to equal the functunality of a Votronic MPPT. As always it is Horses for courses ...............