Our grand tour.

Pitched up at the campsite in Nea Karvali (P4N reviews) after failing to find anywhere to park in Kavala.
On the way over here we stopped for a Lidl shopping experience at Asprovolta - there is a really nice parking area right on the coast but too early in the day for us and mostly closed until the season gets started.
Stop press the sun has started to shine so chilling with a beer.
This is the view from the van - Thursday night stop over.

Just beyond the reeds is a massive lake. Good job the mossi season is late this year - the first benefit of the rubbish weather we were having.
Caught the local bus into Kavala bargain €1.30 for a 20min sight seeing tour.

Aquaduct the ottomans built when they occupied this area. Must have had a lot of repair work over the years as it looks in pristine condition.

Castle on the hill and the new harbour. Quite a strenuous climb up and a good view from the tower but the walls are a bit dilapidated. Must of spent the budget on the aquaduct.
Probably the nicest town/city we have been to in Greece.
Diesel fuel prices in this area seem to be a few cents more expensive but gas is cheaper.
Popit SIM still delivering good performance.
Just managed to get packed up and away before the rain started. No wet teashirt contest today.
Went to the archaeological site at Philippoi which I don't recall hearing about before (must have done but age is taking its toll). It's a massive site with extensive ruins. They have been excavating it for years and there is much more to expose.


The theatre dug out of the hillside.
The Romans took over the site after giving the locals a thrashing and built a massive forum.
It's said to be the birthplace of Christianity in europe. One of the apostles was supposedly imprisoned here before converting the population so this place has got a lot to answer for.

The quality of the carving and relief work in the small museum is amazing.
Called into Lydia as the better half wanted to see the church named after the Saint.
Drama the town (as opposed to the after effects of spilling a bowl of porridge this morning) was closed on Sunday lunchtime and it was starting to rain again so onwards.
Overnight tonight at the Lisse Fort P4N up near the Bulgarian border.

View from the door yesterday evening. Today very low cloud obscuring everything.
Just made the mistake of looking at the weather forecast. Is this ******* rain ever going to stop. If it weren't for having to be in Sofia for a wedding (reason for our grand tour) we would be heading in the opposite direction.

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Enjoying your thread and really surprised at the long run of cloudy wet weather.
Bought 3 hrs parking and then promptly lost the ticket as it fell out of the stupid clip fiat fit and disappeared into the dashboard.
I did this with a newly purchased Swiss vignette. The solution was a long handled fly swat and duct tape. I guess a long strip of cardboard from a cereal packet would work too. Place one strip of tape, sticky side out, around the end of fly swat, place a second strip sticky side down sideways all around to secure first piece, leaving a good bit of sticky side uncovered, and then go fishing down the gap between dashboard and windscreen.
Works a treat, fished out vignette and that evening, a pitch neighbour’s GHIC card.
Thanks for the heads up on the idea of a fly swatter. We tried with a spatula but our front blind pulls up from the bottom so it's almost impossible to even get to the gap.

Crossed the border into Bulgaria early today. Supprised they were so interested in documents between EU countries and they wanted a look in the back but otherwise no problem.
Grey and overcast in Bansko but we missed the rain they had earlier.


Interesting bit of vernacular architecture on the main street.
We were recommended to visit the spar town of Velingrad but I'm not sure it was worth the tortuous road getting there the surface was fine it was just the number of hairpin bends. P4N had a couple of spots but the first with a great view looked like a local youth hangout and the second might have been in the middle of a gipsy camp horses carts and feral kids near the free thermal baths.
Incurring the cost of a nice safe(?) campsite for €19.
And surprise surprise the sun has just come out for 5mins while I have been typing.
Thanks for the heads up on the idea of a fly swatter. We tried with a spatula but our front blind pulls up from the bottom so it's almost impossible to even get to the gap.

Crossed the border into Bulgaria early today. Supprised they were so interested in documents between EU countries and they wanted a look in the back but otherwise no problem.
Grey and overcast in Bansko but we missed the rain they had earlier.
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Interesting bit of vernacular architecture on the main street.
We were recommended to visit the spar town of Velingrad but I'm not sure it was worth the tortuous road getting there the surface was fine it was just the number of hairpin bends. P4N had a couple of spots but the first with a great view looked like a local youth hangout and the second might have been in the middle of a gipsy camp horses carts and feral kids near the free thermal baths.
Incurring the cost of a nice safe(?) campsite for €19.
And surprise surprise the sun has just come out for 5mins while I have been typing.
Looks like a storks' nest at the top of that tower?
Yeh storks nest but no stork in residence. We have seen quit a few nests but not many nesting storks. Think the ones that have arrived and got started wished they had delayed there departure from warmer climes.

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Are we in the wild west?


No just in rural Bulgaria on the way to the campsite at batak reservoir.

Just before we left this morning and no rain yet.
The road we took went for miles and miles through a river gorge with loads of trucks/artics and 30klm bends. Another one of those 'oh this is very beautiful scenery you should take a look'. If only! Then followed what seemed like endless miles of dead straight road all the way to Plovdiv. This is the first time in Bulgaria that we have encountered heavy traffic and I was expecting it to be worse than it was but there are a few total dick heads who should not be on a roller skate let alone behind the wheel of a vehicle.
Rocked up at the campsite which is rather odd because everything requires you to scan a qr code which you get when booking.
Got setup quickly and headed into town on the bus from outside the gate.


Plovdiv old town and old old town. Random ruins scattered about mostly buried under the high st where this character has a permanent memorial.

The Mrs. says I look just like him but I pointed out I don't have a hat like that or any hair.
It was dry for most of yesterday but today made up for that. It's been hissing down for hours now and looks unlikely to stop for a few days.
Lunch out and a few coffee's and cake just to get out of the deluge for a while.
Decided I am going for it this afternoon and am going to wash the van. It's filthy after a 5 weeks on the road and neither me nor it can get any wetter plus there is a washing area on site.
Washed the van and eventually managed to get some clothes washed. The strange qr code system they have at the campsite had some sort of system malfunction and although I paid for it would not work. Google translate came up trumps with my lack of Bulgarian and the receptionists lack of English - just like capt Kirk talking to the klingons on startrek.
Sitting in a carpark at Koprivshtitsa for the night. The village made its living by breading livestock and selling them to the Turks who were occupying Bulgaria at the time. The population became quite rich and built some imposing houses to display their wealth.

Example of the architectural style and there are very many scattered about. New houses are built in a similar style as well so the whole place has a coherent feel to it.

Opulent interior of one house open as a museum.
Our journey started out wet then dried up but of course as soon as we arrived guess what? Yes you are right it started to rain.
We found only one of the many restaurants open (most closed no tourists yet) and had a decent meal of local cuisine for not very much money. Eating out in Bulgaria can be supprisingly inexpensive provided you avoid the places that aspire to be Americanised.
The van is almost as dirty now as before I cleaned it yesterday. It can stay that way for the next month or so.

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Long drive today after our detour to last night's stopover which almost broke the bank at 6lev. less than £2.50 although it was only a carpark.
Drove across to Sofia and then down to Rila Monastery then back to Sofia.
If anyone is in the area don't use the Western bypass for some time to come. Putting in new tram lines and the queues heading north were miles long.

It's a massive place and worth a look around even for an atheist like me. This monistary has so much money they let you in for free but charge you about £5 to park. Just see that happening in the UK can't you.
Fuel today was £1.04 lt. And gas £0.45 lt.
Parked up in a little backwater place south of Sofia at campers bg.
Getting into wedding mode now so unlikely to be posting for a few days until we start our trek northwards towards home
Long drive today after our detour to last night's stopover which almost broke the bank at 6lev. less than £2.50 although it was only a carpark.
Drove across to Sofia and then down to Rila Monastery then back to Sofia.
If anyone is in the area don't use the Western bypass for some time to come. Putting in new tram lines and the queues heading north were miles long.
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It's a massive place and worth a look around even for an atheist like me. This monistary has so much money they let you in for free but charge you about £5 to park. Just see that happening in the UK can't you.
Fuel today was £1.04 lt. And gas £0.45 lt.
Parked up in a little backwater place south of Sofia at campers bg.
Getting into wedding mode now so unlikely to be posting for a few days until we start our trek northwards towards home
I kind of felt the church missed the whole point of the original monk giving up all his worldly possessions to live on a rock, by building such a huge monument to him in the form of a monastery where only 8 monks now live! It is pretty spectacular though. Enjoy the wedding 😊
The guy they build the monastery in memory of was a proper hermit who hated visitors. His cave was so remote they had to build the monastery some distance away so it was easier for the gift bearing pilgrims to get their. The story goes that when he was visited by the then king he refused to meet him and accept his lavish gifts. Obviously not a true believer or else he would of snatched his hand off.
Number 3 son now married so that's the last family wedding. Doubt I will last long enough see the grandkids get there but I guess u never know.
On the road again today and heading towards Vidin and a border crossing into Roumania. This road from Sofia I can honestly say is the worst one we have been on. It's in the process of being made into a dual carriageway so if you are passing this way in 5 to 10 years time it should be a wonderful drive. In the meantime it probably won't have any maintenance and the holes caused by the endless heavy trucks will only get worse.
We have been to the fortress at Belogradchik this afternoon and we thought it well worth the slight detour. (Slow connection so photo tomorrow).


Wife counted the steps up 200 - said it takes the pain away thinking of something else.
These rock formations are of geologicaly similar consistency as those at Meteora in Greece but are more eroded and there are hundreds dotted around.
Stayed in a P4N spot 3k just down the hill. Nice almost level picnic site. No services but for free who cares.

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Moving on moving on. Did the last few k to the Romanian border then on to drobeta-ternu severin for a stop over.
Thank goodness we were in a small vehicle the queues of trucks was 4 or 5 k long each side waiting to cross. Ok north bound as it's dual carriageway and we sailed by once over we were being forced right over to the right by cars forcing their way past the queueing trucks on a 2 way road. The road so far has been good- better than their Bulgarian neighbours.
Did not bother to get any local currency because everywhere we have been so far accept a card.
Except the local bar we chose!
Luckily I asked just before they flipped the caps and one of their locals very kindly steped up and paid for our drinks. Could you ever hope to see that happen in the UK where a complete stranger would buy you a couple of beers?

Another town another castle. This one is right on the north bank of the Danube started life as a Roman garrison originally controlling the river traffic and the roads crossing to north and south.

The towns very ornate water tower.

One of the many churches.
Not sure if it's common in Roumania but this town has many parks and open spaces that are beautifully maintained.
Fuel today in Bulgaria was £1.04 lt. and in Roumania £1.13 lt
Tucked away for the night near a railway embankment down in the port area so popit SIM not working too well and picking up Serbia across the river. Must get a roof antenna sorted when we get home.
We decided not to stay down by the port because of the noise from the trains. Moved a few k down the main road and up a lane to a Monastery with an old wooden church. P4N comes up trumps again.

I slept through the stray dogs barking but better half did not so we had an early start for our journey today to Arad. First part of which was quite scenic but the remaining 2thirds was boringly flat and uninteresting but benefited from being an almost empty motorway. Our original P4N pick was down by the river where we parked to visit the town for coffee cake and a small beer. A few interesting buildings and a pleasant atmosphere but that's about all I could say for the place.

Oh and the teachers were on strike and marching through town hoping a demonstration would get them better pay. Same mindset as UK f*** the kids give me the money.
Decided to move to a quiet carpark at (yes!) another monastery on the outskirts of town (P4N) and excitingly taking us past a Lidl for another shopping experience.

Obviously not short of a few bob building this and the old church and grounds next-door are meticulously kept. There seems to be a moat surrounding the monastery and we are right next to it so mozie nets are up and we may be having roast duck tomorrow if they wake the Mrs. quacking all night.
Well they were quacking but she couldn't catch the bu§§ers so not only did we get an early start but had to buy our dinner.
Boring drive through almost flat terrain for today's journey to Oradea. Stopped off for some LPG at £0.50ltr. but only got 7 ltr in. Guy thought I was mad especially since they asked if it was for the engine. Must get the tank sorted when we are back. £3.50 compared to £30 for a calor refill. If it were cold we could afford to have the heating on.
Decided we would try a Roumanian breakfast out for a change but the only things we could decipher on the menu was eggs sausage and bacon so other than being a touch spicier much the same as home.
The weather has been much kinder to us over the past couple of days with plenty of sunshine and only the odd heavy shower. Now that's probably put the mockers on it.
Just as well we have had a couple of free nights as the campsite here is €30 which includes hookup. Just to dry her ladyship's hair but to be fair I think it was the same price with or without power. Clean well kept little place with good facilities but not sure I would want to try getting anything bigger than a pvc up and around the steep access road.
Very impressive buildings in the town centre built from a time when some people in Roumania had loads of money and long before the communists got their hands on it.
Getting a bit blasé about the architecture, wide boulevards, parks and general cleanliness of the city centres we have visited so the only photo I took was of a bit of artwork on a park building.

Another day another border. Crossed into Hungary this morning after filling up with the last cheap fuel of the trip £1.13lt.
Traversed the great Hungarian plain - miles and miles of boring nothingness. You can see for miles in every direction and not even a farmhouse and what is'nt cultivated is swamp. Fortunately a lot of the distance travelled was on exceptionally good motorway with hardly any traffic.
Stopped for lunch in Hortobagy which has a national wetland park named after it but it's real claim to fame is it famous 9 arch bridge (no I'd not heard of it either). If you are a twitcher you can spend days here. Supposed to be spectacular when the cranes are migrating.

Lunch for me was rooster stew complete with the cocks comb but I think I was cheated because it was only 3 peaks. I guess if you got a full comb and they had a run on the stew they couldn't breed them fast enough.

We have seen more storks in Hungary than elsewhere on our travels and this is the closest I have managed to get.
Ended today's journey at Eger in the 'valley of beautiful women' which has 30 or so wine caves. Think it's a case of wine 'goggles' if you have a swift one at each outlet.

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Stayed at tulip camping for £20. The suggested car parks were rammed when we arrived it being unbeknown to us whit Sunday. The campsite has all the facilities you need for the van and plenty of hot water in the showers. Good enough for a night or two for what we paid.
Walked into Eger this morning and suprise suprise everything but cafes and restaurants were closed for bank holiday. Bit like the UK used to be 30 years ago.
Very nice town square overlooked by the castle.

And then 'free' entry to the castle that was having a reenactment day because we is old.

What we saved paid for breakfast in the square watching the world go by for a bit.
Set off after lunch to Aggtelek up near the Slovak border that has a massive cave system that we will visit shortly. What a pleasant journey through rolling country side and forests except for a couple of badly maintained road surfaces and a torrential thunderstorm that lasted 15 mins.
Hungary in 2 days must be a record - so much more to see but our time is running out literally. Time and tunnel bookings wait for no man.
Whilst our 1 hour cave experience was relatively cheap it was nothing like as good as the one we went down in Italy.

After we paid for our tour we found out that if you go into the same cave system on the Slovak side of the border you get an underground boat trip thrown in. (Sincerely hope not but you know what I mean).
Peaceful night all by ourselves in the parking for the cave. Crossed the border into Solvakia on a quite country road with the only thing marking it as the border - a small sign saying Solvakia.
Travelled up on some minor roads into some low mountains through beech and pine forests - very nice drive but I think we must have crossed a provincial border at the top because the roads on the way down were awful. One stretch was being rebuilt and we got stopped at a red roadworks light for what felt like half an hour.
Spisska Nova Ves was the first town we got to and for the first time P4N let us down with a parking location for residents in blocks of flats. We did eventually find a spot but the air was getting a bit blue before we did.

Noticed one or two interesting buildings as we had a wander.

Theatre or opera house or maybe both.
Drove out a few k to a national park for what was recommended would be a traditional meal but unfortunately it was nothing to write home about (so why am I !).
Final stop for today is Levoca - parked up right under the city wall.

Directly behind this which has to be 20 or 30ft high. It's been there for donkeys years so hopefully it will survive another night.

Most of the centre is dominated by church buildings.
Travelled to Zakopane this morning through some wonderful scenery
these are the Tatry mountains which we went around to Zakopane more or less on the other side. I was disappointed with the place and happy to leave having been relieved of £8 to park for a couple of hours. If Poland had kiss me quick hats this would be the place to get one. Did have a rather nice cake and coffee but that was the highlight.
Moved on to Odwiecim for a visit to Auschwitz.You seem to have to book a guided tour although in theory it's free entry. Catch 22 almost - you can't get in without booking and you can't book unless it's for a guided tour. oh and the tours in English have long ago sold out so we are on the French one. Let's hope my french is better than I think it is. (Almost non existent).
We got here by a cross country route rather than sticking to the main roads. Interesting log cabin villages and some very smart houses. But I did not expect a village or town every couple of miles with 50klm speed limits and other speed restrictions seemingly at 100m intervals. Not seen as much traffic since we left Italy northern - maybe evening rush hour at 3 in the afternoon.
Don't know if this is normal for Poland never been here before.
Forgot to say diesel is £1.25 and LPG about £0.50.
Popit SIM still doing the business even if they are not paying Jim.

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