One of my last postings..... (3 Viewers)

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Dec 6, 2011
South Wales
Funster No
Coach built Adria
Since 2007
a glimmer of positive progress for Judy Mo, and I have no doubt that helps relieve a little of your concerns.
I may be in a minority but I believe that the best thing for you all, you Judy and Daisey is together.
I can’t imagine how hard it is for you, but your determination is amazing Mo.

I continue to wish you all the very best.


Aug 14, 2011
Derbyshire Dales
Funster No
Auto Sleepers Warwick Duo
Full Time 2011-2013, now part timers!
I’m glad you are all together, even though it’s difficult! You do need sleep, so I think a sit in nurse would really help, even though it’s expensive. As I’ve said before - now is your rainy day, so cost should not matter if you have the money. If you haven’t let us know & we will help! Sending a big hug to all three of you!


Apr 15, 2013
Funster No
Hymer A class
Since 2013
Good Morning and thankyou for all your suggestions...

What a difference a day makes..... Judy was up all bright and bushy tailed, she schuffled with her zimmer frame into the lounge and ate half a weetabix...

Then the nurse came and did her ablushions..... (He is black as all get out with an afro haircut, but hell of a nice lad.)...

Then went back to bed and zonked out...... Which gives me time to sort the cloths washing out, dog walker due at 10-30...

I have chased up the various people about getting help and most have said they will get back to me...
My paliative care nurse from the hospice suggested getting some sort of sit in nurse so I could get some sleep and rest... But she said it will cost me... and they don`t come cheap..
She does not want to get involved with Judy`s problems as she said it is me they would like in the hospice, and I am there number one concern... as they deal with mainly end of life cancer patients...

So we will plod on... Will keep you updated.... BUT..
Please say if it is getting boring for you and I can stop..

Not boring at all Mo!

My brother is at end of life, but still leading Marg his wife a dog’s life. Hospice at Home have organised sit in staff through the night so she can get some rest, and also through the day. She hasn’t taken any of it up 🤷‍♀️, but my point is, it’s there and for them it’s free.

You should contact the people looking after Judy’s care to ask for help. It’s obvious you need it, and it should be there.

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Feb 26, 2013
Funster No
Autocruise stargazer
since 2013
That is excellent news about Judy. I agree with all the above who think you need the care and as long as you can afford it, please go for it. And never think you are being boring. We no longer have our motorhome but I log on every day to see how you are and I know I am not alone. X
Feb 24, 2013
Bolsover, Derbyshire
Funster No
Hymer S800
not long enough
These kind of threads have many benefits, having done similar when coping with my mother I found that writing things down and sharing them helped me no end

The support and good wishes offered made me feel so much less isolated, which was definitely a big issue for me, feeling like I was the first person dealing with this type of situation but eventually realising the ‘system’ has to do it day in day out but they seem keen to withhold all their knowledge that you do need right then 🙁

But I also found people who had been where I found myself and could point me towards the support they had also had to find for themselves

Much as you might be feeling so alone right now Mo you are not , the forum support is huge, take all the advice use the bits that make most sense to your situation

The answers are out there but sadly you have got to find the right door to knock down or phone to ring till it answers

The system knows you need help, go get it Mo, they may not offer till you scream, do it if needed

Oct 20, 2016
Funster No
Autotrail Imala 625
Since 2016 and caravanning before that
Good Morning and thankyou for all your suggestions...

What a difference a day makes..... Judy was up all bright and bushy tailed, she schuffled with her zimmer frame into the lounge and ate half a weetabix...

Then the nurse came and did her ablushions..... (He is black as all get out with an afro haircut, but hell of a nice lad.)...

Then went back to bed and zonked out...... Which gives me time to sort the cloths washing out, dog walker due at 10-30...

I have chased up the various people about getting help and most have said they will get back to me...
My paliative care nurse from the hospice suggested getting some sort of sit in nurse so I could get some sleep and rest... But she said it will cost me... and they don`t come cheap..
She does not want to get involved with Judy`s problems as she said it is me they would like in the hospice, and I am there number one concern... as they deal with mainly end of life cancer patients...

So we will plod on... Will keep you updated.... BUT..
Please say if it is getting boring for you and I can stop..

It's not boring old-mo , enlightening I think. Don't anyone crucify me for saying this but the whole saga sums up what a lot of people think about the state of the NHS. Brilliant on the front line but absolute pants when it comes to care plans etc. In short things under the control of pen pushers and bean counters.

Anyway, some positive news about Judy which is fantastic and the fact that being busy is keeping you away from your joke books is even better 😂

Love and virtual hugs to you all and sorry about the rant. Been there ourselves

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May 28, 2008
Funster No
Gone Kaput
since 2007
Mo your never boring , pleased to hear Judy is home . There is nothing I can add that's not been said already . I hope you get the help you need.

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