I don't think this is very good for DC work, either amps or volts. It calls itself an AC DC tester, but will not measure DC amps at all. (the 'ripple' symbol next to the 200A and 20A range means AC). Many meters used by electricians who work just on AC mains 240/400 volts are like this. The double line symbol, upper one full, lower one dotted, means DC - as seen next to the 600V range312358305432 found this on eBay will it do the job?.
The one I use is this one.

UNI-T UT210E Handheld RMS AC/DC Mini Digital Clamp Meter Resistance Capacitance | eBay
Model:UT210E. Capacitance (F):2nF/20nF/200nF/2μF/20μF/200μF/2mF/20mF ±(4%+5). Jaw Capacity: 17mm. Input Impedance for DCV: ≥10MΩ. Zero Mode: √. Resistance (Ω):200Ω/2KΩ/20KΩ/200KΩ/2MΩ/20MΩ ±(1.0%+2). DC Current (A):2A/20A/100A ±(2%+3). ).
It's a Uni-T UT210E. It can measure 100 amps, AC or DC, but more importantly it has a 2 amp range for measuring small currents, useful when tracing what's draining the battery.
It comes with red and black leads for measuring voltage and resistance. Resistance test is good for testing fuses, finding breaks in wires, and bad contacts. One slight downside of this meter is, it is in AC mode when it it switched on. You have to remember to press the blue button to switch it to DC mode (if you measure in the wrong mode you can get bizarre readings, but won't damage the meter).
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