Thought would say hello as just joined to fin lots of info etc......hubby is due to retire in 15/18 months and a MH beckons. We are taking our time and looking at everything....we know that we would like a rear lounge as hubby is 6'2"...we very quickly found this out when he laid down on different bed layouts
.......head to foot tight sqeeuze. We know we want to buy new and will have about £30/£35,000 to spend.....thus far we lurve:smalllove: the Swift Sundance just feels roomy to us....and the Eldiss autoquest 140......have looked at some others but we have I assume what one calls entry level money
...I personally don't call it that but hey I assume thats motorhomes for you. Even after reading lots and lots of articles about the pros and cons..and some of the negatives are enough to put anyone off...but we are still very very keen. Mind you we went to see some friends who were in their MH at the weekend, honestly what with tents and all it looked like a festival, everyone was tripping up over each other. But there again with hubby retiring the world (well U.k mostly) will be there for us out of bank holidays
thank heavens. Anyway nice to say hello and if anybody has any other MH to advise us to look at...that would be lovely. ttfn....