No More Motorhome Trips For Us This Year. (3 Viewers)

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Aug 24, 2023
Brixham, UK
Funster No
Laika Kreos 3007
September 2023 :)
Sue, so sorry to hear this but so pleased that they found it sooner than later. 👍
I was diagnosed with lung cancer in November 2019, operated on February 2020, and out of hospital a week before the first covid lockdown.
Been in for scans every year and given the all clear each time, last yearly scan next July then every two years.
You keep that chin up girl, 'cos the 'ol man's gonna be okay! Take my word!
NHS are amaising.
We got our first motorhome last year and we have never looked back.
Moral of this story is: Never give up, do everything that you have always wanted to do together, live life like there's no tomorrow, and don't take any shit!:roflmto:
Boy, I feel so much better for getting that off my chest! :giggle:
And that goes to all my beautiful funsters out there.........:h:
Keep 'em rolling boys and girls.........keeping 'em rolling!
Oct 26, 2021
Funster No
Haven’t found it yet
Thank you and others on this amazing site for your heartening accounts of how to stay positive in the face of life changing moments. I had a straightforward pacemaker implant this summer following a routine ecg and tests diagnosed heart rhythm problems, nothing compared with yours and others accounts here. We're off on a trip later this week and planning our 2025 trips which is so exciting so I can appreciate how you are feeling about next year. Wishing you both and all those in similar situations the very best of everything and a speedy return to normal motorhome life.
Mar 23, 2012
Funster No
c class
We've had a similar summer it being upset by a sailing accident with Liz ending up with 3 fractures in her hand and unable to do most of our hobbies including being unable to play her sax or flute and only Rh keys. It does make you realise how little we all appreciate being able to do things we want to and assume we will be able to forever. Hope the recovery goes well.
Aug 4, 2013
Oop North
Funster No
None now 😢
Sue, hope your husband’s treatment and recovery goes as well as it possibly can do and this is just a blip with many more good years together ahead.

It is really heartening to read that so many have won such serious battles.

Very best wishes for all our members who are struggling at this time.
Feb 21, 2024
Funster No
Sorry to hear about this. My personal view is also to retire as early as you can & maybe forgo the lavish lifestyle a few more years at work may bring :devil: As you never know what might happen in the future!

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Mar 23, 2012
Funster No
c class
Sorry to hear about this. My personal view is also to retire as early as you can & maybe forgo the lavish lifestyle a few more years at work may bring :devil: As you never know what might happen in the future!
You can have more money and less time or less money and more time! If you start to run out of money you can cut back but if you run out of life you can't go back and retire earlier so yes totally agree
Jan 17, 2014
Wellington, Telford, Shropshire
Funster No
Van Conversion
Since 1977
SueMS so sad to hear you and your husband's plight but pleased to hear that the cancer has been caught early.

We ended up in a similar position last year when I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I had no symptoms as is often the case with PC, I just demanded a PSA test at my GPs practice because I had a number of friends that had been treated for it.
Four weeks ago I completed twenty radiotherapy sessions and await the results of a PSA test and a meeting with my consultant. Fingers crossed.

My message to all males is if you don't already have regular PSA tests DO IT NOW!
Aug 18, 2011
Funster No
since 2007.Tugger before since 1970
As it's September we would normally be about to go away in our motorhome. I was a teacher for nearly 40 years and had to go away during school hols, so these days we go away mid-July, nothing in the school hols and away again in September.
This year we had planned our July trip to the New Forest, when husband noticed blood in his urine, UTI diagnosed, antibiotics didn't work so he was referred for tests. We had a lovely trip and a few days after getting back he had tests and Bladder cancer was diagnosed. Treatment took place within a couple of weeks & we really thought we would get away in Sept. We went for the biopsy results on 22nd Aug (our wedding anniversary!) to be told the bladder cancer op had been successful, only check-ups required, but CT scans indicated a similar small cancer on his right kidney. Treatment is removal of the kidney, such a shock, but the surgeon is talking in terms of a cure. He said that the op would probably done by the end of Sept and the pre-op appointment is for this Thursday. Apparently it will be keyhole surgery and he will be out the next day, but recovery is about 8 weeks, I think this may be optimistic and am thinking in term of full recovery by the New Year and away as soon as possible after that.
While we were away in the van his symptoms disappeared and he very nearly didn't go for the tests, thank goodness I nagged him so much he agreed to go. The surgeon said we were lucky to catch the cancer at a very early stage.
It is amazing how much your life can be turned upside down in the space of a few weeks.
We are lucky that both cancers were picked up at an early stage, lucky that the NHS have been incredible.
Moral of this story: get away in your van when you can, don't ignore odd symptoms and men listen to your wives/partners.
I am so looking forward to getting away in 2025, but maybe we can manage a few local day trips before the end of the year.
Friend of mine had kidney removed by keyhole back in 2006..She recovered quickly and is a healthy 83 year old now..BUSBY..
Jul 7, 2021
Funster No
dont own one yet.
SueMS so sad to hear you and your husband's plight but pleased to hear that the cancer has been caught early.

We ended up in a similar position last year when I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I had no symptoms as is often the case with PC, I just demanded a PSA test at my GPs practice because I had a number of friends that had been treated for it.
Four weeks ago I completed twenty radiotherapy sessions and await the results of a PSA test and a meeting with my consultant. Fingers crossed.

My message to all males is if you don't already have regular PSA tests DO IT NOW!
Still waiting for my biopsy results😡, I think we should start a national action group to force government to implement a screening program for all males 45 plus

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Mar 23, 2012
Funster No
c class
Still waiting for my biopsy results😡, I think we should start a national action group to force government to implement a screening program for all males 45 plus
I think given the accuracy of predicting prostate cancer from a PSA test it's something nice ought to investigate especially in a health service already stretched
Jul 7, 2021
Funster No
dont own one yet.
I think given the accuracy of predicting prostate cancer from a PSA test it's something nice ought to investigate especially in a health service already stretched
By all means use PSA but the screening test should include a MRI without a shadow of a doubt, by not introducing a screening test urgently I think the government not only responsible for a lot of lot of unnecessary deaths but also loading the NHS with way more work caused by late diagnosis and treatment
Mar 23, 2012
Funster No
c class
By all means use PSA but the screening test should include a MRI without a shadow of a doubt, by not introducing a screening test urgently I think the government not only responsible for a lot of lot of unnecessary deaths but also loading the NHS with way more work caused by late diagnosis and treatment
Exactly why it needs nice to look at it rather than some sort of public campaigning. What for instance would be the cost of an MRI for every man over 45 compared to say spending the same on mental health treatment or stronger measures on smoking which has the greater benefit in quality years of life gained?
Jul 7, 2021
Funster No
dont own one yet.
Exactly why it needs nice to look at it rather than some sort of public campaigning. What for instance would be the cost of an MRI for every man over 45 compared to say spending the same on mental health treatment or stronger measures on smoking which has the greater benefit in quality years of life gained?
Yep, measures on smoking is simple, stop milking money out of addiction , so stop taxing it to death, make selling any form of smoking gear including vaping illegal.
50 years ago we didn’t know the risk of smoking but in this day and age our grandchildren shouldn’t be able to take up smoking anymore🤷🏻‍♂️
Like usual it is greed that causes this still to happen in todays world.

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