No More Motorhome Trips For Us This Year. (1 Viewer)

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Aug 10, 2019
Funster No
A class
12 years
As it's September we would normally be about to go away in our motorhome. I was a teacher for nearly 40 years and had to go away during school hols, so these days we go away mid-July, nothing in the school hols and away again in September.
This year we had planned our July trip to the New Forest, when husband noticed blood in his urine, UTI diagnosed, antibiotics didn't work so he was referred for tests. We had a lovely trip and a few days after getting back he had tests and Bladder cancer was diagnosed. Treatment took place within a couple of weeks & we really thought we would get away in Sept. We went for the biopsy results on 22nd Aug (our wedding anniversary!) to be told the bladder cancer op had been successful, only check-ups required, but CT scans indicated a similar small cancer on his right kidney. Treatment is removal of the kidney, such a shock, but the surgeon is talking in terms of a cure. He said that the op would probably done by the end of Sept and the pre-op appointment is for this Thursday. Apparently it will be keyhole surgery and he will be out the next day, but recovery is about 8 weeks, I think this may be optimistic and am thinking in term of full recovery by the New Year and away as soon as possible after that.
While we were away in the van his symptoms disappeared and he very nearly didn't go for the tests, thank goodness I nagged him so much he agreed to go. The surgeon said we were lucky to catch the cancer at a very early stage.
It is amazing how much your life can be turned upside down in the space of a few weeks.
We are lucky that both cancers were picked up at an early stage, lucky that the NHS have been incredible.
Moral of this story: get away in your van when you can, don't ignore odd symptoms and men listen to your wives/partners.
I am so looking forward to getting away in 2025, but maybe we can manage a few local day trips before the end of the year.
May 2, 2023
Kent, UK
Funster No
Auto-Trail Frontier
I'm a newbie
As been seen many times for others, you will get as much support and friendship as you need here, keep us updated on progress and best wishes to your hubby for a speedy recovery. Look forward to your travels to come and look after yourself too x
Apr 6, 2019
Eye, Peterborough, UK
Funster No
FourWinds Windsport 6.8L V10
I am in a similar boat as of April this year. Can't plan ahead but some lovely Funsters (the Drax clan especially) were very understanding and accommodated our last minute planning of attendance at events.
All looking good for a 'removal' op before Xmas and looking forward to next year.
We also had the lovely option to camp at our storage site a few times so no driving beyond 200 metres from store to Rallye field 😁

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Feb 14, 2021
Milton Keynes, UK
Funster No
Burstner Lyseo 727G
3 years 30,000 miles UK and Europe.. Campsites and off Grid.
As it's September we would normally be about to go away in our motorhome. I was a teacher for nearly 40 years and had to go away during school hols, so these days we go away mid-July, nothing in the school hols and away again in September.
This year we had planned our July trip to the New Forest, when husband noticed blood in his urine, UTI diagnosed, antibiotics didn't work so he was referred for tests. We had a lovely trip and a few days after getting back he had tests and Bladder cancer was diagnosed. Treatment took place within a couple of weeks & we really thought we would get away in Sept. We went for the biopsy results on 22nd Aug (our wedding anniversary!) to be told the bladder cancer op had been successful, only check-ups required, but CT scans indicated a similar small cancer on his right kidney. Treatment is removal of the kidney, such a shock, but the surgeon is talking in terms of a cure. He said that the op would probably done by the end of Sept and the pre-op appointment is for this Thursday. Apparently it will be keyhole surgery and he will be out the next day, but recovery is about 8 weeks, I think this may be optimistic and am thinking in term of full recovery by the New Year and away as soon as possible after that.
While we were away in the van his symptoms disappeared and he very nearly didn't go for the tests, thank goodness I nagged him so much he agreed to go. The surgeon said we were lucky to catch the cancer at a very early stage.
It is amazing how much your life can be turned upside down in the space of a few weeks.
We are lucky that both cancers were picked up at an early stage, lucky that the NHS have been incredible.
Moral of this story: get away in your van when you can, don't ignore odd symptom and men listen to your wives/partners.
I am so looking forward to getting away in 2025, but maybe we can manage a few local day trips before the end of the year.

I feel for you and understand your disappointment. I'm also a recently retired teacher and had a similar sudden halt to all our plans for the Summer and Autumn. (my post at the time linked below)

Wishing your husband all the best for a full and quick recovery.

May 7, 2011
Cornwall Gorran Haven
Funster No
No longer own one
motorhoming 1979 ---- 2024
So sorry to hear your news of husband glad it's caught early on this occasion , hopefully all goes well and good outcome , cancer is horrid , comes up when you least expect it , I know from experience with my wife earlier this year , I will keep fingers crossed for better news in coming months for your hubby.
Nov 28, 2007
Funster No
Glad you have found it early I know how you feel. I had my left kidney removed with cancer back 41 years ago but unlike you it wasn't found early. The first symptoms were 10 years previous to the diagnosis and finally diagnosed when it had grown to the size of a football. Luckily the kidney is pretty tough and everything was contained within.
I have had 41 years of absolutely marvellous life and still looking forward to many more years despite being 80.
Mine wasn't keyhole as that was still in the future then so your recovery time will be much quicker than mine, I was back in work after 3 months. Best of luck
Aug 27, 2018
Funster No
Niesmann and B Smove
Since 2018
As it's September we would normally be about to go away in our motorhome. I was a teacher for nearly 40 years and had to go away during school hols, so these days we go away mid-July, nothing in the school hols and away again in September.
This year we had planned our July trip to the New Forest, when husband noticed blood in his urine, UTI diagnosed, antibiotics didn't work so he was referred for tests. We had a lovely trip and a few days after getting back he had tests and Bladder cancer was diagnosed. Treatment took place within a couple of weeks & we really thought we would get away in Sept. We went for the biopsy results on 22nd Aug (our wedding anniversary!) to be told the bladder cancer op had been successful, only check-ups required, but CT scans indicated a similar small cancer on his right kidney. Treatment is removal of the kidney, such a shock, but the surgeon is talking in terms of a cure. He said that the op would probably done by the end of Sept and the pre-op appointment is for this Thursday. Apparently it will be keyhole surgery and he will be out the next day, but recovery is about 8 weeks, I think this may be optimistic and am thinking in term of full recovery by the New Year and away as soon as possible after that.
While we were away in the van his symptoms disappeared and he very nearly didn't go for the tests, thank goodness I nagged him so much he agreed to go. The surgeon said we were lucky to catch the cancer at a very early stage.
It is amazing how much your life can be turned upside down in the space of a few weeks.
We are lucky that both cancers were picked up at an early stage, lucky that the NHS have been incredible.
Moral of this story: get away in your van when you can, don't ignore odd symptoms and men listen to your wives/partners.
I am so looking forward to getting away in 2025, but maybe we can manage a few local day trips before the end of the year.
That’s brilliant advice on all accounts !
Wishing your husband a speedy recovery x
Aug 10, 2019
Funster No
A class
12 years
I'm in a similar situation at the moment so can sympathise. We have cancelled a trip to France that was for a month, not sure when we'll be out again.

Best wishes for hubby's op and recovery.
Sorry to hear this, it's rubbish isn't it? Hate not being able to plan and hate not being in control. Sending you very best wishes and hope that you will soon be out and about again.

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Aug 10, 2019
Funster No
A class
12 years
I am in a similar boat as of April this year. Can't plan ahead but some lovely Funsters (the Drax clan especially) were very understanding and accommodated our last minute planning of attendance at events.
All looking good for a 'removal' op before Xmas and looking forward to next year.
We also had the lovely option to camp at our storage site a few times so no driving beyond 200 metres from store to Rallye field 😁
Sending you very best wishes for a speedy recovery. Hope 2025 is a better year for you.
Aug 10, 2019
Funster No
A class
12 years
I feel for you and understand your disappointment. I'm also a recently retired teacher and had a similar sudden halt to all our plans for the Summer and Autumn. (my post at the time linked below)

Wishing your husband all the best for a full and quick recovery.

I read your original post, what a dreadful accident. I hope that you are recovering well. So disappointing to miss all of these trips and events. Hope you are able to get back on the road again soon.
Aug 10, 2019
Funster No
A class
12 years
Glad you have found it early I know how you feel. I had my left kidney removed with cancer back 41 years ago but unlike you it wasn't found early. The first symptoms were 10 years previous to the diagnosis and finally diagnosed when it had grown to the size of a football. Luckily the kidney is pretty tough and everything was contained within.
I have had 41 years of absolutely marvellous life and still looking forward to many more years despite being 80.
Mine wasn't keyhole as that was still in the future then so your recovery time will be much quicker than mine, I was back in work after 3 months. Best of luck
Thank you so much for your detailled reply. This is so encouraging. Wishing you very many more healthy and happy years.
Jun 20, 2023
Funster No
Citroen Relay
As it's September we would normally be about to go away in our motorhome. I was a teacher for nearly 40 years and had to go away during school hols, so these days we go away mid-July, nothing in the school hols and away again in September.
This year we had planned our July trip to the New Forest, when husband noticed blood in his urine, UTI diagnosed, antibiotics didn't work so he was referred for tests. We had a lovely trip and a few days after getting back he had tests and Bladder cancer was diagnosed. Treatment took place within a couple of weeks & we really thought we would get away in Sept. We went for the biopsy results on 22nd Aug (our wedding anniversary!) to be told the bladder cancer op had been successful, only check-ups required, but CT scans indicated a similar small cancer on his right kidney. Treatment is removal of the kidney, such a shock, but the surgeon is talking in terms of a cure. He said that the op would probably done by the end of Sept and the pre-op appointment is for this Thursday. Apparently it will be keyhole surgery and he will be out the next day, but recovery is about 8 weeks, I think this may be optimistic and am thinking in term of full recovery by the New Year and away as soon as possible after that.
While we were away in the van his symptoms disappeared and he very nearly didn't go for the tests, thank goodness I nagged him so much he agreed to go. The surgeon said we were lucky to catch the cancer at a very early stage.
It is amazing how much your life can be turned upside down in the space of a few weeks.
We are lucky that both cancers were picked up at an early stage, lucky that the NHS have been incredible.
Moral of this story: get away in your van when you can, don't ignore odd symptoms and men listen to your wives/partners.
I am so looking forward to getting away in 2025, but maybe we can manage a few local day trips before the end of the year.
Mar 21, 2021
Funster No
Niesmann Bischoff
None of us know if tomorrow will even come let alone what it will bring. It’s been just over two years ago we had our new Niesmann and went away for a couple of nights shortly after that, bang I had a heart attack and ended up in intensive care followed by an emergency quadruple heart bypass then a second heart attack two weeks later, with no real lead up to any of it. It was a massive shock I was only 54 don’t smoke or drink, very good diet and super fit. We couldn’t go away for the whole year, but everyone said It was a miracle I was alive. So sit back and just relax and think plan next year.

We are all so fragile life can change in a click of your fingers when these things happen in some ways it’s good you re-evaluate our lives for the better. For me I used to go to work to live but now I just want to live and enjoy it. I retired and ok we can’t have what we used to but do we need it anyway? I’m made it and I shouldn’t have done so I’m going to make the most of it and I urge everyone else to do the same. So get well soon and live life to the full.


Jul 2, 2022
Wiltshire, UK
Funster No
Since 2009
As it's September we would normally be about to go away in our motorhome. I was a teacher for nearly 40 years and had to go away during school hols, so these days we go away mid-July, nothing in the school hols and away again in September.
This year we had planned our July trip to the New Forest, when husband noticed blood in his urine, UTI diagnosed, antibiotics didn't work so he was referred for tests. We had a lovely trip and a few days after getting back he had tests and Bladder cancer was diagnosed. Treatment took place within a couple of weeks & we really thought we would get away in Sept. We went for the biopsy results on 22nd Aug (our wedding anniversary!) to be told the bladder cancer op had been successful, only check-ups required, but CT scans indicated a similar small cancer on his right kidney. Treatment is removal of the kidney, such a shock, but the surgeon is talking in terms of a cure. He said that the op would probably done by the end of Sept and the pre-op appointment is for this Thursday. Apparently it will be keyhole surgery and he will be out the next day, but recovery is about 8 weeks, I think this may be optimistic and am thinking in term of full recovery by the New Year and away as soon as possible after that.
While we were away in the van his symptoms disappeared and he very nearly didn't go for the tests, thank goodness I nagged him so much he agreed to go. The surgeon said we were lucky to catch the cancer at a very early stage.
It is amazing how much your life can be turned upside down in the space of a few weeks.
We are lucky that both cancers were picked up at an early stage, lucky that the NHS have been incredible.
Moral of this story: get away in your van when you can, don't ignore odd symptoms and men listen to your wives/partners.
I am so looking forward to getting away in 2025, but maybe we can manage a few local day trips before the end of the year.
Good to post that and a good moral tale - easy to think we’re invincible when we’re out on the road. We have had the whole year out so far with husband’s cancer diagnosis and treatment. It’s been hard to see the summer go by but we’re looking forward to freedom again soon whatever the weather.


Jul 2, 2022
Wiltshire, UK
Funster No
Since 2009
None of us know if tomorrow will even come let alone what it will bring. It’s been just over two years ago we had our new Niesmann and went away for a couple of nights shortly after that, bang I had a heart attack and ended up in intensive care followed by an emergency quadruple heart bypass then a second heart attack two weeks later, with no real lead up to any of it. It was a massive shock I was only 54 don’t smoke or drink, very good diet and super fit. We couldn’t go away for the whole year, but everyone said It was a miracle I was alive. So sit back and just relax and think plan next year.

We are all so fragile life can change in a click of your fingers when these things happen in some ways it’s good you re-evaluate our lives for the better. For me I used to go to work to live but now I just want to live and enjoy it. I retired and ok we can’t have what we used to but do we need it anyway? I’m made it and I shouldn’t have done so I’m going to make the most of it and I urge everyone else to do the same. So get well soon and live life to the full.
Thank you. Xx


May 15, 2023
Guildford, UK
Funster No
Swift Kontiki 679
My partner & I are newbies and have a fully adapted motorhome for myself with my electric wheelchair
As it's September we would normally be about to go away in our motorhome. I was a teacher for nearly 40 years and had to go away during school hols, so these days we go away mid-July, nothing in the school hols and away again in September.
This year we had planned our July trip to the New Forest, when husband noticed blood in his urine, UTI diagnosed, antibiotics didn't work so he was referred for tests. We had a lovely trip and a few days after getting back he had tests and Bladder cancer was diagnosed. Treatment took place within a couple of weeks & we really thought we would get away in Sept. We went for the biopsy results on 22nd Aug (our wedding anniversary!) to be told the bladder cancer op had been successful, only check-ups required, but CT scans indicated a similar small cancer on his right kidney. Treatment is removal of the kidney, such a shock, but the surgeon is talking in terms of a cure. He said that the op would probably done by the end of Sept and the pre-op appointment is for this Thursday. Apparently it will be keyhole surgery and he will be out the next day, but recovery is about 8 weeks, I think this may be optimistic and am thinking in term of full recovery by the New Year and away as soon as possible after that.
While we were away in the van his symptoms disappeared and he very nearly didn't go for the tests, thank goodness I nagged him so much he agreed to go. The surgeon said we were lucky to catch the cancer at a very early stage.
It is amazing how much your life can be turned upside down in the space of a few weeks.
We are lucky that both cancers were picked up at an early stage, lucky that the NHS have been incredible.
Moral of this story: get away in your van when you can, don't ignore odd symptoms and men listen to your wives/partners.
I am so looking forward to getting away in 2025, but maybe we can manage a few local day trips before the end of the year.
Sorry to hear all this - testing times for you both as well as scary & tiring however make plans for next year as it will take your mind on what’s happening now and give you both something to strive for - big hugs to you both .

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