In my opinion which no one takes any notice of anyway, all these new website things are just in it for the quick buck, and as soon as things get back to normal and everyone is back in France you won't see them for dust.If facts get up people's noses then tough because people need to know the facts whether they like them or not.
I'm sure I get up people's noses when I criticise littering and fly tipping (one of my pet hates) as well, because they don't like being caught out.
One of the problems with this country is that too many people simply assume they can do what they like, when and where they like, despite legal restrictions and with no regard to the effect on others.
Quoteing some obscure 1960s legislation at them won't bother them in the slightest because they will be gone before anything is done.
No, what I see is they are doing damage to any chance of getting parking on car parks and similar places, councils will see these places and say you have enough.
This includes campra as well , they are all out of it for the money, not to get genuine Aires and soon it will be up to £20 a night for nothing.
Might just as well stick to campsites.
I am not saying this for myself as I will be out of it in a couple of years but just the future for younger people.